Power Framework (Advanced) Flashcards
What are the two most common internal criticisms of the power framework
That it assumes all actors know what they want and how to impose their will to get it. It also often treats power as an object that can be possessed and quantified
What effects did Kanter observe of having a token minority in group
The token revives disproportionate attention, there is a great contrast between the majority and the token and the minority/token adapts by assimilation and distancing
What is a token in Kanters structural explanation of power and influence
A member of a minority hired for the sake of appearances
What are the consequences of the extra attention the tokens get according to Kanter
They both get more praise for excellence and criticism for shortcomings which undermines meritocracy. Their actions are also often seen by the majority as representing the entire tokens group
How is increased contrast created within a group when a token is introduced according to Kanter
The members become more aware of what makes their group different and amplify those traits. The arrival of a minority reinforces the group culture
How does the assimilation and distancing in skewed groups occur according to Kanter
The token often feels overwhelmed by the attention and tries to gain a smaller profile by fitting in and distancing themselves from the minority they come from to show loyalty. These unplesent conditions are canters reason why tokens stay few
Authority is power that is seen as legitimate by those exposed to it
Yes, as defined by Max Weber
What are Weber sources of legitimate authority
Charisma; tradition; formality/reason (aka merited through knowledge)
What typs of authority fits what type of bureaucracy
Young companies = charisma; machine bureaucracy = formal/rational; professional bureaucracy = tradition.
Historically organizations tend to move from tradition/charisma to rationality based authority according to Weber
Tradition as legitimate authority is the reason for inequality according to Weber
True, it counteracts meritocracy
What is Michels theory of the Iron law of oligarchy
That in a bureaucracy there will become a knowledge gap between the top management and the rest and that the top management in (oligarchy) will create networks beyond firms to dominate the lower classes who are unconnected and diverse.
What is Ackers theory of bureaucratic control and societies gender systems
That the modern career is so intensive that most workers need a full time domestic servant to function
Why do people work so hard in an unequal system according to Burawoy’s labor process theory
Because of performance based individual compensation, an internal flexible labor market and collective bargaining
How do performance based compensation increase inequality according to Burawoy
Because it prevents the competitants from forming alliances against the management
How does an internal flexible labor market increase inequality according to Burawoy
Because if people change positions all the time they dont build stable relationships that can be turned into alliances against management
How does collective bargaining increase inequality according to Burawoy
Counter intuitive but according to the iron law of oligarchy the union leaders also become oligarchs due to there connections to the manager
What is a panopticon
A prison where you could be watched at any time without knowing it and therefor must behave all the time
Panopticon like structures in social media, education and at work is used by the oligarchy to control the lower classes according to Foucaults theory of structuring and self-dicipline
No, the panopticon like structures are present on all levels of society, especially at the top which makes the power structure more vague as it is the individuals that discipline themselves.
What is the wall of self evidence
A crossover between the symbolic framework and the power framework which means that people have a hard time thinking outside their language. Controling the language therefor limits the potential thoughts of people.
What is an erotic leader according to Maccoby
Extroverted, warm, affectionate and like emotional approval, high EQ. Creates strong bonds that often lead to group think and reluctance to change
What is an obsessive leader according to Maccoby
Embodiment of the structural framework, make decisions based on data and don’t care about the approval of others. Often risk avoidant, asocial nerds that are ineffective beyond their area of expertise
What is a narcissistic leader according to Maccoby
Innovators driven by power and influence, hard to impress, risk loving, paranoid, little care about inner circle but want to be admired heroes, thrives in uncertainty
How can one make a narcissistic leader a better team player
Give them therapy and a trustworhty sidekick (obsessive leaders work well)
What is a marketing personality
Someone obsessed with their image, works poorly in crises
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the power framework
It complements the HR and Structural framework by a more nuanced look at power politics and gives good methods to act on them however it often leads to a paranoid obsession with power that can prevent conflict resolutions when they present themselves.