PPGH Flashcards
What is ‘Absolute risk’?
When the outcome is the presence or absence of an event. Absolute risk is the percentage of people with the outcome in the group. This is calculated for the intervention group and the control group which is then compared.
What is the baseline risk?
This is the absolute risk in a control group (group without intervention)
What is absolute risk reduction?
This is the absolute risk of the control group minus the absolute risk of the intervention group
What is ‘Relative risk’?
This is the baseline risk taken into account in the control group. This is calculated by the absolute risk of the intervention group divided by the absolute risk of the control group. This tells you the percentage risk in the intervention group relative to the control group.
What is the relevant risk reduction?
100% - the relative risk %
Which framework is used to explain how the social determinants of health interact?
The WHO - Commision for social determinants
This says there are structural determinants such as governance, economic and social policies, and community values. There are also intermediary determinants such as material circumstances, psychosocial circumstances, behavioural, and biological circumstances