PPT 3 - Program Design and Technique for Plyometric Training (Ch18) Flashcards
Plyometrics def
is a quick, powerful movement using a pre-stretch, or countermovement, that involves the stretch shortening cycle (SSC).
Purpose of plyo
to increase the power of subsequent movements by using both the natural elastic components of muscle & tendon, & the stretch reflex.
Performance of a rapid stretch is (eccentric/concentric).
What happens to elastic energy during rapid stretch?
creases the elastic energy in the tendons & muscles.
elastic energy is briefly stored in the SEC.
If a concentric follows an eccentric muscle action, what happens to energy?
stored energy is released, increasing the total force production.
Circumstances Under Which the Stored Energy is Dissipated & Lost as Heat
The concentric muscle action does not occur immediately after the eccentric muscle action.
The eccentric phase is too long.
The eccentric phase requires too great a motion about the given joint.
Stretch-Shortening Cycle
Employs both the energy storage capabilities of the SEC and stimulation of the stretch reflex to facilitate a maximal increase in muscle recruitment over a minimal amount of time.
(combines mechanical & neurophysiological mechanisms)
is the basis of plyometric exercise.
A high stretch rate results in (more/less) muscle recruitment & activity during the concentric phase of the SSC.
Eccentric (stretch or shortening).
Concentric (stretch or shortening).
Eccentric: stretch
Concentric: shortening
Muscle spindles are stimulated: eccentric or concentric?
When do the alpha motor neurons stimulate the agonist muscle group: eccentric or concentric?
Explain the amortization phase (II).
Pause between phase I (ecc) and III (conc)
Type Ia afferent nerve fibers synapse with alpha motoneurons in the spinal cord.
Alpha motor neurons transmit signals to the agonist muscle group .
Is plyo power?
is determined by the body region performing the given exercise:
Lower Body Plyometrics,
Upper Body Plyometrics,
Trunk Plyometrics.
Direction of movement for lower body plyometrics
horizontal, lateral, and/or vertical movements.
Jumps in place are performed repeatedly with or without rest?
Standing jumps: what kind of effort?
Standing jumps are performed with or without rest?
Which direction are the standing jumps mostly emphasizing on?
horizontal and vertical
which direction are the jumping in place emphasizing on?
Multiple jumps and hops emphasize on which direction?
all, even diagonal
Involve exaggerated movements with greater horizontal speed than other drills.
Bounds emphasize which direction?
Horizontal and vertical, backward, horizontal, vertical
Box drills
Increase the intensity of multiple hops & jumps using a box.
Directions of box drills
vertical; vertical & slightly horizontal.
Height of box for box drill depends on
athlete’s size, landing surface, & program goals.