PPT 8 - Endocrine Responses to Resistance Exercise (Ch4) Flashcards
The cell secretes a hormone that acts upon itself by binding to intracellular receptors.
The cell secretes a hormone that acts upon itself by binding to membrane receptors.
The cell secretes a hormone that interacts with adjacent cells, but never enters the blood circulation.
Hormones released by endocrine glands into the circulation, which carry information to hormone-specific receptors on target tissues or directly to DNA in the nucleus of the cell.
e.g., testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol, & insulin.
Hormones that are released into the bloodstream or lymphatic system following stimulation of the nervous system.
e.g., norepinephrine.
Endocrine system helps body to respond to (internal/external) stimuli.
Peripheral concentrations of hormones in the blood do not indicate which 2 things?
1) the status of the various receptor populations, or
2) the effects of a hormone within the cell.
Which hormones play role in tissue remodeling?
catabolic and anabolic hormones
initiates tissue remodeling during resistance exercise.
predominates in the recovery period leading to growth & repair.
Primary anabolic hormones involved in muscle tissue growth & remodeling are:
Growth hormone, &
Insulin-like growth factors.
is the primary androgen hormone that interacts with skeletal muscle tissue.
stimulates growth.
increases protein anabolism.
develops & maintains male sex characteristics.
What does testosterone transport?
sex hormone binding gobulin (SHBG)
Receptor of testosterone
binds to the nuclear androgen receptors in its target tissues.
Women secrete testosterone from where?
ovaries and adrenal glands
Testosterone indirect and direct effects on muscle tissue.
INDIRECT: increase GH release, influence protein changes
DIRECT: directly interact with skeletal muscle via nuclear androgen receptors.
Free testosterone accounts for only____ to ____% of total testosterone.
0.5 to 2.0
Performance of (smaller/larger) muscles before the other was shown to elevate testosterone levels.
large muscle mass prior to small
The LARGEST acute T response happens when?
during increased intensity and constant reps.
When is there little or no testosterone response?
at very low relative intensities
e.g., 40% 1RM.
at very high relative intensities
e.g., 100% 1RM.
Weightlifting years vs testosterone.
> 2 yrs lifting experience was greater than
Which load, volume and rest period shows highest testoserone?
Moderate load, high volume, short rest periods
MORE SO than high load, low volume, long rest
Does resistance training increase or decrease muscle androgen receptor content?
mostly increase
What does GH stimulate?