practice Flashcards
the surgical technologist in the scrub role should remain sterile following which of the following surgical procedures?
Carotid endarterectomy
During dissection of the cystic duct in an open cholecystectomy, which of the following instruments is necessary?
Mixter Clamp
A patient entering the operating room for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy looks jaundiced. Which of the following is the BEST explanation for this?
Biliary obstruction
The primary purpose of a local anesthetic is to
block peripheral nerve receptors
Which of the following is the correct skin preparation for a female patient undergoing a right mastectomy with possible axillary dissection?
shoulder, upper arm and extending down to the elbow, axilla, chest to the table line, and to the left shoulder
When performing a parotidectomy, which of the following nerves is identified and preserved with the use of a nerve stimulator?
facial nerve
Which of the following medications is the anesthesia provider responsible for recording the name, amount, and delivery method during a surgical procedure?
As a surgical tech begins to prep a female patient for Foley catheterization, a bulge in the vaginal wall is noticed. Which of the following would cause this bulge?
A surgical tech enters the OR after scrubbing and notices spots of blood on the OR lights. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate?
break scrub to clean the lights and help open a new sterile field
Which of the following instruments should be included in a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) setup?
Which of the following instruments have teeth?
When entering the abdominal cavity, which of the following BEST describes the order of contact with the layers of tissue?
skin, subcutaneous, fascia, muscle, peritoneum
If a Kelly clam is left in a patient who underwent a cholecystectomy, which of the following legal concept apply?
res ipsa loquitur
R: it means “the thing speaks for itself”
The surgical tech just opened an instrument set that is wet inside after undergoing steam sterilization. Which of the following is MOST likely reason for the condensate in the package and how can it be corrected?
The absorbent towels were wrapped too tightly around the instrument tray, so they retained moisture. The tray should be reprocessed with loosely wrapped new towels.
Following a surgical procedure, which of the following is the BEST sequence of actions for a surgical tech to take?
Remove sterile drapes, remove gown and gloves, and don a pair of unsterile gloves to aid in the care of the postop patient
Which of the following drugs neutralizes the action of heparin?
protamine sulfate
Which of the following wounds is MOST likely in the inflammatory phase of the wound healing?
an abdominal incision, 20 minutes post-closure
To revascularize the heart muscle of a patient with heart disease, a graft may be anastomosed between which of the following two vessels?
Internal mammary artery to affected coronary artery
A laparotomy drape has been placed on a patient, and unprepped skin on the operative site is exposed. Which of the following is the BEST next step?
remove drapes and re-prep
Ratcheted instruments should be
opened for washing and sterilizing
An effective packaging material used for a Balfour to be steam sterilized
permits penetration by the sterilant
The parathyroid gland regulates
Scoliosis is MOST commonly found in which of the following curves of the vertebral column?
Which of the following is the MOST effective mechanical method of controlling bleeding occurring from needle holes in vessel anastomoses?
Which of the following should be visualized on an x-ray to determine of a long bone is still growing?
epiphyseal plate