PPP flashcards
What was encouraged by the ordinance of 1785?
The grid system
Civic spaces around a pinwheel arrangement of streets
Turbine square
Development pattern: simplest, growth follows the grid pattern
Expanding grid
Development pattern: revolves around the urban core
Star pattern
Development pattern: no central focus or apparent overall organization
Field pattern
Development pattern: central urban core with other major cores surrounding. Outer cores connected with beltway
Satellite pattern
Development pattern: two or more major urban centers near each other grow together
Spaces that tend to bring people together
Spaces that tend to discourage interaction or social contact
Crime prevention through environmental design
Defensible space
Small area in which a number of people live who share similar needs and desires in housing, social activity and other day to day living
Slope 0% - 4% 4% - 10% Over 10% Over 25%
0% - 4% usable for all types
4% - 10% informal movement
Over 10% difficult and expensive to build on
Over 25% very steep subject to erosion
Study determines how existing buildings, streets, and public spaces contribute to the neighborhood image
The original concept of the neighborhood by
Clarence Perry
The time rate of flow of heat through a material
High = heat pass quickly
Low = retard heat passage
Natural materials are low
Ground surface with low albedo and high conductivity tends to
Moderate and stabilize the microclimate
Excess heat is absorbed quickly and released when the temperature drops
The study of living organisms in relation to their environment
Formal process to predict how a development will affect the environment, including the air, water, land, and wildlife
National environmental policy act of 1969
An area whose soil is inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water frequently enough that it can support plants that are adapted to living in saturated soil
Jurisdictional wetland
Protected by government through clean water act of 1972
Imaginary inclined plane beginning at the lot line or the center of the street and sloping at a prescribed angle toward and over the lot. Building cannot extend into this plane
Bulk plane restriction
Allows a nonconforming use or other use in the zoning ordinance if the property owner meets certain restrictions
Conditional use permit
Deeds to property can contain provisions that restrict the use of the property by the buyer. Most often used in a residential subdivision
Restrictive covenants
Evaluates the environmental impacts from initial raw material extraction to final recycling, reuse or disposal of a material
Life-cycle assessment (LCA)
A tax based on the value of property being taxed
Ad valorem tax
A method cities use to issue bonds to pay for improvements within a specified district that are intended to stimulate private development within the district
Tax increment financing