practical one -axial skeleton except skull Flashcards
intervertebral foramina
the foramina near the connection of each vertebrea
intervertebral discs
cushion/cartilage between each vertebra
vertebral canal
runs through back on each vertebrae, they connect making a canal down the spine. the intravertebral foramina goes through these perpendicularl
body of vertebra
the solid part on the anteror side of each vertebra, separated by intervertebral discs
vertebral arch
contains lamina and pedicle, the anterior of the vertebral foramen
on eaither lateral side of the vertabral foramen, part of the vertebral arch
connect the pedicle to the spinal process
vertebral foramen
large hole in vertebra that when connected together with other vertebrae for the vertebral canal
spinous process
the process on the very anterior of each vertebrae
transverse process
the processes on eather side of the spinous process on the vertebra,
superior articular facet
facet on the external part of each process
superior articular process
connects to the inferior process on the vertrabra above it. process on the outside of each superior articular facet, connected to pedice that connects to body
inferior articular process
connects to superior process on below vertebra. less wide than the superior.
inferior articular facet
flat part of process that connects to greater articular facet of below vertebra
transverse foramen of cervical vertebra
DISTINGUISHING FEATURE OF THIS VERTEBRA. two holes on either side of vertebral body
part of cervical vertebra. very top, connects to skull
second vertebra, under atlas. less wide
“tooth of the axis” process sticking out of atlas. connects to atlas
vertebra prominens
seventh cervical vertebra. inferior end of cervical vertebra. largest spinous process. lacks foramen in transverse process unlike all other cervical vertebra
how many cervical vertebrae
how many thoracic vertebra
where are cervical vertebra
top 7
where are thoracic vertebra
middle 12
costal facets
ONLY IN THORACIC. small indents on each side of body of vertebra
how many lumbar vertebrae
5 - no features to identify
how many fused vertebrae are in sacrum
auricular surface
feature of sacrum. flat surface lining each side of posterior
median sacral crest
on sacrum. line down middle of posterior side of sacrum
sacral foramen
horizontal holes, 4 on each side, of foramen
sacral canal
continuation of vertebral canal on sacrum
sacral hiatus
arched opening at bottom of sacral canal
superior articular process of the sacrum
process on either side of sacral canal that contains on articular facet
promontory of the sacrum
middle top of anterior of sacrum
very end of sacrum (tailbone)
manubrium (and its components)
top of anterior sternum. triangular.
suprasternal notch
clavicular notch
costal notch
suprasternal notch
notch on top of manubrium
clavicular notch
notch on either side of suprasternal notch
costal notch
notch on very side of manubrium
body of sternum (and its parts)
middle of sternum above xiphoid process and below manubrium
sternal angle and costal notch
sternal angle
angle separating sternum from manubrium
costal notch
6 of these. notches on both sides of body of sternum
xiphoid process of sternum
small area below sternum
RIBS (how many pairs)
12 pairs
head of ribs
artiuculates with vertebral column
tubercle of ribs
in between the head and the angle, has an articular facet for the transverse process attached
in between the tubercle and head
shaft of ribs
middle of long part of bone
costal groove of ribs
upper end of long part of rib boen
costal cartilages
cartilage that connects rib to sternum