Postpartum Key Terms (don't spend too much time) Flashcards
Don't spend too much time on this. It's just for review.
Intermittent uterine contractions similar to menstrual cramps. Occurs following delivery. More gravida = more pain.
Lack of uterine muscle tone (often called “boggy”). If patient has an empty bladder and uterus is boggy, you’ll massage the uterus. But if the bladder is full you’ll assist the patient to the bathroom.
The process of connecting with another human being over time. You can enhance attachment by encouraging things like nursing, talking etc.
A boggy fundus is a soft.
A yellowish protein-rich fluid secreted from the breast usually 3-4 days following pregnancy. It is protein rich and contains antibodies.
Diastasis Recti
Muscle separating the midline of the abdomen
Enlargement and filling of the breast with milk
Surgical incision of the perinuem at the end of second stage of labor to enlarge the vaginal opening and to avoid lacerations
The upper portion of the body of the uterus. Should be firm. The umbilicus is the “landmark”. If the fundus is above the umbilicus it is “plus” if it is below the umbilicus it is “minus”.
Homan’s Sign
On dorisflexion of the foot, the patient experiences pain in the calf of the leg; used as an indication of thrombophlebitis.
Refers to changes that the uterus undergoes after birth to return to prepregnancy size and condition
Let-down Reflex
The milk ejection reflex;the release of milk from the breast. This usually occurs because of some stimulus.
Letting Go phase
Know these. Find them in the book, they will likely be on the test.
Normal uterine discharge of blood, tissue and mucus following childbirth. Three types. Know them. They will be on the test.
Postpartum Depression
Various stages/types. Check the notes.
Residual urine
urine left in the bladder after urination. Common in pp women due to pain meds or other causes
Also given to pp mother who is rh- mom who had rh+ baby and must be given within 72 hours of given birth.
Sleep Wake Cycle
There is a box and she will tell us where it is and what to know about it.
inflammation of the vein due to a blood clot. Pain, swelling, warmth, redness
Stretch Marks. No known cure or prevention.
Failure of the uterus to return to a non pregnant state.