Beginner Conversational Phrases Flashcards
अच्छा acchaa
(the most “important” word in Hindi XD)
[this word can be used in a variety of situations]
नमस्ते namaste
आप कैसे हैं? aap kaise hain?
“how are you?”
said to a male
आप कैसी हैं? aap kaisee hain?
“how are you?”
said to a female
मैं ठीक हूँ main theek hoon
I am ok
said by male & female
ठीक theek
मैं अच्छा हूँ main acchaa hoon
I am good
said by male
मैं अच्छी हूँ main acchee hoon
I am good
said by female
आपका नाम क्या है? aapkaa naam kyaa hai?
What is your name?
मेरा नाम ___ है
meraa naam ____ hai
My name is ____
हाँ haan
नहीं naheen
जी हाँ jee haan
yes (respectful)
जी नहीं jee naheen
no (respectful)
क्या kyaa
कहाँ kahaan
क्यों kyon
कौन kaun
…न na?
…right/isn’t it?
कितना kitnaa (singular masculine subj)
कितने kitne (plural masculine subj)
कितनी kitnee (feminine subj)
how much/how many
आपकी उम्र क्या है? aapkee umr kyaa hai
How old are you?
(the subject in this sentence is उम्र (umr) which means “age”, it is a feminine noun and that is why आपकी (aapkee) is conjugated to feminine. remember, the subject isn’t always a person - it’s the main topic of the sentence)
मैं __ साल का हूँ main ___ saal kaa hoon
I am __ years old
said by male
मैं __ साल की हूँ main ___ saal kee hoon
I am ___ years old
said by female
आप कहाँ से हैं? aap kahaan se hain?
Where are you from?
मैं ____ से हूँ main ___ se hoon -
I am from ___
[अमेरिका amerikaa - America]
आप कहाँ रहते हैं? aap kahaan rahte hain?
Where do you live?
said to male
आप कहाँ रहती हैं? aap kahaan rahtee hain?
Where do you live?
said to female
धन्यवाद dhanyavaad
यह क्या है? yeh kyaa hai?
What is this?
वह क्या है? voh kyaa hai?
What is that?
माफ़ कीजिए maaf keejie
sorry/excuse me
मदद madad!