Practical Exam 1 Flashcards
How is the Alar Ligament Test performed? What is a positive test?
patient is seated. clinician palpates C2 with index finger and SB head to the right. C2 SP should move to the opposite side
How is the Transverse Ligament Test performed? What is a positive test?
patient is supine. clinician palpates SP of C2 and moves the occiput anteriorly on C1 and 2. C2 should follow immediately
How is the Jefferson’s Fracture Test performed? What is a positive test?
patient is supine and relaxed. clinician places medial pressure on the TP of C1 and stabilizes the opposite side.
Positive= movement or crepitus
How is the Distraction Test performed? What is positive?
patient is supine. general distraction is applied to the entire cervical region. If no symptoms… C2 is stabilized so that the traction force is directed craniovertebrally.
Positive= reproduction of signs or symptoms
How is the Sharp-Purser test performed? What is positive?
patient is sitting and slightly flexes neck. If no signs or symptoms… clinician stabilizes C1 posteriorly and applies a posteriorly directed force to the forehead.
Positive=sliding movement of head or a clunk
How is the lateral Jobe Test performed?
patients arm is 90 degrees lateral abduction and internal rotation. clinician applies a downward force while the patient resists
How is the external rotation lag sign test performed?
place the patients arm in 90 elbow flexion, abduction and external rotation. Patient needs to maintain the position.
How is the shoulder lift-off test performed?
Arm is internally rotation on small of back. Ask the patient to push away from the back while the clinician resists
How is the passive distraction labral test performed?
patient arm is abducted to 120 and rotated
How is the cervical compression test performed? What is a positive? What does it test for?
Gradually load pressure on top of skull
- tests for nerve root compression
- Positive= increase in radicular symptoms
How is Spurling’s Test performed? What is a positive? What does it indicate?
patient is seated. clinician places patient in cervical extension, SB, and ipsilateral rotation. If no symptoms, slight axial load
- test for facet joint dysfunction, nerve root compression, whiplash if opposite side?
- Positive= radiating pain
How is the Shoulder Abduction (Relief) Test performed? Positive? Indicate?
patient is seated and asked to elevate arm through through abduction and rest hand on head.
- Positive= position decreases symptoms (if increase…pressure increase in interscalene triange)
- tests for radicular symptoms due to herniated disc or nerve root compression
How is the flexion rotation test performed? Positive? Indicate
patient is supine and asked to maximally flex the neck and hold the position. clinician applies a full rotation force to both sides
- Positive= asymmetry or loss of ROM
- test for cervicogenic headache
How is Adson’s test performed? Positive? indicate?
patient is sitting with arm in 15 deg abduction. clinician palpates the radial pulse. patient inhales deeply and extends neck and rotates to the same side
- Positive= paresthesia or diminished or occluded pulse
- tests for thoracic outlet
How is the Costoclavicular test performed? Positive? Indicate?
patient is sitting in exaggerated military posture with both arms at side. clinician assesses radial pulse the patient then retracts and depresses shoulders and protrudes chest. Hold for 60 seconds
- Positive=paresthesia or changes in pulse
- Thoracic outlet
How is Roo’s Test performed?
patient is seated. arms are positioned in 90 degrees shoulder abduction and elbow flexion. patient is asked to perform slow gripping for 3 min. radial pulse is measured
- Positive=radial pulse reduced for obliterated, infraclavicular bruit, patient cant maintain
- tests for Thoracic Outlet
How is the deep cervical flexor endurance test performed?
patient is supine and clinician tucks chin to chest and releases. Patient should be able to hold
- Positive= loss of position, overactive SCM (shaking), cant hold 30 sec
How is the sphinx test performed?
visually assess, test end feel of joint motion as the patient lays prone, propped on elbows, look for pain or restriction
How is the rib spring test performed?
patient is prone. Clinicial stabilizes on TP and presses PA on the opposite rib (pain implicates the rib)
How is the thoracic spring test performed?
patient is prone. clinician places thumbs over SPs at desired segment and presses PA
How is the slump test performed?
slump shoulders and round back, knee extension, foot dorsiflexion, neck flexion (positive is neurological symptoms)
How is the long sitting test performed?
asses ability to reach position (positive for dural tension, muscular inflexibility, and or joint restrictions)
How is the functional squat test performed?
asses quality