PPD Flashcards
Rule of thumb for estimating parking count
400sf per car
includes drive aisles, drives, parking spaces, and minimal landscaping
What is the drainage slope for parking lots
2% or 3%
definition of a fire partition
a wall assembly with a 1hr fire resistance rating
Where must fire partitions be used
walls separating dwelling units
wall separating guest rooms in group R-2
walls separating tenant spaces in covered and open mall buildings
corridor walls
elevator lobbies
Which assembly must be continuous from floor to floor or floor to roof? Fire partition or fire barrier?
fire barrier
What is the maximum opening size in a fire barrier?
25% the length of the wall
however, any single opening can not exceed 156sf in area
What does glazing assembly rating W stand for
wall assembly
What does glazing assembly rating D stand for
fire door assembly
What does glazing assembly rating OH stand for
Fire window or hose stream test
What does glazing assembly rating H stand for
Hose stream test
What does glazing assembly rating T stand for
450F for 30 min
What is a fire wall
a rated wall that is used to separate construction types or to provide more allowable area by creating separate buildings
Must extend from foundation to roof
One structure must be allowed to fail without affecting the structural stability of the adjacent building.
What is a smoke barrier
a continuous vertical or horizontal membrane with minimum fire resistant rating of 1hr constructed to restrict the movement of smoke
Class I vs Class II materials
Class I is more resistant to flame spread than Class II
Define accessory occupancy
a space or room that is ancillary to the main occupancy but does not exceed more than 10% of total area.
Does not need to be separated from main occupancy with a fire barrier.
Define incidental use
is ancillary to main occupancy and has same classification, but poses a greater level of risk than that occupancy .
Must be separated by a fire barrier, equipped with automatic sprinkler, or both.
Can not excess 10% of total area
What is the minimum rating for a door in a 1hr wall assembly
20 min
What defines a high rise building
75 ft
fire department apparatus may not be able to reach above 75ft
What is a bulk plane restriction
a zoning technique that establishes an imaginary inclined plane at beginning of lot line and slopes at a prescribed angle toward and over the lot. Building cannot intersect this plane
What is the minimum clear floor space to accommodate a stationary wheel chair
30in x 48in
ADA unobstructed forward reach range
What is the max opening force required to push or pull open an interior door
Name the factors that affect human comfort
air movement
temperature radiation from objects
air quality
Name the three ways the body loses heat
What factors does thermal comfort rely on
air temp
air movement
surface temp
What is the general temperature range for comfort
69F - 80F
What is effective temperature
value that combines the effects of air temp, humidity, and air movement
What is operative temperature
an average of the air temp and MRT (mean radiant temperature) of a space
What is mean radiant temperature
an average of various surface temps in a room
What is heat loss through infiltration
transfer of air through open doors, cracks, flues, vents, and other gaps in construction
How many grades of oil are there?
#1, #2, #4, #5, #5 heavy, #6
lower numbers are more refined and more expensive
What are three fundamental components of a compressive refrigeration system
compressor, condensor, and evaporator
What are the 4 main types of all-air systems
Dual-duct system
Reheat (constant volume)
Describe VAV system
Variable air volume
Air is heated or cooled in a central plant and distributed to the building at a constant temp through a single duct
Describe dual-duct system
Two parallel ducts run to each space; one carries hot air and the other cool air
Describe reheat systems
(constant volume)
Mixes return and fresh air - cools and dehumidifies mixture and then distributes at a constant volume at low temp throughout building
Describe multizone system
supplies air to central mixing unit where separate hot and cold airstreams are distributed
Can simultaneously heat and cool different zones
Ohm’s law for DC circuits equation
I = V/R
Power equation
P = (V)(I)
Ohm’s law for AC circuits equation
I = V/Z
Two types of underfloor raceways
underfloor ducts
Cellular metal floors
What is the most common form or electrical energy used in buildings?
Alternating current (AC)
(solar heating)
describe batch system
heats water directly in a black-painted tank inside a glazed box
(solar heating)
describe thermosiphon system
Relies on natural movement of heated water to circulate the water in a passive, open loop system
(solar heating)
describe closed-loop active system
one of most common types for residential and commercial applications - a nonfreezing fluid is circulated by pumps through the solar collectors and into a heat exchanger where hot water is heated.
(solar heating)
describe drain-down system
direct, active system that drains the water from the collectors when outside temp is near freezing
what is considered “long span”
over 60ft in length
practical span of steel girders
Rigid frame system
vertical and horizontal members resist loads by flexure - moment and loads are transferred from beams to columns
used for industrial facilities, warehouses, and manufacturing plants
Three groups of joists
joists that can span up to 60ft
LH and DLH-series
considered long span joist systems
LH - supports floor and roofs
up to 96ft
DLH - supports roofs
up to 144ft
What is camber
the rise in a beam to compensate for deflection when load is applied
Glued-laminate beam span
rarely exceeds 60ft
Six general considerations that affect the cost of any structure
structural system
construction time
integration with other bldg systems
what are maximum shipment lengths
60ft for trucks
80ft for railroad
Are one-way or two-way structural systems more efficient
Types of two-way long span systems
space frames
thin-shell structures
air-supported structures
membrane structures
Types of one-way long span systems
steel girders
rigid frames
Vierendeel trusses
glued-laminate beams
prestressed concrete
post-tensioned concrete
what is the transmittance of clear glass?
frosted glass?
Define candlepower
unit of luminous intensity approximately equal to the horizontal lifer output from an ordinary wax candle
Define illuminance
density of luminous flux incident on a surface, expressed in lumens per unit area
Define lumen
the amount of light at the bulb or source
name the two types of glare
direct and reflected
name the four types of primary light sources
incandescent lamps
fluorescent lamps
high-intensity discharge (HID)
light-emitting diodes (LED)
Define efficacy
ratio of luminous flux emitted to the total power input to the source and is measured in lumens per watt
Describe incandescent lamp properties
a tungsten filament with sealed glass bulb containing inert gas
Operate at high temperatures
Describe fluorescent lamp properties
contain a mixture of an inert gas and low-pressure mercury vapor
high efficacy (80lm/W)
Name the three types of fluorescent lights
preheat lamps
rapid-start lamps
instant-start lamps
Describe HID lamp properties
Includes mercury vapor, metal halide, high and low pressure sodium
Describe LED properties
a semiconductor device that uses solid-state electronics to create light
Name the three basic qualities of sound
velocity, frequency, and power
what is the threshold for human hearing? for pain?
What should the average absorption coefficient of a room be?
at least 0.20
Hydraulic elevator vs electric elevator
hydraulic - lifted by plunger set in ground
only used in buildings less than 50ft in verticality
electric - a cab system suspended by cables over a sheave and attached to counterweight (traction elevators)
What are the two types of electric elevators
geared traction - slow speeds
gearless traction - high speed, DC power
What is the max number of elevators in a hoistway enclosure
What is the angle of an escalator
30 degrees
Minimum stair widths
or 44in when occupant load exceeds 50
handrails may project a max of 4 1/2” on both sides of stairway
Maximum distance between stair landings
4 types of soil
What is the minimum number of borings for a site
one at each corner of the building
What is a test pit
a common type of subsurface exploration
trenches dug on site to allow visual inspection of soil strata
depth about 10ft
What is karst
landscape in which soluble rocks such as limestone, dolomite, and gypsum have dissolved, forming caves and other voids below surface
Can cause sink holes
Soil properties tested from field samples
grain size and shape
liquid and plastic limits
specific gravity
unconfined compression
water content
What is surcharging
preloading of the ground with fill material to cause consolidation and settlement of underlying soil before building
What are geotextiles
permeable, flexible fabrics and mattings
What happens if a building is below the water table
it is subject to hydrostatic pressure, putting additional loads on the structural elements of the foundation
make waterproofing difficult
How often should expansion joint happen in concrete paving
20ft with a 1/2” remolded joint filler
What is a deadman
a timber, plate, or similar object placed perpendicular to the face of the retaining wall and serves to anchor the wall by means of earth friction or pressure
What are insulating concrete forms (ICFs)
polystyrene foam forms that provide formwork for poured concrete and remain in place after concrete cures
What are the three types of ICFs
block systems
panel systems
plank systems
What is the F-number system
a way to specify and measure the flatness and levelness tolerance of a concrete floor
What are the two common grades of rebar
40 and 60
Type I cement
standard cement or normal cement
used for general construction
Type II cement
modified cement
used where sulfate resistance is needed and heat of hydration needs to be controlled
Type III cement
high early strength cement - aka quick set
Type IV cement
low heat cement - used in massive structures to minimize cracking
Type V cement
sulfate-resisting cement for structures exposed to water or soil with high alkaline
Name types of concrete admixtures
air-entraining agent
waterproofing agent
What does a cylinder test identify
compressive strength
When is a core cylinder test used
when a portion of the structure is in place and cured but needs to be tested
What is a kelly ball test
aka ball penetration test
hemispheric mass of steel with a calibrated stem is dropped onto a slab of fresh concrete
Penetration of the ball is measured and compared to slump test
Define control joint
a weak section in concrete intentionally created in the slab so that normal temperature and stress cracking will occur along the joint
Define construction joint
occurs where there are two successive pours
Define expansion joint
allows entire sections of a concrete structure to move independently of one another
Define isolation joint
Allows to adjacent sections to move independently, but is not as complex as expansion joint
Type N mortar
most commonly used for exterior, above-grade wall exposed to severe weather
Type S mortar
suitable for at or below-grade applications
Type M mortar
has the highest compressive strength and is recommended for harder stone and walls with heavier loads
Type O mortar
limited to interior non-load bearing walls and tuck pointing
Two basic types of brick
facing brick
building brick
Nominal dimensions of modular brick
3 5/8” wide
2 1/4” tall
7 5/8” long
3/8” mortar
What is a ferrous metal
metals that contain a substantial amount of iron
What does it mean to bonderize steel
to coat it with an anticorrosive phosphate solution in preparation for application of paint or enamel
what % of carbon does standard structural steel contain
what is the most common yield point for structural steel
Letter designation for wide-flange sections
Letter designation for I-beams
Letter designation for channel sections
Letter designation for structural tees
wide flange tee - WT
I-beam tee - ST
Letter designation for steel angles
What is the height and weight of a W12x30 beam
12” tall
30 lb/ft
1hr rated wall construction
3-1/2” metal stud
5/8” gyp on both sided
2hr rated wall construction
3-5/8” metal stud
(2) layers of 5/8” gyp on both sides
What is the required floor space for an idle wheelchair user
What is the minimum required width of a door
What is the required clearance in front of a door when approaching a door you push open
What is the required clearance in front of a door when approaching a door you pull open
18” side
What is U-factor
the heat flow coefficient of a material
(how much heat a material conducts)
What is R-value
Measure of resistance to heat flow
(insulating properties)
What is the relationship between R-value and U-factor
they are inverse
Components of a simple refrigeration cycle
refrigerant lines, compressor, condensor coils, and expansion valve (evaporator)
Where is the refrigerant the hottest in a refrigeration cycle
just after the compressor
Where is the refrigerant the coolest in a refrigeration cycle
Just after the evaporator (or expansion valve)
Are double skin facades a sustainable strategy for summer or winter?
Air gap allows for ventilation in the summer and insulation in the winter
What is the minimum required width of a stair
What is the size of AOR
What is the rule for doors into a stair
Cannot impede on more than half the width of the landing / cannot project more than 7” into landing when fully open
Name the three kinds of fire detectors
heat detector
When is it best to use a heat detector
When a fire is already burning hot and assumes other detection systems have been used
When is it best to use an ionization smoke detector
indoors with low air movement where smoke is NOT expected - do not use in kitchens
When is it best to use a photoelectric smoke detector
when detecting slow smoldering fires
Name what is in each class of fire:
Class A
Class B
Class C
A) Anything that leaves ash - wood, blankets, paper, furniture, etc
B) fuels, oils, etc
C) Electrical fire
Rigid (moment) frame, braced frame, and shear walls… Which allows the most openings on exterior walls
Rigid (moment) frame, braced frame, and shear walls… Which allows the least openings on exterior walls
Shear walls
Rigid (moment) frame, braced frame, and shear walls… Which is most expensive to construct
Rigid (moment) frame, braced frame, and shear walls… Which is the most efficient
Rigid (moment) frame, braced frame, and shear walls… Which would be ideal for a glazed facade?
Rigid or braced
How do you differentiate a moment / shear beam and column connection?
moment - web and flange of beam are attached to column
shear - only web is attached
Is a shear connection the same as a shear wall?
What is the minimum corridor width?
Door swing clearance in a 44” corridor?
What is the max dead end corridor length?
What is tributary area?
the area supported by a beam - half the distance between beam support by the length of the member
How do you calculate weight supported by a beam?
(tributary area) x (lb/sf)
How do you calculate lbs/linear foot supported by a beam?
(width of tributary area) x (lb/sf)
What are things that can be done to reduces the amount of deflection in a beam?
- reduce span
- heavier beam
- taller beam
- closer spacing of members
- reduce weight of system being supported by beam
What are advantages and disadvantages to an all-water mechanical system with fan-coil units
- low install cost
- no fan room
- no ductwork
- individual space control
- maintenance in occupied space
- noise
- no humidity control
What are typical project types that use all-water mechanical systems?
Dorms, apartments, hotel/motel, nursing homes, schools
Define a FIRE WALL and construction requirements
separates one structure into TWO buildings - FIRE WALL extends from exterior wall to exterior wall and through roof
Define FIRE BARRIER and construction requirements
used in exit enclosures and to separate occupancy types - FIRE BARRIERS extend up to roof deck
Define FIRE PARTITION and construction requirements
Used to separate spaces in same occupancy - FIRE PARTITIONS stop at rated ceilings
Define SMOKE BARRIER and construction requirements
Same as FIRE BARRIER but have different finish requirements to trap smoke
What are the three types of traction elevators
- machine room-less
- geared
- gearless
define foot-candle
measure of light on a work surface
Color temperature of incandescent light
Color temperature of daylight
Color temperature of fluorescent light
Color temperature of high pressure sodium light
Difference between contraction, construction, and expansion joints
contraction - have a saw cut and can see a thin crack going thru slab
construction - subsequent pours
expansion - pronounced gaps with caulk, backer rod, or compressible material
What is K-value?
What is U-Factor?
What is R-value?
What is the relationship between them?
K: conductivity of a material
U: conductivity of an entire assembly
R: Inverse of K
R= x/k
U=1/R (total)
What is the rule of thumb for mezzanine area
1/3 of are below if not equipped with sprinkler AND voice alarm
Up to 1/2 area if meets exceptions above
Does a mezzanine typically need two means of egress?
No - only if it is enclosed
Name spec divisions
1 & 2
1 - General Req
2 - Existing conditions
Name spec divisions
3 - Conc
4 - Masonry
5 - Metal
6 - Wood / Composites
Name spec divisions
7 - Thermal & Moisture
8 - Openings
9 -Finishes
10 - Specialities
Name spec divisions
11 - Equipment
12 - Furnishings
13 - Special construction
14 - Conveying Equip.
Name spec divisions
21 - Fire Suppression
22 - Plumbing
23- HVAC
Name spec divisions
25 - Int. Automation
26 - Electrical
27 - Communications
Name spec divisions
31 - Earthwork
32 - Ext. Improvements
33 - Utilities
34 - Transportation
Rule of thumb for placing vapor barrier in wall construction
Located on warm side of wall
What are 5 goals of stormwater management
1 - delay runoff
2 - replenish groundwater
3 - increase evotranspiration
4 - clean water
5 - prevent heat pollution
Name 4 site strategies for stormwater management
1 - pervious pavement
2 - storage tanks
3 - wetland / rain gardens
4 - detention ponds
What code section covers atriums
IBC 2018 Section 404
Ratio for ADA parking spaces
1 per 25 spaces up to 200
Reducing sound by 10db increments does what?
Reduces the sound by half
1 ton of cooling = ____ BTU
12,000 BTU