Practice Questions Flashcards
What is the impact on society when citizens fail to perform their citizenship obligations
a) citizens are still able to maintain their protected right
b) most citizens benefit from not having to pay taxes or obey laws
c) gov. leaders seize control because of the lack of civic participation
d) gov. can no longer perform services, maintain order, or defend citizens
Laura was born in france and lived in france until she immigrated to the U.S. at age 21. At age 25 laura visited morocco on vacation
why did Laura use a U.S. passport to travel?
a) laura was a resident alien of the U.S.
b) Laura was a resident national of the U.S.
c) laura was a U.S. citizen by law of soil
d) laura was a U.S. citizen by the law of blood
Which statement identifies an important influence of ancient Greece on the founders of the American constitutional republic
a) the founders adopted democratic principles
b) the founders based their laws on ethical ideas of justice
c) the founders establishes a representative form of gov.
d) the founders created a gov. with separations of powers
The statement below was made in a speech by Pericles, the leader of Athen around 430 B.C.
How did the example mentioned in this speech influence the founders of the American constitutional republic, 2,500 years later
“Our government does not copy the laws of our neighbors. Instead, it serves as an example to them. We are called a democracy because our government is in the hands of the many and not the few.”
a) they designed a system of checks and balances
b) they gave political power to an all-powerful ruler
c) they created a government of elected representatives
d) they placed the final power of government in ordinary citizens
Which is an important difference between the democratic principles of ancient Greece and those of the United States today?
a) in the united states, citizens serve as jurors
b) in the united states, citizens participate in gov.
c) in the united states, citizens are guaranteed their individual rights
d) in the united states, gov. decisions are based on the rule of the majority
Which Enlightenment idea is represented by the headline
a) separations of powers
b) checks and balances
c) social contract
d) natural law
The statement below is an excerpt from the Magna Carta
“No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or outlawed or exiled or any way destroyed, nor will we go upon him no send upon him, except by the lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.”
Which principle is reflected in the excerpt from the Magna Carta
a) limited gov.
b) separations of powers
c) due process of law
d) consent of the governed
The conversation below concerns lawmaking. Which colonial principle is being discussed
Doug : I believe in making laws only when everyone can participate in decision making
Nicole : I disagree with you; it is best for laws to be made by the people who have been chosen for that purpose
a) limited monarchy
b) self-government
c) social contract
d) natural right
The passage below was written by Thomas Paine in his 1776 pamphlet, “Common Sense”. Based on this passage, how is the author’s view reflected in the U.S. political system.
“And as he hath shown himself such an…enemy to liberty, and discovered such a thirst for… power, is he, or is he not, a proper man to say to these colonies, “You shall make no laws but what I please?””
a) The monarchy creates limited gov.
b) The monarchy supports self-gov.
c) representatives are appointed
d) representatives are elected
The scenario below describes a gov. decision
A self-appointed council amends the country’s constitution
Based on the scenario, which form of gov. is taking action
a) dictatorship
b) monarchy
c) oligarchy
d) republic
Which idea is from the Magna Carta
a) the people should be completely free from the gov.
b) the people should support central gov.
c) the gov. should give people a fair and speedy trial
d) the gov. should have unlimited power to tax
The statements below are from the English Bill of Rights, 1689
“That the pretended bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted;
And that for redress of all grievances, and for the amending, strengthening and preserving of the laws, Parliaments ought to be help frequently.”
Which principle of gov. that has influenced our gov. today can be traced to these statements
a) self-gov.
b) limited gov.
c) right
d) rule of law
The quote below is from a historical document
“A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people”
How does this quote reflect the influence of Enlightenment ideas on the Founding Fathers
a) They had reservations about self-gov.
b) they were concerned with property rights
c) they supported individual liberties
d) they created a limited monarchy
Judeo-Christian teaching influenced the founding fathers by instilling ideas of weak morals and ethics- leading them to adopt a gov. founded upon tyranny
The Enlightenment ideas presented across unit of this class were meant to support the idea of tyranny
“We the people of the United States.. do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America”
Based on this passage, which foundational principle is being described
a) rule of law
b) due process
c) limited gov.
d) equality of mankind
The quotes below are from historical documents. What is the relationship between these concepts
“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent”
“All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives”
a) Both declare to the world why the colonists wanted freedom from England
b) Both represent actions taken by the colonists to enforce English policies
c) Both are in response to English policies imposed upon the colonists
d) Both are responses by England to the actions of the colonists
What major idea is reflected in the Declaration of Independence
a) all gov. are created equal
b) gov. must have the support of its citizens
c) all gov. guarantee citizens basic freedoms
d) a gov. can be overthrown if it denies people their basic rights
Which statement completes the diagram
“People are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights”
Both: ???
“Government derive their just powers from the consent of the governed”
a) it is the role of gov. to determine natural rights
b) it is the role of gov. to protect natural rights
c) people establish natural rights
d) people possess natural rights
Which principle is found in our gov.
a) rule of law
b) communism
c) capitalism
d) confederalism
Kevin: I do not want to visit a country where the police force operates like an organized crime gang
Peggy: I do not want to visit a country where the police make up evidence
What principle is important to these citizens
a) representative democracy
b) freedom of speech
c) trial by jury
d) rule of law
“To no one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right or justice”
Which political principle justifies this statement
a) the right to trail protects political institutions
b) the rule of law guarantees fair legal treatment
c) check and balances prevent tyranny in gov.
d) separations of powers permits shared gov. authority
Which of the following describes the most significant change from the Articles of Confederation to the United States Constitution
a) establishment of a written form of gov.
b) strengthening the power of the Federal gov
c) expansion voting rights
d) increased emphasis on States’ rights
Which weakness of the Articles of Confederation was addressed by the Constitution
a) the continuation of slavery
b) the lack of a national court system
c) the absence of a balanced budget
d) the need to strengthen the power of the states