Practical Quick Snap Flashcards
Ant. Talo fib lig
Resists plantar flexion, inversion
At risk when you roll your ankle
Most common acute sports injury of the ankle
Anterior drawer test/passive inversion
Pec minor
Ant.tilt/depression/downward rotation
Restricts elevation
+ writes test
Resisted passive scap retraction
PNF use elevation
Gh extension/medial rotation/horizontal abduction
Resists abduction/flexion/horizontal adduction
PNF - flexion with lateral rotation
Sub scap
ST “joint”
Medial rotation
Restricts GH abduction/lateral rotation
Teres maj
Gh extension/medial rotation
Restricts lateral rotation/abduction
Drags scap when tight
Foraem Flexion/pronation/supination
Lateral structure of the cubital fossa
Beer drinking muscle (craft beer only)
If irritated,
lateral epicondyle test +
Pain when syloid is palpated
Foraem Flexion/pronation/supination
Lateral structure of the cubital fossa
Beer drinking muscle (craft beer only)
If irritated,
lateral epicondyle test +
Pain when syloid is palpated
Weak infraspin/teres minor
Lateral rotator
Medically rotated humerus if weak
Resisted gh lateral rotation would be weak
Gh instability
Rotator cuff injury
Isotonic treatments ex rehab
Restricts medial rotation
Rotation restriction at C1
FRS at C2
Restricted side bending at CO
Plantar flexor
Restricts dorsi flexion
Could cause plantar facitis of short/tight
Passive lumbar flexion via pelvis posterior tilt
Dis path - post lateral pressure
Neuro tension - dorsi flexion
Lev scap, RH, pec minor
Can restrict depression as a team
downward rotation partners
Upper trap
Cervical rotation
Scap upward rotation/elevation
Restrics scap downward rotation and depression, cervical rotation and side bending.
Lower trap
Scap depression/upward rotation
Restricts scap elevation
Mid trap
Scap retractor
Restricts scap protraction