PPT 2 - Exercise Technique for Free Weight and Exercise Training (Ch15) Flashcards
Open or False Grip
when the thumb does not wrap around the bar.
Clean Grip
a closed, pronated grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, outside of the knees.
Snatch Grip
a wide, closed, pronated grip that is measured using either the fist-to-opposite shoulder or elbow-to-elbow method.
How should feet be positioned during exercise?
slightly wider than hip width
What should heels and balls of feet look like during exercise?
in contact with floor
Quick movements are appropriate for which type of exercise?
Sticking Point
is the most strenuous movement of a repetition, & it occurs soon after the transition from the eccentric phase to the concentric phase.
(Inhale/exhale) through the sticking point of the concentric phase. (Inhale/exhale) during the eccentric phase of the repetition.
Exhale, inhale
Valsalva maneuver
involves expiring against a closed glottis, which, when combined with contracting the abdomen & rib cage muscles, creates rigid compartments of fluid in the lower torso & air in the upper torso (the “Fluid Ball”).
What does the valsalva maneuver help with?
Will assist in maintaining proper vertebral alignment & support.
Helps to establish the “flat-back” & erect upper torso position in many exercises.
Which exercises can the valsalva maneuver be used (1RM tests)?
Front squat Back squat Deadlift Hip sled Leg press Shoulder press Power clean Snatch
What does weight belts help with?
May help maintain intra-abdominal pressure during lifting.
Weight belt appropriateness depends on…
type of exercise performed,
relative load lifted.
Why should you keep the bar close to the body and back flat upon lifting a bar off the floor?
Keeping the bar close to the body & the back flat during the upward pull helps avoid excessive strain on the lower back.
Explain how to lift a bar
position the bar close to the shins & over the balls of the feet & grasp the bar with a closed grip that is shoulder-width (or slightly wider) apart.
Place the feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart.
Explain how to lift dumbbells
stand directly between them & grasp the handles with a closed grip & a neutral arm or hand position.
Position the arms outside the knees with the elbows extended.
Correct preparatory body positions before lifting a weight off the floor
1 The back is neutral or slightly arched.
2 The scapulae are depressed & retracted.
3 The chest is held up & out.
4 The head is in line with the vertebral column or slightly hyperextended.
5 The feet are flat on the floor.
6 The shoulders are over or slightly in front of the bar.
7 The eyes are focused straight ahead or slightly upward.
Power Rack exercises
Ideally, to promote the safety of the lifter, the spotters, & others nearby, these exercises should be performed inside a power rack with the crossbars in place at an appropriate height.
Out-of-Rack Exercises
with heavy weights can result in serious injury.
should be executed only by well-trained & skilled athletes & spotted by experienced professionals.
Physical build of spotter compared to athlete (2 things)
as strong and as tall
Over the face exercises, spotters grip should look like?
narrower than athlete’s grip.
The number of spotters depends on which 3 things.
Load being lifted.
The experience & ability of the athlete & spotters.
The physical strength of the spotters.
Before beginning a set the athlete should inform the spotter:
how the bar will be handled initially,
how many reps will be performed, &
when the athlete is ready to move the bar into position.
What is a Liftoff?
refers to moving the bar from the upright supports to a position in which the athlete can begin the exercise.
Who does the liftoff: spotter or athlete?
Athlete or spotter
Which exercises use liftoff normally?
normally used in bench press, shoulder press, & squatting exercises (supports are too low & nonadjustable).