PP 5 & Audio: Intereactionist Aproach Flashcards
Hi! You got this!
Functionalist and conflict are =MACRO!
Intereactionist is =Micro
Small groups, dyads, 2 people
Intereactionist Approach:
-Interested in everyday interactions between people
-People shape pop culture as much as pop culture shapes people
Emphasizes how popular culture is created, diffused, and consumed
-As an outcome of social interaction
=Experienced among small groups of individuals.
Intereactionist approach and or experiences =
Our interactions with others influence ou experience with Pop culture
Who is George Herbert Mead?
He talked about how kids have a narrow and selfish view of the world
Who is Charles Horton Cooley? LOOKING- GLASS- SELF Theory
Looking-Glass Theory”
(pep talk to himself on the mirror, I LOOK COOL! Cooley!)
“I” is formed by interacting with others
I think I am
“Save Face”
Self is the product of social interactions:
Process of developing self identity has three stages:
1) First, we imagine how we present OURSELVES TO OTHERS
2) Then we imagine how OTHERS evaluate US ( ATTRACTIVE AND SMART!).
3) Finally, we develop some sort of feeling about OURSELVES,
such as respect or shame, as a result of these impressions
Remeber it this way:
Who is Erving Goffman? Dramaturgical Approach
“The world is a stage & we are all actors on it!” PUT AN ACT FOR EVERYONE!
Dramaturgical approach:
People resemble performers in action
Appearing busier than you are
Many of our daily activities involve attempts to convey impressions of who we are
Impression management
Face work
Face saving behavior
Unemployment in japan
“Safe Face” You actively are trying to keep up an image
You get fired, but don’t tell anyone. Then you get a new job and no one notices.
People resemble KEEp Writing!!!!
Impression management
Ex You pretend to be working
Mead’s Theory “Of Self”
-The Self begins at a privileged, central position in a person’s world
-Young children picture themselves as the focus of everything
-Children find it difficult to consider the perspectives of others.
-This childhood tendency to place ourselves at the center of events never disappears
It never goes away
Who is HOWARD BECKER? He smokes weed!
Ex: Marijuana use: We make our expectations of things from what other people tell us about it
Who is Solomon Asch? YOU ARE WRONG!
-Surrendering to GROUP/PEER PRESSURE
Ex: This guys answered aquestion on a test correctly, but everyone kept saying it was wrong, then he gave up and said he was wrong too
Who is Max Weber? AFTERLIFE! Protestant work ethics & Capitalism!
Web of stuff: “Afterlife, Protestant, Spirit Capitalism, Capitalism to Germany”
He believes in reincarnation .
He said you will never have an “urgency in the afterlife”
Believed in Protestant in work ethics & SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM!
“Save your money for your kids,use money wisely”
The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism
Protestant background-> capitalistic spirit and ventures in Germany
Protestant worldview->work is a calling->abstain from indulgences
->work has religious meaning
Malcom Gladwell the spread of fashion fads finding a job
(Remember: I am GLAD we networked)
The spread of fashion and fads and finding a job
He was a connector= people with diverse networks
How does pop culture “disseminate”? (It means to spread)
Volume: the total number of conversations people are having
Valence: positive or bad talk? Ex: 50 Shades of Grey