Poverty in the UK Flashcards
What is Wealth?

A large amount of money or investments.
What does it mean - Poverty?

Being without money, food or other basic needs.
What is debt?

Situation where a person or organisation owes more money than they possess.
What is inheritance?

Being left money or property in a will when someone dies.
What is a ‘fat cat salary’?

Large amounts of money earned, or bonus’ or shares.
What is the poverty trap?

Not being able to get out of poverty as people borrow money to pay off their debt.
What is the minimum wage?

The legal minimum amount which must be paid to a worker in the UK.
What is a Charity?

Giving to the needy – an organisation that does not work for profit, but to help others.
What is the National Lottery?

State run gambling where over 16’s can choose numbers each week – it offers large prizes but also gives a lot to charity.
What does the final servant do with his money in the parable of the talents?

Buries it in the ground!!
What does Jesus say about money?

You cannot serve both God and money!
What does Jesus say about a camel and heaven?

‘It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven, than a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.
Finish this statement -
“He who eats while his brother is hungry -

is not one of us!” -
Muslim quote - the Qur’an
Outline the parable of the talents.

- A rich land owner gives three servants different amounts of money - one £10,000 - one £5000 the last £2000
- The first two invest their money - each doubling what they have.
- The last buries his money in the ground.
- When the rich land owner returns, he praises the first two servants - but has a go at the one who buries it in the ground.
Moral - For Christians it is not how much money you have, but what you do with it.
What is absolute poverty?

When people have absolutely nothing.
What is relative poverty?

People who are poor compared to others in their area - town or country.
What does the UK government say is the measurement of poverty?

A poor person is anyone earning less than half of the average wage, according to the UK government.
What does this quote mean Christians should do for the poor in the UK?
“Love thy neighbour” - Jesus

We have a responsibility to use our money to help others less fortunate than ourselves
What is Zakat?

All Muslim must give Zakat, 2.5% of their savings to the poor. Zakat means purification and muslims believe giving ths money makes the rest of their money clean
What is Sadaquah?
The Muslim belief that -
“Nobody should have too much until everybody has enough”

Name four things that make someone poor in the UK!

- Unemployment
- Wasteful spending
- Low wages
- Debt
What are the loan companies called that charge massive amounts of interest?

Pay day loans.
Four ways people can escape debt?

- Education - not only from school (although this helps) but gaining qualifications after you have left school.
- Councelling - If people get into debt they can find a way out of debt by getting advice - e.g. Citizens advice.
- Government help - Minimum wage or help for people who have no job.
- Working hard - many people have changed their lives by working hard!

Who are Maggs?

A day care centre in Worcester - started by Christians in the 1980’s.