You want to passively test the coracobrachialis for tightness. Which test do you use?
GH Extension with elbow flexed, forearm supinated
GH Flexion Active test is restricted. What are the potential muscles of involvement?
Tight GH Extensors and Weak GH Flexors
Local cross fiber friction applied to the origin of coracobrachialis should target which bony landmark?
Coracoid Process
Which position should you place the clients arm in to test the LH bicep for tightness?
forearm pronation, elbow extension, GH extension
Which muscles, when treated with an Isometric Intrinsic, require stabilization of the scap?
LH Tricep
Posterior Deltoid
What is the Patient’s effort (contraction) used in the Isometric Intrinsic Treatment for a GH Extension restriction?
GH Flexion
Which of the following would be a relevant test for weakness of the infraspinatous?
Resisted test for GH Lateral rotation
Your client gained significant ROM by utilizing an Isometric Intrinsic Treatment. What exercise do you prescribe?
PNF Stretch
You want to apply cross fiber friction to the subscapularis muscle. Which direction will your compressive force be applied?
Towards the anterior surface of the scap
Feagin’s Test would present positive with which of the following?
GH instability
You were successful in improving the client’s Passive ROM by muscle stripping and cross fiber friction of their Sternal Portion of Pec Major. What exercise should you prescribe?
Passive stretch for GH horizontal aBduction
Therapist is applying the Isometric Intrinsic Treatment to the Clavicular Portion of Pec Major. What motion does the client try to perform during the contraction phases?
GH Flexion
Patient presents with hypertonicity restricting GH Lateral Rotation. Which muscles will you address?
Subscapularis, Teres Major, Latissimus, Anterior Deltoid
You note excessive glide motion in your patient’s GH joint. Which screening test are you performing?
GH A/P Glide Test
When performing muscle stripping, the targeted tissue should be passively stretched.
Which passive motion would the therapist incorporate while performing muscle stripping to the Lat?
GH Abduction and GH Lateral rotation
Patient presents with pain in the anterior shoulder that intensifies with the resisted test for GH Flexion. Which structure may be involved?
LH Biceps Tendon
Speed’s Test is positive. Which structure may be inflamed?
LH Bicep tendon
What position should the elbow be in, to bias in the Long Head of Tricep during a Passive Test?
The Passive Tests for GH Abduction and Lateral Rotation are both restricted. What is the muscle of involvement?
What is your goal as a Massage Therapist when developing the Treatment Plan for your client?
To Facilitate the client’s Return To Function
The Isometric Intrinsic Tx for a hypertonic Anterior Deltoid may incorporate which ROM/s to apply the stretch?
GH extension, GH lateral rotation or GH horizontal abduction
Teres Minor is weak. Which APR tests would indicate this?
Active and Resisted GH Lateral Rotation
To place the sternal portion of Pec Major on a passive stretch, which motion should be used?
GH horizontal aBduction
Which of the following tests could be used to assess for a tight Long Head of Tricep?
Passive Test for GH Flexion
The Passive test for GH horizontal aBduction is restricted. What are the potential Muscles of Involvement?
Pec Major, Anterior Deltoid, LH Bicep
Patient presents with passive ROM restrictions in GH medial rotation, GH horizontal aDduction and GH flexion. Which muscle is your primary suspect?
Posterior Deltoid
The Teres Major muscle is weak. Which ROM test/s would indicate this?
Resisted GH medial rotation
During the Isometric Intrinsic Treatment for Subscapularis, which motion does the therapist use during the take-up phases?
GH Lateral Rotation
The patient presents a positive outcome during the drop arm test. Which structure may be involved?
Supraspinatous tendon
Subacromial Bursa
Bounce Home test is positive. Do you continue with assessment of the knee?
Anterior drawer test assesses the integrity of which structure?
Which of the following muscles could be tested with Hip ROM to confirm or rule out their involvement at the knee?
rectus femoris
If a weakness restriction is found could you treat extrinsically or intrinsically?
ex rehab (strength) will be your best long term treatment
Varus stress test assesses the integrity of which structure?
Valgus stress test assesses the integrity of which structure?
If your assessment results in positive findings for potential ligament or meniscus damage you should:
refer to a doctor and treat the knee as an acute injury until further testing and diagnosis is received
Which muscle group is targeted when dealing with a knee flexion restriction due to tightness?
Which of the following has the patient in the supine position for the isometric mobilization treatment?
knee extension restriction due to tightness
Noble’s Compression tests the same structure as which test of the hip?
The therapist compresses _________________ to the patella during Patellar Grind Test.
Ankle ligaments are more commonly injured on the _________ side.
The right SCM is tight. What position might the clients head be in during postural assessment?
Flexed and left rotated
Which conditions are assessed at CO?
You want to incorporate a PNF stretch for the client’s right multifidi. What is their effort during the 7-10 second contraction phase of this exercise?
Left rotation
RCP Minor and OCS are tight on the left, Which assessment outcome would be found?
right side bending restriction of CO from flexed position
Name the dysfunction caused by tightness of the RCP maj, RCP minor, OCS muscles. DESCRIBE the assessment outcome that would indicate this.
ERSlt. The patient would have right rotation restriction. FRS lt.
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Which screening test may be positive due to hypertonicity of the anterior scalene muscle?
How would you verify that the muscle is hypertonic?
Tos testing might be posative. Patient would have restricted left side bending, ERSrt C2-C7
C5 is extended and you feel restriction in left side bending. Which dysfunction is present?
CO is flexed and you note a restriction in right side bending. Which dysfunction is presenting?
Which screening test may be positive if the middle scalene muscle is adaptively shortened?
What other tests would you perform to verify this?
TOS, travels, acrom, restricted side bend, ers or frs,
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Which landmarks are palpated while assessing C1?
The multifidus originating on the RIGHT TP of C7 is tight. Which dysfunctions may this cause?
FRSlt of C7 and ERSrt of C3-C6
When assessing CO, what position is the lower cervical in?
C2-C7 are classified as the lower cervical in Practical Theory because we assess all of these segments the same way.
C1 is assessed with the lower cervical in which position?
Which cervical dysfunction would present if the OCI muscle was tight?
Describe the Isometric Intrinsic Treatment for this muscle.
Obliques cap infer. Would present right rotation restriction of c1. Isometric intrinsic treatment used would be to rotate paitient to the right while patient is looking left to contact this muscle.
C1 rotation restriction to the LEFT. What are the MOI?
Right OCI and RCP Major