anatomy skull Flashcards
lacrimal groove
Groove right in front of (lacrimal bone) inner portion of eye socket on nose
sagittal suture
suture from front to back of skill on parietal bone
coronal suture
separates frontal from parietal
lambdoid suture
separates occipital from parietal
squamous suture
separates temporal from parietal
zygometric arch
arch whre mandible connects to temporal
inferior orbital fissure
bottom of orbital cavity
incisive foramer
foramen under front teeth
squamous frontal bone
upper front of bone
frontal glabella
directly above both eyes (unibrow looking)
suprorbital margin or notch
notch is an indent on the very top portion of the orbital cavity, a foramen is a little indent right abve the orbital cavity
squamous temporal bone
top of the temporal bone
zygomatic process of temporal bone
the ridge above the mandible andon the bottom of the temporal.
mandibular fossa of temporal bone
little hole/indent right below the zygomatic process directly where mandible attaches
external acoustic meatus on the temporal bone
a hole next to the mandibular fossa
styloid process on the temporal bone
the process/protrusion coming out of the termporal
stylomastoid foramen of the temporal bone
foramen in between styloid and mastoid process on bottom of temporal
mastoid process of the temporal bone
process right under externam meatus
carotid canal of the temporal bone
canal close to styloid process going into the skull
internal acoustic meatus of the temporal bone
acoustic meatus on inner part of skull
occipital foramen magnum
large hole in occipital bone
occipital condyle
2 condyles right above foramen magnum
hypoglossal canal in occipital
canal on either side of occipital foramen magnum in the occipital condyle
external occipital protuberance
little bump on occipital bone
nuchal lines on occipital bones
lines on either side of external occipital protuberance
ethmoid perpendicular plate
similar to the nasal septum, a long thing protusion on ethmoid
crista gali on ethmoid
little process on opposite side of perpendicular plate
cribriform plate on ethmoid
area that looks cribriform right behind crista galli
cribriform foramina
small foramen in cribriform plate
ethmoidal sinus
where ethmoid connects to sinus
ethmoid orbital plate
where ethmoid meets the eyes
middle nasal concha ethnoid
grooves on either side of bottom of ethnoid
sphenoid body
medium portion
sphenoid sinus
right behind ethnoid sinus
sella turcica
indent in middle top of sphenoid bone
greater wing sphenoid
large wing on either side of sphenoid
lesser wing sphenoid
smaller wing above greater wing
pterygold process
lower processes on bottom of either side of sphenoid
optic canal
where the sphenoid connect to the eye, small ident closer to nose
superior orbital canal
where sphenoid meets behind the eye, a longer almost vertical canal
foramen ovale
larger oval shaped hole on either side of bottom of foramen
foramen spinosum
smaller hole next to ovale
foramen rotundum
medium sized hole next to ovale. smaller than ovale, biger than spinosum
ethmoid perpendicular plate
flattened lamina at midline, forms part of nasal septum and articulates inferiorly with the vomer
ethmoid crista galli
little thing on top of ethmoid, separates olfactory bulbs
ethmoid orbital plate
where ethmoid meets the eye
middle nasal concha
wings coming off of ethnoid on either side of bottom of perpendicular plate
maxilla frontal process
upper part of maxiilla on sinus and eye
maxilla alveolar process
where maxilla branches out to the teeth
maxilla pallatine process
inner of maxilla.
maxilla infraorbital foramen
little indent right below eye socket, not inside
maxillary sinus
right and left side of sinus
zygomatic temporal process
furthest part of zygomatic bone that connects to temporal
mandible body
mid left and right sides of mandible
mandible ramus
the angular part of mandible when it branches off from the body
mandible angle
the angle between the ramus and body
condylar process of mandible
end of mandible that connects to the anterior of temporal bone. consists of process and head of mandible
mandible head
the end of the condylar process
coronoid process of mandible
the process closer to the front of the school than the condylar process
mandibular notch
in between condyler process and coronoid process
mental foramen
little formamen near front of mandible
mandibular foramen
foramen under mandibular notch
alveolar process of mandible
teeth sockets
bone directly under jaw
lacrimal groove
little groove directily on bottom of lacrimal bone
front top of head
top of head
next to temples
back bottom of head
wing shaped bone in skull
bone closer to frontal surface than sphenoid
zygomatic bone
front of temporal close to eyes, shaped liek a wave
lacrimal bone
in eye, closest to maxilary sinus
bone in bottom of nasal cavity, long with sharp ends
nasal bones
top of noese
inferior nasal concha
bone on either side of vomer, like a sharp diamond
bone on back roof of mouth (palate)
big bone on top of roof of mouth
cranial cavity