practicing for fill in the blank questions Flashcards
Earth’s entire crust and upper mantle can be subdivided into ___
tectonic plates
what is the partially molten layer of Mantle
a long, narrow, raised part of the Earth’s surface (ex: long narrow mountain chains)
The sides of the ridge that slope away from the narrow top.
The sinking of one tectonic plate beneath another creates what?
subduction zone
name a stratovolcano
Mount Fuji
name on shield volcano
Mount Terror
Hot spot volanoes are fueled by mantle plumes, whose magma originates at the ___ boundary
chracterized by magma that is less sticky, volcanoes such as Kilauea in the Hawaiian islands are knows as ___ volcanoes
___ is a rock that consists of bits of lava that harden mid air after being ejected by a volacano
Pyroclastic or scoria
both are right
what is the order of the planets
mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune, plato
spreading out in the shape of a feather
magma beneath the surface causes volcanic eruption
hot spot
makes up the majority of ocean floor
basaltic rock
may form when
surrounding stone collapses into hole/space that once contained
molten stone released as lava during an eruption
bits of lava that harden in midair after being ejected by a volcano’s gases
Igneous or sedimentary rocks that have been transformed by high pressure, high heat, and/or contact with hot magma
metamorphic rocks
a crack in the rock
Solids whose atoms/molecules/ions are arranged in a “highly ordered” repeating pattern. They have a highly ordered MICROSCOPIC arrangement of atoms
Process by which crystals form and grow
combination of silicon and oxygen
pyrit (fools gold)
crystallized pack rat urine
hollow rock formations with minerals that have developed inside
geological process in which materials are worn away and (potentially) transported naturally by wind or water
_____ causes rocks to fracture
rocks composed of broken pieces of other rocks bonded together
clastic rocks
a fragment within clastic rocks
a clast
process by which water rich in molecules that make up minerals/rocks gradually evaporates, allowing molecules to deposit and form mineral crystal/rocks
a sedimentary rock made up of plant matter compressed over millions of years
A rare form of limestone
Composed of shell fragments of mollusks and other marine invertebrates
Fragments glued together by calcite (CaCO3) that originated in these same shells
(limestone) Distinct in that it contains abundant fossils such as shells, coral and other marine organisms
fossilferous limestone
____ is made primarily of calcite (CaCO3) like all limestone
IT is a soft, white limestone with many pores
It is formed under sea/ocean/water by compression of plankton
A hard chemical sedimentary rock consisting primarily of quartz coming from tiny organisms such as diatoms
An organism is considered ______ if it is carried by tides and/or water’s currents and not able to move against these forces on its own
Organisms that live inside rocks, minerals, coral, animal shells or in pores between mineral grains
name of ingredients that make up detrital sedimentary rocks
volcano that caused the year without summer
Mount Tambora (stratovolcano)
icicle-shaped formations/mineral deposits that hang from the ceiling of a cave
galena (its a sulfide)
__ is a potentially strong sedimentary rock made primarily of the mineral calcite (CaCO3)
___ rocks are rocks composed of fragments derived from preexisting rocks that are bound together
___ is a weak sedimentary rock made of very fine particles of clay, slit, or mud deposited in aquatic environments
the ancient roman god of fire is named ___
mount royal has __ peaks
a substance whose atoms are NOT arranged in a “highly ordered” fashion is referred to as ___
list criteria that must be met to be considered a mineral
- inorganic
- naturally occurring
- homogeneous solid
- definitive chemical composition
- crystalline atomic structure
the mineral pyrite is often referred to as “fools gold”. what is pyrits chemical formula
the eruption of ___ (HINT: a volcano) in 1815 is the largest observed eruption in recorded history
whereas _____ is an upward growing mound of mineral deposits, ____ is an icicle-shaped mineral deposit hanging from the ceiling of a cave
- stalagmite
- stalactite
what is the chemical formula for the sulfide mineral realgar
____ limestone is distinct in that it contains abundant fossils of marine organisms, whereas ____ is form of limestone composed of shell fragments that have been glued together
- fossiliferous
- coquina
an organism is considered ____ if it is carried away by tides and currents and is not able to move against these forces on its own
_____ is a type of chert used to make arrowheads, spearheads, and even to start fires
_____, unicellular algae with silica cell wall, produce 20 to 30% of the oxygen we breath
____ are minerals/rocks formed when mineral crystals emerge due to evaporation of water (ex. halite, gypsum)
the ____ is an extremely dry region between the Andes mountains and the pacific ocean
atakama desert
____ are organisms that live inside rocks, minerals, coral or the pores between mineral grains
the sedimentary rock shale can become the metamorphic rock ____
gneiss is a metamorphic rock whose parent rock may be ____
rhyolite or granite
limestone and dolostone can form the metamorphic rock ____
name two soluble minerals and/or rocks
- halite
- gypsum
what are the two processes of lithification (just give the name)
- compaction
- cementation
name 2 detrital sedimentary rocks
- conglomerate
- breccia
the formation of ___, a sedimentary materials largely consisting of partially decayed vegetation/organic material, is the first step in forming coal
the ocean crust is ____ but ____ than the continental crust
- thinner
- denser
whats the formula of density
mass / volume
quartzite is a metamorphic rock formed from ___
___ is substance that cannot be decomposed into simply subtances by chemical reactions
___ a substance made up on a single atom type
___ are building blocks for all materials that exist on earth
number of ___ determines identity of element
electrons orbit around __ and have a negative charge
___ and ___ are at the center of __ and form what is known as the ___
- protons
- neutrons
- atom
- nucleus
When atoms possess same number of protons (and therefore have same identity) but different numbers of neutrons, we say they are ___
reactions where two elements with lighter nuclei (less protons) combine to form a single heavier nucleus (with more protons)
nuclear fusion
what releases energy that powers the sun and other stars
nuclear fusion
which planet has the most moons (natural satellites)