Pranayama Flashcards
The pranamaya kosha, the vital energy body is made up of ___ major pranas.
Prana which covers head and limbs is
Prana which covers from throat to top of diaphragm is
Prana which covers the area from heart to naval is
Prana which covers below the naval, anus, genitals etc is
Prana which runs through the whole body regulating and controlling all other pranas is
Nadi shodhana benefits?
Balance left (logical) and right (creative) brain.
Corrects negative breathing habits
overall well-being
Shining skull pranayama?
Benefits of shiningskull pranayama?
Cleaning the entire system
Face shines with good health and radiance
What are the four aspects of pranayama?
Pooraka or inhalation
Rechaka or exhalation
Antar kunbhaka or internal retention
Bahir kumbhaka or external retention
What is the difference between animals like a tortoise and dogs or rabbits?
The importance of slow breathing on lifespan because it influences the heart
Why focus on our natural breathing?
It is sufficient to slow down the respiratory rate and establish a more relaxed rhythm
Abdominal breathing is the most efficient because?
It reaches the deepest part of our system and allows Prana to the internal organs.
Why is thoracic breathing incomplete and when is it commonly used?
It doesn’t reach the diaphragm and abdomen. It is used under extreme excretion and stress.
When is clavicular breathing used?
Extreme physical exertion and obstructed airways.
Why is yogic breathing used?
To gain control of breath
correct poor breathing habits
Increase oxygen intake
Helps calming nerves
Bhastrika benefits?
Increase gastric fire
Destroys phlegm
Humming breath is and it’s benefits?
Vocal cords and throat muscles are strengthened and memory improved
Hissing breath is? And benefits?
Quenches thirst and cools
Cooling breath is and benefits?
Quenches thirst and cools more effective than Sheetkari
Psychic gesture of knowledge?
Jnana mudra (Nyana)
Psychic gesture of consciousness ?
Chin mudra
Benefits of mudras?
Hands have lots of nerve root endings, producing a circuit redirects energy back into the body.
Fingers and knees
The mudra for Nadi Shodana is?
Vishnu mudra
What are the three Bandhas?
Moola Bandha
Uddiyana bandha
Jalandhara Bandha
Benefits of Jalandhara bandha?
Mental relaxation and meditative on-pointesness
Benefits of Moola bandha?
Effective for locating and awakening muladhara chakra
Benefits of uddiyana Bandha?
Remedy for abdomen, stimulates internal organs