Powerpoint 6: Clostridium Botulism Flashcards
What type of infection or other can it cause?
- intoxication in adults
- infant toxico-infection: ingestion and proliferation of the organism, internal production of the toxin
- wound botulism: due to anaerobic environment of a deep wound
Can it be used for bioterrorism?
Are all Clostridium botulinum strains toxic?
The non-toxic forms , genetically related are different species: C. sporogenes, C.subterminale
What type of toxin is the BoNT?
the neurotoxin
A-B type
-inactive when produced
What is the non-proteolytic Cb
The toxin is activated by being cleaved by the host stomach acid
What is the proteolytic Cb
The bacteria produces the protease that activates the toxin
How are the toxins spread?
Go from gut to the blood to the peripheral nerves
What is acetylcholine responsible for?
Muscle contractions
How does the axon terminal connect to the muscle cells and release acetylcholine?
through SNARE proteins
How does BoNT act?
As a protease and cleaves the SNARE proteins
What does BoNT cause?
Flaccid paralysis
Are the BoNT toxins structurally similar yet immunologically distinct?
How are they distinguished?
given a letter A to G
Into how many groups where Clostridium botulinum divided? DO they correlate with the type of toxin they each produce?
4 groups
What are the strains associated with group 1?
- C botulinum A
- Proteolytic strains of B and F
- infects humans
What are the strains associated with group 2?
- C. Botulinum E
- Non-proteolytic strains B and F