PPT Notes - Lists Flashcards
The 6 Major Project Characteristics (Three Main Criteria above the water and 3 more criteria beneath the water)
Three Main Criteria:
- Unique
- One Time Occurrence
- Finite Duration
Iceberg Underneath the Water:
- Limited Resources
- Interdependencies
- Conflict
3 Roles of Scrum
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Development Team
3 SAFe Agile Team Roles
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Product Management
Average Task per Day Formula
Total Tasks / # of days = Average tasks per day
4 Activity Terms
- Activity
- Parallel Activities
- Sequential Activities
- Immediate Predecessor
3 Types of Organizational Structures
- Matrix Organization
- Functional Organization
- Project-Oriented Organization
6 Agile Project Manager Deliverables
- Product Vision
- Product Roadmap
- Product Backlog
- Sprint Backlog
- Release Plan
- Increment
2 Sets of Fundamental Principles when using Kanban
- Change Management Principles
- Service Delivery Principles
4 Dependency Links
- SS (Start to Start)
- SF (Start to Finish
- FS (Finish to Start)
- FF (FInish to Finish)
Project Managers vs. Agile Project Managers
Classic Project Managers control:
- Scope
- Time
- Cost
Agile Project Managers control:
- Scope
- Time
- Cost
- Agile core values and principles
3 Schedule Path Terms
- Path
- Critical
- Critical Path
6 Kanban Practices
- Visualize your Workflow
- Limit Work in Progress (WiP)
- Manage Flow
- Make Policies Well Known
- Establish Feedback
- Improve and Evolve
5 Steps of the Critical Path Method
- Break Down the Project
- Estimate the Task Duration
- Determine Task Dependencies
- Add Milestones
- Identify the Critical Path
Present Value Formula
PV = FV / (1 + r) to the n power
3 Schedule Terms
- Activity
- Event
- Network
4 Areas of Extreme Programming (XP)
- Fine-Scale Feedback
- Continuous Process
- Shared Understanding
- Programmer Welfare
8 Main Types of Requirements
- Business Requirements
- Stakehodler Requirements
- Solution Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Nonfunctional Requirements
- Transition Requirements
- Project Requirements
- Quality Requirements
5 Problem Solving Steps
- Define the Problem
- Determine the Cause
- Generate Ideas and Solutions to your Problem
- Select the Best Solution
- Evaluate
8 Roles of SAFe
- Scrum Master
- Product Owner
- Product Management
- Release Train Engineer
- System Architect
- Solution Train Engineer
- Solution Management
- Solution Architect
What Does CPM Stand For?
Critical Path Method
5 Phases in the Agile Project Management Framework
- Envision
- Speculate
- Explore
- Adapt
- Close
4 Key Activities of Extreme Programming (XP)
- Coding
- Testing
- Listening
- Designing
5 Levels of Stakeholder Engagement
Unaware –> Resistant –> Neutral –> Supportive –> Leading
5 Steps/Phases of the Project Management Process
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring & Controlling
- Closing
5 Tools that may be used in the Estimate Activity Resources Process
- Bottom-Up Estimating
- Alternatives Analysis
- Expert Judgement
- Published Estimating Data
- Project Management Software
Traditional Plan Based Methodology has an Emphasis On These 4 Things:
- Linear Processes
- Documentation
- Upfront Planning
- Prioritization
3 SAFe Solution Level Roles
- Solution Manager
- Solution Architect
- Solution Train Engineer
2 Kanban Metrics
- Lead Time
- Cycle Time
9 Components of the Statement of Work (SOW)
- Payment Schedule
- Special Requirements
- Acceptance Criteria
- Applicable Standards
- Purpose
- Scope
- Location
- Time Period
- Delivery Schedule
6 Dimensions of Communication
- Internal/External
- Formal/Informal
- Horizontal/Vertical
- Official/Unofficial
- Written/Oral
- Verbal (Tone)/Nonverbal
4 Other Types of Project Life Cycles
- Iterative - Incremental - Adaptive - Hybrid
5 Group Creativity Techniques
- Brainstorming
- Nominal Group Technique
- Idea/Mind Mapping
- Affinity Diagrams
- Multicriteria Decision Analysis
5 Basic Activities of Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
- Develop overall model
- Build feature list
- Plan by feature
- Design by feature
- Build by feature
8 Other Commonly used Agile Metric
- Throughput
- Blocked Time
- Escaped Defects
- Work Item Age
- Work Remaining on Task
- Cumulative Flow Diagram
- Epic and Release Burndown
- Net Promoter Score (NPS)
2 Roles of Kanban
- Service Request Manager
- Service Delivery Manager
5 Meeting Types in Project Management
- Kickoff
- Status
- Stakeholder
- Change Control
- Review
3 Main Categories of Requirements (Triangle Pyramid)
- Bottom (Largest) Tier: System Requirements
- Middle Tier: User Requirements
- Top (Smallest) Tier: Business Requirements
5 Kinds of Economic Models
- Present Value
- Net Present Value
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- Payback Period
3 Types of Traceability Matrix
- Forward Traceability
- Backward Traceability
- Bidirectional Traceability
The 6 components of a Stakeholder Register
- Stakeholder name
- Stakeholder title
- Role on the project
- Stakeholder type
- Communication
- Expectations
The 5 steps to follow when determining how to move forward with a project
- Business Needs
- Analysis
- Possible Solutions
- Recommendation
- Evaluation
4 Economic Terms
- Opportunity Cost
- Sunk Cost
- Law of Diminishing Returns
- Working Capital
7 Key Elements of a Project Roadmap
- Project Overview
- Schedule Overview
- Key Milestones
- Dependencies
- Resources
- Contacts
- Kick-Off Meeting
5 Steps to Create a Work Breakdown Structure From Scratch
- Identify the major deliverables
- Determine the work packages
- Develop a WBS Dictionary
- Decide the tool to use to create the WBS
- Create the WBS
What does RAID Analysis stand for?
- Risk - Assumption - Issues - Dependencies
The 4 Components of The Triple Constraint Model
When a Dependency is not just a Dependency (4)
- Dependency
- Constraint
- Risk
- Assumption
Acceptance Criteria Infographic (6 Steps)
- Jump Start
- Set Requirements
- Preparation
- Awareness
- Monitor
- Validation
3 Major Product Component Categories
- Scope & Major Deliverables - Schedule - Resources
What is included in the project scope?
- Project Description
- Description of Deliverables
- Exclusions
- Constraints
What does RACI Analysis stand for?
- Responsible - Accountable - Consult - Inform
4 Types of Dependencies
- Mandatory
- Discretionary
- Internal
- External
The Traditional Plan Based Methodology is Based On These 3 Things:
- Strict Planning
- Step-by-Step Performance
- Hierarchical Structure
5 Extreme Programming (XP) Values
- Communication
- Simplicity
- Feedback
- Courage
- Respect
The 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas
Integration Mgmt.
Scope Mgmt.
Schedule Mgmt.
Cost Mgmt.
Quality Mgmt.
Resource Mgmt.
Communications Mgmt.
Risk Mgmt.
Procurement Mgmt.
Stakeholder Mgmt.
4 Project Schedule Illustration Tools
- Gantt Chart
- Network Schedule Diagram
- Milestone Chart
- Critical Path Method
5 Steps to Consider when Creating a Requirements Traceability Matrix
Step 1: Set Goals
Step 2: Collect Artifacts
Step 3: Prepare a Requirements Traceability Matrix Template
Step 4: Add the Artifacts
Step 5: Update the Requirements Traceability Matrix
Special Metrics used in Scrum and Kanban
- Scrum: Velocity
- Kanban: Lead Time
Stakeholder Engagement Plan (4 Steps)
- Engage Stakeholders
- Deal w the Potential Effect of Changes
- Identify Interrelationships and Overlaps
- Communicate w Stakeholders
2 SAFe Portfolio Level Roles
- Epic Owners
- Enterprise Architect/Engineer
10 Tools & Techniques that can be used during the Collect Requirements Process
- Interview
- Focus Groups
- Facilitated Wrokshops
- Group Creativity Techniques
- Questionnaire and Surveys
- Observations
- Prototypes/Prototyping
- Benchmarking
- Context Diagram
- Document Analysis
5 Estimating Completion Time Factors
- Total Number of Workers
- Available Equipment
- Schedule Constraints
- Completion Time
- External Factors
Project Scope Statement includes these 3 things:
- Description of the Project Scope - Description of Major Deliverables - Exclusions
8 Key Components of a Communications Management Plan
- Key Stakeholder
- Team Members
- Communication Methods
- Communication Type
- Communication Style
- Meeting Schedule
- Key Messages
- Communication Goals
3 Factors to Estimate the Resources
- Estimate Costs
- Estimate Activity Resources (Labor)
- Estimate Activity Durations
7 Popular Agile Framework Methods
- Scrum
- SAFe
- Kanban
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- The Crystal Method
- Feature-Driven Development (FDD)
- Dynamic Systems Development (DSDM)
The 6 Phases of Project Management
- Analysis Phase
- Design Phase
- Implementation Phase
- Testing Phases
- Deployment Phase
- Maintenance Phase
The 4 Phases of the Generic Project Life Cycle
Phase 1: Concept
Phase 2: Define (Development)
Phase 3: Execute
Phase 4: Finish (Transfer)
4 SAFe Overall Teams
- Program Level Team
- Portfolio Level Team
- Solution Level Team
- Agile Team
2 Completion Time Estimate Methods
- PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique)
- CPM (Critical Path Method)
Prosci 3-Phase Process (Change Management Tool)
- Phase 1: Preparing for Change
- Phase 2: Managing Change
- Phase 3: Reinforcing Change
Change Management Process (5 Steps)
- Request for Change
- Impact Analysis
- Approve or Deny
- Implement Change
- Review/Reporting
4 Established Values
- Honesty - Responsibility - Respect - Fairness.
4 SAFe Program Level Roles
- Product Manager
- Release Train Engineer
- Systems Architect/Engineer
- Business Owners
8 Instructional Page Project Control Metrics
- Planned Value (PV)
- Earned Value (EV)
- Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- Cost Performance Index (CPI)
- Actual Cost (AC)
- Estimate at Completion
- Schedule Variance (SV)
- Cost Variance (CV)
MoSCoW Method - Task Prioritization
- Must have
- Should have
- Could have
- Won’t have
The 4 Project Success Factors
2 Primary Estimate Resource Approaches
- Top-Down Approach
- Bottom-Up Approach
6 Schedule Steps
- Identify Activities
- Sequence Activities
- Determine Milestones
- Estimate Completion Time
- Estimate Resources
- Review
2 Popular Software Development Project Management Methods
- Waterfall
- Agile
4 Traditional Project Management Tools
- Gantt/Bar Chart
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Network Logic Diagram (NLD)
- Roles & Responsibilities Chart (RACI)
The 3 Aspects of Traditional Projects
- Large Scope, Cost, and Impact
- Physical (Brawn) vs. Creative (Brain)
- Important Deadline - Critical Criteria
4 Steps of Project Stakeholder Management
- Identify
- Plan
- Manage
- Monitor
3 Most Popular Types of Agile Framework
- Scrum
- Kanban
- SAFe
4 Popular Ways of Brainstorming
- Free Writing
- Generating Lists
- Idea/Mind Mapping
- Root Cause Analysis
Resource Estimate Formula (3 Factors)
Number of Tasks –> Task Duration –> Amount of People = Resource Estimate
What Does PERT Stand For?
Program Evaluation Review Technique
5 General Techniques for Resolving Conflict
- Withdraw/Avoid
- Smooth/Accommodate
- Compromise/Reconcile
- Force/Direct
- Collaborate/Problem Solve
3 Group Decision Making Techniques
- Unanimity
- Majority
- Plurality
6 Strategies for Task Decomposition
- Breaking down stories by workflow
- Breaking down tasks by roles
- Breaking down tasks by happy/unhappy flow
- Breaking down tasks by browser compatibility
- Breaking down tasks by input outputs
- Breaking down tasks by scenarios
4 Work Breakdown Structure Levels
- Project
- Major Tasks
- Subtasks
- Activities