Practicals Flashcards
Give 3 of the instructions in the experimental protocol for finding visual fields and explain why they are important
darken room - dilates pupil so pupil size doesn’t restrict visual field (also allows screen/ flashes to be seen and limits any distractions in the room)
eye perpendicular to screen - prevents angles skewing the visual field
don’t screw up other eye - so this doesn’t restrict the size of the seeing eye
why is the visual field asymmetrical
angle of orbit + nose
What is the limitation of presenting the visual field on a 2D piece of paper
field is 3D IRL - visual field extends behind line of the eye (>90 degrees)
Where is the blind spot on the retina and where is it in the visual field
in the temporal visual field so is on the nasal retina
Why is the blind spot blind
where all the axons of the ganglion cells leave the eye so there is no space for rods/cones here -> it is where the optic nerve is
How does CN II change in diameter as it leaves the eye
gets thicker as neurons become myelinated (no myelination in the retina as this would distort light entering)
How to find the size of the blind spot
17tan(angle that subtends blind spot)
What is the direction of light in a histological section of the retina
from vitreous to choroid
What do the pigment epithelium do
regenerate rhodopsin
What is in the innermost axon layer of the retina
axons that head to the blind spot
How can you identify a section is of the fovea
fovea has a dip in the middle to allow more light to reach receptors in outer nuclear layer
Give 1 way to tell the periphery from the centre of the retina
central retina has a dense ganglionic layer
periphery has a sparse ganglionic layer
you can also compare the number of cells in different layers within the same column to see if there is convergence or divergence
How was the perimeter of the visual field usually assessed
manually using a flashing target light placed at different locations within the visual field. The subject would report whether or not the light was visible at any particular location
Give the instructions before mapping the visual field
darken room
cover other eye (DO NOT screw it up)
It is important that the non-tested eye is completely covered and cannot detect anything, otherwise it would compensate for any blind area of the tested eye
Make sure that the uncovered eye is looking directly at the center of the screen and is perpendicular to the screen.
How does the map of the visual field represent features of the retina
features on the subject’s retina will be accordingly reversed and inverted.
What will a macular defect look like when looking at the visual field analysis
what will the blind spot look like
an area of slightly depressed sensitivity (orange)
an area of low sensitivity (blue; expressed in dB relative to a reference value).
What should you do if the eye fixation quality is poor (below 90%) when testing visual field
repeat measurements
As human eyes are forward facing, what does this mean for our visual fields?
overlap frontally (perhaps to allow good distance judgement using triangulation on objects and stereopsis )
blind area blind head and visual field is tilted down
How can you test your field of vision beyond the edges of a screen
Using traditional perimetry with a flashing test light mounted on a rotating track which extends much further temporally than the margins of your computer screen it is possible to map the visual field to its boundaries in each eye
How is the right eye’s visual field limited
limited on the left by the nose: the nasal field of the right eye. In contrast, the right eye’s view is not limited to the same degree on the right: the temporal field of the right eye - thus is lopsided
What does binocular overlap allow
the left eye’s temporal retina and right eye’s nasal retina point at the same area of visual space. What would we thus expect from the retinal ganglion cells from these areas?
ganglion cells from left temporal and right nasal retinae project to same part of the brain
one side of brain encodes vision for contralateral side
nasal right and temporal left retinae project to left visual cortex which encodes right visual field
What should be noted about representation in the retinotopic map in the visual cortex
an enormous proportion of visual cortex is devoted to the fovea