Practice phrases & sentences Flashcards
I only ate bread that my nieces made.
Solo comí el pan que hicieron mis sobrinas.
I should have done that instead of this so could have avoided problems.
Debería haber hecho eso, en vez de esto, para que pudiera evitar problemas.
By the time we arrive, I do not think that there will be much to do.
Para cuando lleguemos, no creo que haya mucho que hacer.
When it is finished it is going to be published.
- Al ser terminado, va a ser publicado
- Cuando esté terminado, se publicará.
Out of nowhere!
de la nada
I could have sung better, if I had practiced more.
- Podría haber cantado mejor, si hubiera practicado más.
- Podría haber cantado mejor, al haber praticado mas.
I hope you had a great time last night.
Espero que la hayas pasado muy bien anoche.
la = anoche
I could have given it to him again.
He could have told us again.
Yo podría haberselo vuelto a dar.
El podría habernoslo vuelto a decir.
se lo = le lo, ‘volver a infinitive’ = do again
I give the house to him.
Le doy la casa a él.
» El la doy »_space; Se la doy
Can not say El la!»_space; Changes to Se la
If I had fallen asleep, you would have known!
Si me hubiera quedado dormido, te hubeiras dado cuento.
dado cuento > darse cuenta > to realize
I will tell it to him.
I said it to him.
I gave it to him.
They will tell it to you.
He gave it to me.
I will tell it to him.
* Se lo diré.
I said it to him.
* Se lo dije.
I gave it to him.
* Se la di.
They will tell it to you.
* Te lo dirán.
He gave it to me.
* Me la dio.
He has looked worse.
He is looking better.
Practice with Verse - to look (like)
He has looked worse.
* Se ha visto peor.
He s looking better.
* Se está viendo mejor.
If I had fallen asleep….
practice Quedarse - to fall into X
Si me hubiera quedado dormido.
quedarse dormido + haber ido/ado
You pretend to be sad.
Don’t pretend to be stupid!
practice Hacerse - to pretend to be X
You pretend to be sad.
* Te haces el trieste.
Don’t pretend to be stupid!
* No te hagas el estudio!
hagas = Negative Imperative mood!
Where should we go?
Where ever we can!
Donde deberías de ir?
Donde sea que se pueda ir!
to look (like)
to fall into X
to pretend to be something
Se ha visto peor.
* He has looked worse.
Quedarse + dormido
Si me huberia quedado dormido…
* If i had fallen asleep…
Hacerse + le, le, los, las
Te haces el triste.
* You pretend to be sad
* No te hagas el estupido. [*imperative]
enterarse de algo
to find out something
Before you had left…
Antes de que hubieras salido…
He told me…
Me dijo qué + past subjunctive