Poverty, Hunger Development Flashcards
What are the 2 types of approach fro PHD
orthodox and ALternative
alternative method phd
Amartya Sen( famine and Poverty An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation
Orthodox method PHD
Neoliberal following principles proponent Malthusian An essay on Principles of Population
The alternative method stresses on
politial representation, participation of marginalised communities, and endogenous support to fulfill global hunger and development needs
Orthodox methods on phd
Malthusian that due to overpopulation there is food crisis not have enough to eat
Sen view on hunger
That due to lack of access to food bc of eco stratification
Development orthodox view
Neoliberal inspired definition of development through individual right to produce and sell in globalised world individual effort would take people out of crisis
Alternative view PHD
representation of people and community representation with sustainability
Orthodox measure PHD by and alternative
GDP, per capita income
Community engagement, ECONOMY ITSELF SURING A free economy becomes a self reliant and TRICKLE DOWN
Development concept by Ortho
based on western principles started when USA after ww2 had so many food surplus so, gave subsidy to developing states to buy their food and grow cash crops, also during oil crisis on 1970s developing states took loans from west helped but I 1979 due to high interest rates and fall in commodity prices
2. STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENTS lending process exports were promoted to so that these country would earn the foreign exchange
- Pro poor concern- launched post Washington consensus to tackle
Criticism all from Alt to ortho
when during ww2 IMF, WB, GATT opened favoured only a few western states and promoted EMBEDDED LIBERALISM( to have a free market but state autonomy to intervene to fulfil welfare policies)
- Movements to ensure community concerns- Occupy, Arab Spring, Narmada, Chiapas uprising in Mexico,
- Robert Cox Famine relief doesn’t matter bc it is the inability long term that causes development crisis
Famine relief
Robert Cox process of when there is a country which is in development crisis provide aid and police control if aid doesn’t control crisis
Criticism from Ortho to Alt
that gains have transfer from sustainable goals - Brundtland Commission 1987 ( report on Un 1992)
Refashioning Nature - Food, ecology and culture
David Goodman and Michael Redclift
Dag Hammersrkjold 5 things
1) Need-based 2) self-reliant 3) endogenous 4)ecologically based 5) structural transformation
World Bank policy on women?
Operation Policy 4.20
Agenda 21
Rio 1992 social eco, aspect on development