PPM Implementation Flashcards
What feature does Teamspace application provide?
How many Teamspaces can you install?
- Allows customers to provide functional and data separation of the applications between different teams in the organization.
- 5
When installing ______, Agile Development 2.0 and Test Management 2.0 are available for installation by an administrator?
PPM Standard
Agile Development 2.0 application is using what framework?
________ application allows customers to plan and manage investments by allocating funds to different entities (i.e portfolios, programs, projects, demands, epics, etc.) and prioritizing investments based on business needs and strategic objectives?
Investment Funding for PPM (com.snc.investment_planning_pmo)
_______ application allows intake of ideas through the Idea Portal. It can help gather and evaluate ideas efficiently and to quickly identify and process the ideas with the greatest potential for implementation?
Innovation Management (com.snc.ppm_innovation_management) ***Ideation with PPM (in Quebec)
A customer’s (company) journey can align itself to business outcomes or use cases and span five areas?
- Fully Aligned Organization
- IT as Valued Partner
- Prioritize IT & Business Investments
- Aligning to IT Business Needs
- IT Centric
_________ plugin enables you to request or allocate funds for your projects and demands?
Investment Funding for PPM plugin [com.snc.investment_planning_pmo]
Project Portfolio Management quick start tests is available after activating the ________ plugin
PPM Standard - ATF Tests plugin [com.snc.financial_planning_pmo.atf] (provides you test cases and test suits that can be run on the PPM Standard Application)
_____ plugin can be activated to create and compare scenarios for a portfolio?
Scenario Planning for PPM [sn_pw_scenario]
______ plugin evaluates the strategic value of demands and projects and has capability to allocate strategy and goal percentages and generate breakdowns?
Strategic Spend Tracking for PPM [sn_ppm_sst] ( It also provides a dashboard to view how the planned costs, actual costs, and benefits for projects aligned to the organization’s goals and strategies trend over time in order to accurately understand the financial performance of your organization)
What Performance Analytics - Content Packs are there (3)?
- Performance Analytics - Content Pack - PPM Standard [com.snc.pa.pmo_dashboards] (activates PPM Std when installed)
- Performance Analytics - Content Pack - Project Portfolio Suite Dashboards [com.snc.pps_dashboards]
- Performance Analytics Premium for Project Portfolio Management [com.snc.pa.premium.ppm] (cost extra)
What table is these tables extended from: Idea-Demand-Project-Program?
Task table
The tables that are installed with project teamspaces are prefixed with an _______?
It´s best practice to identify them as e.g?
- Abbreviation based on the name of teamspace
2. tsp1, tsp2, etc
The tables installed with project teamspaces are extended from these _____ base application tables (3)?
PPM Data Models can show us the relationships between _______ ?
Tables from an application data model (i.e Project)
What role has access to the Project Administration application which includes access to settings for project preferences, resource properties and more?
PPS admin role [it_pps_admin]
The ______ role serves as the base role for a teamspace?
PPS Admin [it_pps_admin]
Base groups (for users) already exist in PPM, they include (4)?
Project Manager
Project Users
Portfolio Managers
Program Managers
What role is needed to evaluate and submitted idea and promote them to task (2)?
Idea or Demand Manager
The Idea Portal retrieves data from the ______ ?
Idea module
How many category tables can you map to an Idea Module?
Approved ideas become ____ ?
Tasks (these tasks can include demands, projects, epics or stories)
Ideas that are accepted by the idea manager need to be placed into one of the following states (3)?
In Backlog
In Development
Is it possible for the Demand Manager to click Create Task to manually convert an Idea to a task?
Data fields from the idea record are carried over and pre-populated in the demand record, the base system carries over the following fields (3)?
Demand Name (title of idea) Idea Number (read-only) Description (Business Case tab on Demand)
Idea states are created in what table?
[im_idea_core] table
States for Idea´s are created in the [im_idea_core] table. States are persisted in the [sys_choice] table. As an implementer, you have the ability to modify or add states by configuring the choice options in the _______ table.
[sys_choice] table
Which table should you extend to use in Idea module definition?
What Task Types can an Idea be converted to if plugin Project Portfolio Management is installed (2) ?
What Task Types can an Idea be converted to if plugin Agile Development 2.0 is installed (2) ?
What Task Types can an Idea be converted to if plugin Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is installed (3) ?
SAFe epic
SAFe feature
SAFe story
What Task Types can an Idea be converted to if plugin Continual Improvement Management is installed (1) ?
Improvement Initiative
Idea to demand, the Story, Epic, Enhancement, and Defect options only appear if the administrator has activated the _____ plugin?
Agile Development 2.0
Idea to demand, the SAFe story, SAFe feature, and SAFe epic options only appear if the administrator has activated either the ____ or _______ plugin?
Essential SAFe
Portfolio SAFe
What group of users evaluate demands?
This table stores all stakeholders. When creating users in this table, you can create stakeholders without an association to a portfolio. This allows stakeholders to belong to one or more portfolios, what is the table?
Stakeholder register [dmn_stakeholder_register]
This table stores all stakeholders who are associated with one or more demands. Having this table allows demand managers flexibility to update stakeholders values for function, influence, level of interest, engagement, approver and assessment recipient and fields different than the stakeholder register record, what is the table?
Demand stakeholder [dmn_m2m_demand_stakeholder]
Using what table allows the demand manager to include a one-off stakeholder that may not belong to a single portfolio?
Demand stakeholder [dmn_m2m_demand_stakeholder]
If a demand manager modifies stakeholder fields in a demand record, does it affect the stakeholder register record?
If a demand manager associates a portfolio to a demand, will the system populate the demand stakeholder list with users that have portfolio association?
Can users associate other stakeholders to a demand even if they are not part of the associated portfolio?
Yes (within the related list)
What needs to be set to True/Yes within the demand/stakeholder related list for a assessment to be sent to a specific stakeholder?
Assessment Recipient (set to true/yes)
Does [dmn_m2m_demand_stakeholder] table update the [dmn_stakeholder_register] record?
Once assessments are completed, a ______ updates the demand state to Qualified?
business rule
What is the default demand type?
A demand score is calculated based on _______(3) attributes in the base system and are based on data obtained through demand assessments?
When risk and size are high, the score of the demand is what?
Low (when value is high, the score of the demand is high)
Each metric for a demand is calculated based on formulas and business rules. Weights are applied to produce a normalized value which represents the ________ ?
average response
What role can administer metric definition (by navigating to Assessments > Metric Definition > Metrics)?
Demand Management comes with two demand visualization tools that can help demand managers make decisions about which demands are worth the effort based on stakeholder feedback?
Demand Workbench
Demand Roadmap.
By default, the Demand workbench displays Demands in the ____ state?
Demand Roadmap is a timeline visualization that displays a list of all demands grouped by _____?
Portfolio (demand must have a portfolio to be viewed in timeline)
The two base system roles in Demand application (2)?
What are the 5 phases for a Project (NOW Create)?
Initiate Plan Execute Deliver Close
What is a baseline in Project Workspace?
Snapshot of the current planned start & end dates
_______ is the parent table for project and project task tables?
Planned task
The state of both projects and parent tasks roll up from its ________?
child tasks
The state, percent complete and the actual dates of a task are tightly coupled in the base system. When project manager sets one of these values, what happends?
the system defaults the other two values to keep them in sync at all times
Project tasks created in an automatic project are created with _______ constraint type by default?
Start Asap
The start date of tasks with start on constraint will not be recalculated even when dependencies are added to them, true or false?
Tasks created in manual projects are always created with start on constraint, does the user have possibility to change the constraint type to start asap?
In manual projects where the task dates are not recalculated based on their dependencies, the parent task dates and the state will continue to roll-up from the _______?
Child Records
The default schedule in the system “Project Management Schedule” defines Monday to Friday as working days with 8AM to 12PM and 1PM to 5PM as working hours, true or false?
The planned end date will be derived using the planned duration and will always be during the working hours, true or false?
The Approved End Date field gets updated from where if the project is converted from a demand?
The demand due date
Project Managers can create project templates; however only a _____ can modify the template configuration?
PPS admin (it_pps_admin)
The Project Template configuration list contains three default template configuration items?
Project task
Project subtask
*Project Administration > Settings > Template Config
A Project Manager can only apply one Project Template to an existing project, true or false?
False (project manager can apply one or multiple project templates to an existing project)
When Client Side Planning is enabled, where are all changes stored?
Kept on client side (until they are saved on server, save icon in planning console, planning tab)
The project status report offers project managers additional information on (9)?
Project Phase Project dates Key Milestones Risks Issues Decisions Actions Changes.
- What color(status) will the Program status report get from the underlying projects?
- Can it be changed?
- The “highest level” color from an underlying project’s status report is used to calculate the program status report (if a project has a status report with an overall health of red, the program status report overall health will default to red)
- This can be overwritten by the program manager if needed
The risk rank and value are calculated based on the values in the _______?
risk value lookup (module)
The risk rank formula is _______?
probability * impact
OOB, a project manager can convert a risk, issue, decision, action or change request. For example, a risk can be converted to an issue or an issue can be converted to an action, etc, true or false?
An admin can inactive or configure new RIDAC conversions using _______ ?
Flow Designer
The admin can find all the RIDAC related actions under the application ______ ?
RIDAC Spoke (Flow Designer, Actions)
Can you delete the default template configuration items?
Yes (but doing so affects the ability to create project templates)
What is recommended/best practice regarding Default Templates?
Make a copy, never delete default templates
What features does Teamspace provide that you can personalize for a department (4)?
Demand Management
Project Management
Configuration (form,layout,settings,client scripts etc)
Each Teamspace can have its own Idea portal to view, submit, filter, sort, comment, and vote on ideas. An idea admin must do what to set this up (3)?
- Configure idea module
- Map (any new) idea categories to the idea module
- Add the navigation for the Idea Portal page for a given teamspace.
What objects are cloned for a Teamspace (5)?
Project and Demand Applications Tables (Data) Properties (Configurations) Form & List Layouts Security and Access Rules (ACLs)
What role serves as the base role for a Teampace?
PPS Admin [it_pps_admin]
Each teamspace is assigned its own admin in order to configure teamspace properties and preferences, they have view access of teamspace records, table and roles. They will have limited ability to configure basic settings like name and prefix. What is the role they get?
FYI: what individual roles are available for a teamspace (11)?
tspx_demand_manager tspx_demand_user tspx_project_manager tspx_project_user tspx_project_portfolio_user tspx_program_manager tspx_portfolio_manager tspx_pps_admin tspx_rate_model_admin tspx_timeline_admin tspx_timeline_user
FYI: what individual tables are installed with teamspace (15)?
Project - Project Task -Project Template - Project template Task
Portfolio - Portfolio Goal - Portfolio Issues - Portfolio Risk - Portfolio Project
Stakeholder Register
Program - Program Task - Program Status
The name of the teamspace can be changed; however, this only changes the title that appears in the ______? It does not modify the names of other components, such as table names or role names.
Application menu
A resource plan can be aligned to a ____ or a ______ ?
project or a project task
Can you create groups and users with the pps_resource/pps_admin role?
No (pps_admin does not inherit the user_admin role by default, need to be sys_admin)
To create Resource Plans (e.g Project Manager) you need what role?
What role is needed to view resource users and groups?
To appear in Resource Plans and become a user of Resource Planning you need what role?
The resource allocation workbench helps resource managers view what for requested resources (4)?
The Resource Organizer uses a third-party library, called “ag-grid”, to render the grids. When the grid loads, it makes two calls to the server, what are those (2)?
- A call to fetch the column definitions (what columns to show and how the columns need to be rendered in the UI)
- A call to fetch the row data to be shown in the grid.
(*data is fetched in 3 phases: 1:demand/project data, 2:resource plan data, 3:allocation data)
Capacity must be generated for all the users having pps_resource role to be shown in the Finder of the Resource Organizer UI. True or False?
A resource manager can update the resource capacity from where (2)?
Resource list view
Resource form view
Resource grid’s column definitions are seeded in a script include called?
“ResourceGridSeededMetadata” (System Definitions > Script Includes).
Whats states are available for a resource plan (7)?
Planning Requested Rejected Confirmed Allocated Completed Canceled
Is it recommended to make configuration changes to the resource plan states?
No (making configuration changes may impact the creation of requested allocation and resource allocation records)
A hierarchy of schedules can be created, what role is needed to perform that?
An implementer can specify the default resource management schedule by setting the property in ?
Project Administration > Settings > Properties - Resource
Does any schedule specified on a user record override the default resource management schedule?
For every event that is created on a user’s calendar, a record is created in what table?
User Calendar Event [user_calendar_event] table
Resource data is stored in the following tables so reports can be generated easily (5)?
resource_allocation_daily: resource_aggregate_daily: resource_aggregate_weekly: resource_aggregate_monthly: user_calendar_event
Resource allocations do not have a time component, instead contain the ___ and the total ______?
allocated hours
Creating a cost plan creates a cost plan breakdown. The cost plan breakdown has a field Breakdown Type which has values (4)?
Is Domain Separation supported in the Cost Management application?
No (the domain field may exist on data tables, but there is no business logic to manage data)
Does the pps_admin role have access to the admin module in the Cost Management Application?
No (sys_admin needed)
Typically, part of the ITFM framework, a _________ admin does all the modeling and grooming of General Ledger, consolidating transactions and account numbers and pooling them into a cost model?
You can create new or update existing costs types by navigating to Project Administration > Settings > Cost Type Definitions. Create costs types by selecting New and complete the record. Each type is associated to a ________ which must be set up first?
GL account (General Ledger)
A PPS admin can create fiscal periods, such as one month long or four weeks long or Q1 2021 or July 2021 by navigating to _______?
Project Administration > Fiscal Calendar
For a cost plan created from the resource plan, the ‘Entered currency’ and ‘Functional currency’ are always ______ ?
the same (because different resources may have rates in different currencies, and ServiceNow does not currently store separate “per user” cost plans)
The _______ plugin enables an advanced ability to manage PPM financials in multiple currencies?
PPM Standard Multicurrency (once the plugin is installed, a new view called “Project Currency” is available on the project form)
Does PPM Standard Multicurrency functionality extend to programs or portfolios?
What roles can create a rate model (2)?
PPS Administrator
Rate Model Administrator
A Project or Demand Manager can associate any one rate model as the default rate model that is automatically associated to new projects and demands, true or false?
If there is no rate model associated to a project or demand, the system will use the default ______ ?
labor rate card
Rate Model is used in (2)?
- Resource Planning (for Planned Costs and Confirmed/Allocated Costs)
- Timecard Processing for Time card entries recorded against project tasks only. (Note: A Rate Model is NOT used for “Time worked” entries because these create time cards, which themselves will use this model)
What Rate Model roles are there (2)?
rate_model_user (view rate models/lines)
rate_model_admin (create/update/delete rate models)
How many rate model attributes can you define)
Up to 10
From which entities can you define rate model attributes (7)?
Project Project task Demand User Group Role Resource plan.
The ________ enables users to request or allocate funds for portfolios, programs, projects and demands?
Investment Funding for PPM
Once you start working with a set of financial data with a fiscal calendar type, can you change to another type of fiscal calendar?
Does a Resource Plan always create a Cost Plan?
Approved Time Cards automatically generates an expense line, yes or no?
Does the Resource plan actual costs roll up to the portfolio the project belongs to?
In what states of a Project (and Project task) are you able to report time on it (2)?
Work In Progress
What 3 different ways is there to generate time cards manually?
- From a time sheet related list (Open the time sheet that you want to create the time card for. In the Time Cards related list, click New.)
- From a time sheet related link (related links: Generate Time Cards: or Copy from previous time sheet:)
- From time sheet portal (Time Sheets > Time Sheet Portal.
Open the week on the Calendar for which you want to create the time card)
True or False? The scheduled job auto-generates time cards only for those users who have the “auto create time cards every week” option set to true in their assigned time sheet policy.
Auto-generated Time cards are generated only for those project tasks that are __-__ or _____ in that week?
In progress
Can a time card admin or a project manager create subcategories for time reporting to define specific activities in the projects?
The recall option is available only if the _______ is selected on the policy?
What role can recall a timecard (2)?
Allow recall option
timecard_approver or timecard_admin
Can a pps_admin modify Global Reports and add Reports to dashboards they do not own?
No (can add reports only to dashboards they own, Global Reports/PPM dashboard need report_admin or sys_admin role)
pps_admin role has viewer access only to dashboards in Performance Analytics > Dashboards. To configure any one of the PPM dashboards; you need the _____ role?
dashboard_admin role (or consult a system administrator)
Access to the PPS dashboard requires the ________ plugin?
This plugin will also activate the ________ (2) plugins, if not already activated?
- Performance Analytics - Content Pack - PPM Standard (com.snc.pa.pmo_dashboards)
- Performance Analytics - Content Pack - Project Portfolio Suite Dashboards (com.snc.pps_dashboards) and the PPM Standard plugin
Access to the Agile 2.0 dashboards requires ______ plugin?
Performance Analytics Content Pack for Agile 2.0 (sn_scrum_dashboard)
The _____ provides comprehensive reports to the portfolio and program managers. The dashboard uses Performance Analytics to provide a trend of historical data as well as regular reports. It gives an overview of your investments, provides a pipeline view of upcoming intake and a calendar view of upcoming dates.
PMO dashboard
The PMO Dashboard is shared with roles:____ (3) (Can view). To edit the reports, user must have ____?
To edit: report_admin
Is the PMO dashboard available for Teamspaces?
By focusing on specific _____ rather than processes and applications, you can provide targeted dashboards for everyday use across the organization?
Can you assign a time sheet policy to user?
If so, what role is needed?
Time Card Admin
What role can set a time sheet policy as the default policy? (The default policy is a global time sheet policy which applies to all the users who are not assigned to any other time sheet policy)
Time Card Admin
As a time card administrator, can you assign a time sheet policy to a user?