Horace Epode 9 - A Toast to Actium Flashcards
Who was it addressed to?
Maecenas - Augustus’ political fixer.
What is implied by the mentioning of Jove?
Jove is the commander of fate.
the implication is that the victory over Mark Antony and Cleopatra was fated and the gods were on their side.
What is Caecuban? What is shown through mentioning it?
a famous Italian wine drunk on special occasions.
shows how momentous the triple triumph is.
When was Sextus Pompeius’ naval blockade?
36 BCE
Describe Pompeius’ naval blockade. What does mentioning this battle remind the audience of?
blocked the import of grain, leading to a mass famine.
reminds the audience that Augustus has had more victories than just Actium.
Who is Horace referencing in the line “A Roman, - you’ll not credit it,”?
Mark Antony.
Why doesn’t Horace mention Mark Antony by name?
for fear it’ll be perceived as a civil conflict.
What does the phrase ‘withered eunuchs’ show about the Egyptians and Romans?
it draws strong differences between the immorality of the Egyptians and the modesty of the Romans.
What does Horace imply about Cleopatra and her affect on Mark Antony?
suggests she bewitched Mark Antony and implies she corrupts his morals and takes away his masculinity.
How does Horace’s comparison of Augustus to other great generals affect his image?
it encourages the Romans to view Augustus in the same way as they do these great generals.
What is the overall message of Epode 9?
to celebrate that the war is over and Augustus has restored peace and stability to the empire.
What is the name of Epode 9?
A Toast to Actium.