Postpositions Flashcards
What are postpositions in Hindi?
They are essentially “prepositions” in English. Words like “in/at/on/to/from…”. In Hindi you would say “table on” instead of “on the table”. Note: There are also no articles in Hindi (so there are no “a/an/the”s)
में men
पर par
से se
को ko
(In Hindi when we want to say ‘I like something’ we literally say ‘To me that thing is liked’. So we have to use को ko. It is also used in imperatives to give direction/specific-ness to something.)
How to use postpositions with nouns in Hindi?
We first must change the noun into the oblique (object) form, and then add the postposition. Often the noun doesn’t have to change at all get to it’s oblique form, so it’s pretty easy.
के अंदर ke andar
के आगे ke aage
in front
के ऊपर ke oopar
on top
के नीचे ke neece
beneath/ under
के पीछे ke peeche
के पास ke paas
के बाद ke baad
के बाहर ke baahar
के लिए ke lie
के साथ ke saath
मुझे mujhe (मुझ mujh + को ko )
“to me”
हमें hamen (हम ham + को ko)
“to us”
तुझे tujhe (तुझ tujh + को ko)
“to you” (intimate)
आपको aapko (आप aap + को ko)
“to you” (formal)
[आप aap + को ko IS ALWAYS आपको aapko]
तुम्हें tumhen (तुम tum + को ko)
“to you” (casual)
इसे ise (इस is + को ko)
“to him/her” (close)
उसे use (उस us + को ko)
“to him/here” (far)
इन्हें inhen (इन in + को ko)
“to them” (close)
उन्हें unhen (उन un + को ko)
“to them” (far)
(someone likes something) structure
to (someone) + something + पसंद है pasand hai [pleasing is]
(someone doesn’t like something) structure
to (someone) + something + नहीं है naheen hai [unpleasing is]