Power Struggle Flashcards
What treaty did the second triumvirs sign? What did it do for them?
the treaty of brundism
gave each of them a portion of the empire to govern
Who was the son of Pompey the Great?
Sextus Pompeius
What happened when Sextus Pompeius took control of Sicily?
he used it as a stronghold to block Roman trade routes, making it hard to get grain into the city.
Who did Octavian work with to go against Sextus Pompeius?
they planned a naval campaign against Pompeius
When did Octavian add ‘Imperator’ to his name?
38 BCE
What does ‘Imperator’ translate to?
What did the title of Imperator allow Octavian to do?
strengthen his link with Julius Caesar, he was also called Imperator.
encouraged the idea that he was a great military general, even though he didn’t have an illustrious career as a general.
pay homage to his own victories and glorify himself.
When did Agrippa lead the fleet invasion of Sicily? What was the outcome?
July 26 BCE.
totally destroyed Pompeius’ navy.
Which section of the Res Gestae links to Sextus Pompeius? Give one quote (hint: pirates).
section 25
“I freed the sea from pirates”
How does the quote “I freed the sea from pirates” detract from the fact that this was a civil war?
Sextus Pompeius isn’t mentioned by name.
Why did the Romans despise civil conflict?
due to the political turbulence seen during the Late Republic.
How and when did Octavian end Lepidus’ political career? What happened to Lepidus because of this?
36 BCE.
he bribed Lepidus’ legions to turn on him.
this forced Lepidus to exile to Italy.
Why was there increased tension between Octavian and Antony? How did they seek public favour?
they were both seeking to promote themselves as Caesar’s heir.
they promoted the benefits of their leadership.
Why did Octavian position himself as the benefactor of the Roman people?
he realised that the support of the plebeians could be a very powerful asset.
What gifts did Octavian make his followers make for the city and the people?
Temple of the Deified Julius Caesar.
Statilius Taurus commisioned a new stone ampitheatre.
Agrippa oversaw a programme of urban renewal, repairing dilapidated streets and sewage systems.
Agrippa threw tokens to crowds that could later be exchanged for money or clothing and allowed free admission to the public baths.
Who did Antony choose to align himself with?
Dionysus / Bacchus.
Who did Octavian choose to align himself with and why?
he stood for discipline, moderation and morality which are all key values of the Romans.
Why did Octavian and Antony align themselves with deities?
so the Romans understood what they were hoping to bring to Rome.
Why did Octavian allow the rumour that he was Apollo’s son to circulate in Rome?
it strengthened his association with Apollo.
it made ‘Divi Filius’ seem even more godly as he descended from two divine fathers.
it established a link with Alexander the Great who was conceived in the same way.
Who were Octavian’s first two wives?
Clodia and Scribonia.
How did Octavian and Scribonia’s marriage end?
Scribonia gave birth to Julia the elder in 38 BCE.
on the day she was born, he divorced Scribonia, so his child wouldn’t be illegitimate, and he went on to marry Livia.
Which family was Livia from?
What are two reasons that Livia was good for Octavian’s image?
she came from a patrician family, allowing Octavian to take advantage of her familial connections.
she was a traditional matrona and wove and spun all of Octavian’s clothes, winning him support with the conservatives that wanted to see a return to traditional values.
How did Octavian smear Antony’s image?
accusations of anti-roman behaviour, decadence and effeminacy.
Why did Antony’s choice of mistress cause a scandal in Rome?
Cleopatra was Antony’s social equal, if not better. this meant their children would be royalty.
usually, a man who have an affair with a woman of lower social standing so their children wouldn’t be legitimate.
Why was Antony moving to live with Cleopatra full-time scandalous?
he was still married to Octavia, making this bigamous.
Why did Antony want to publicise a victory to the people of Alexandria?
he knew that his reputation was slipping.
What did the Romans believe about Antony after he moved to Alexandria?
that Antony wanted to reduce the power of Rome.
that he wished to make Alexandria the capital of the empire.
What did Octavian steal from the Temple of Vesta?
Antony’s will.
What did Antony’s will state? What did this do to his reputation?
he wished to be buried alongside Cleopatra in Rome.
this was seen as the ultimate sign of his disloyalty to Rome.
How was Octavian able to convince the Senate that they should declare was against Cleopatra and Egypt?
Antony’s will showing his disloyalty meant that this war wouldn’t be seen as civil conflict but as a campaign against a dangerous, foreign power.
Octavian’s mausoleum was also started during this time. How did this affect his image?
it demonstrated his dedication to the city and how he wished to spend eternity in Rome.
When was the Battle of Actium?
2nd September 31 BCE
When did Antony kill himself?
1st August 30 BCE
When did Cleopatra kill herself? What did she try before doing so?
12th August 30 BCE.
attempted to negotiate / seduce Octavian.
Why was the truth of the Battle of Actium problematic and not in alignment with Octavian’s propaganda?
it ended in flight and surrender and wasn’t the glorious and decisive victory by force of arms.
Agrippa had led the campaign, not Octavian.
it was a civil war, with a high proportion of deaths being Romans.
In what battle did Octavian defeat Cleopatra?
Battle of Actium.