Practical 1- Hematology Lab Flashcards
-functions as a transport system, bringing in nutrients and oxygen to cells and removing waste and carbon dioxide from interstitial fluid
-links organs together through the action of hormones
aid-base buffer, destroying foreign pathogens, antibody action, body heat, coagulation
other characteristics of blood
erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets/thrombocytes
three specialized classes of cells / formed elements
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
role of erythrocytes (RBC)
combat infections and invading organisms
role of leukocytes (WBC)
prevent blood loss
role of thrombocytes (platelets)
Males- 5.4 +/- 0.8 million per mm^3
Females- 4.8 +/- 0.6 million per mm^3
normal red blood cell values
Males- 7-9000 per mm^3
Females- 5-7000 per mm^3
normals white blood cell values
150,000 to 400,000 per mm^3
average = 300,000 per mm^3
normal platelet values
1.34 ml of O2
(15 g Hb / 100 ml blood –> 20 ml O2 / 100 ml blood)
amount of oxygen per one gram of hemoglobin
abnormal decrease in the number of erythrocytes, causing insufficient oxygen carried to tissues
decreased Hb in each cell, decreased cell size, hemorrhage
additional causes of anemia
the percent volume of whole blood that is occupied by red blood cells
-centrifuge blood in capillary tubes
-height of red blood cells in the tube compared to the total column of blood (percentage)
determining hematocrit
Males- 46%, 43-49%
Females- 41%, 36-45%
average/normal value and ranges of hematocrit
may fall as low as 15%
hematocrit in severe anemia
may rise as high as 70%
hematocrit in polycythemia
% = height of red cells (mm) / total height of red cells and plasma (mm)
formula for hematocrit
Males- 15.4 g/100ml blood, 13.6-17.2
Females- 13.3 g/100ml blood, 11.5-15.0
average concentrations of hemoglobin and their ranges
less than 10 g Hb/100ml blood
hemoglobin concentration considered anemic
colored compound created by the reaction between hemoglobin and reagent solution containing potassium cyanide (KCN)
- involves reaction between hemoglobin and KCN
-determine concentration by the amount of light it can absorb compared to the amount of light absorbed by known concentrations of hemoglobin on a standard curve
the cyanomethemoglobin test
each gram of hemoglobin is saturated with 1.34 ml O2 and the rat has 70 ml blood per Kg of body weight
assumptions of calculating the total maximum oxygen carrying capacity (of rat)
= blood volume (ml blood) x hemoglobin concentration (g Hb/ml blood)
formula for total blood Hb (g)
(total g Hb) x (1.34 ml O2/g Hb)
formula for O2 carrying capacity
Males = 79 ml blood per kilogram body weight +/- 10%
Females = 65 ml blood per kilogram body weight +/- 10%
(1 kg = 2.2 pounds)
blood volume for humans
average 7,500/mm^3
total leukocyte count
alterations in leukocyte population from protozoan infections, malnutrition, aplastic anemia
neutrophilic leukopenia
alterations in leukocyte population from strenuous exercise, rheumatic fever, severe burns
neutrophilic leukocytosis
alterations in leukocyte population from mumps, German measles, whooping cough
alterations in leukocyte population from scarlet fever, parasitic infections, allergic reactions
alterations in leukocyte population from chronic diseases, such as tuberculosis and leukemia
alterations in leukocyte population from administration of glucocorticoid drugs
granulocytes (polymorphonuclear) and agranulocytes (mononuclear)
two classes of leukocytes
-65% of WBC
-10-12 microns diameter
-multi-lobed nucleus
-small pink cytoplasmic granules, purple nucleus
neutrophils (granulocyte)
-2-4% of WBC
-13 microns diameter
-bilobed nucleus
-coarse red-orange cytoplasmic granules, blue-purple nucleus
eosinophils (granulocyte)
-0.5% of WBC
-14 microns diameter
-bilobed nucleus
-black nucleus usually completely obscured by large deep-blue or reddish-purple cytoplasmic granules
basophils (granulocyte)
-20-25% of total WBC
-7 microns diameter
-large, spherical nucleus surrounded by thin cytoplasm
-light blue cytoplasm (non-granular), dark purple nucleus
small lymphocytes (agranulocyte)
-3% of total WBC
-10 microns diameter
-large oval, indented nucleus
-light blue cytoplasm (non-granular), dark purple nucleus
large lymphocytes (agranulocyte)
-3-7% of total WBC
-15 microns diameter
-large, deeply indented nucleus (horseshoe-shaped)
-light blue-gray cytoplasm (nongranular), blue or purple nucleus
plasma = 55%
formed elements = 45%
whole blood
carries platelet factor 3
what thrombocytes carry
what RBC carry
only true cell in blood
protein in red blood cells that binds oxygen
excess of RBC in the body