Posterior Leg & Sole of Foot | B2, WK5 Flashcards
What is the nerve supply to the posterior compartment of the leg?
Tibial Nerve
What is the function of the superficial posterior compartment of the leg?
Plantarflexion of the foot
What is the function of the deep posterior compartment of the leg?
Plantarflexion & inversion
Flexion of toes
What are the superficial muscles of the posterior leg [4]
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Triceps surae
- Plantaris
What are the deep muscles of the posterior leg? [4]
- Popliteus
- Tibialis Posterior
- Flexor digitorum longus (FDL)
- Flexor hallucis longus (FHL)
Where does the gastrocnemius arise (org.)
Medial & Lateral heads arise superior to femoral condyles
Where does the soleus arise (org.)
Arises from head & posterior surface of fibula, soleal line of tibia
Describe the triceps surae
2 heads of gastrocs + soleus that inserts on calcaneal tendon
What is the origin & insertion of the plantaris?
O: Lateral supracondylar line of femur
I: Inserts on calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Where does the long tendon of the plantaris travel?
Between gastrocnemius & soleus
What is the origin & insertion of the popliteus?
O: lateral condyle of femur
I: posterior tibia above soleal line
What is the action of the popliteus?
Unlocks the knee (rotating femur slightly laterally on tibial plateau)
What is the origin, insertion, and action of the tibialis posterior?
O: posterior surfaces of tibia, fibula, & interosseous membrane
I: bones in plantar foot (several)
A: plantarflexes & inverts the foot
What are the origin, insertion, and action of the FDL?
O: Posterior tibia
I: distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
A: Flexers lateral 4 digits; assists in plantarflexion
What are the origin, insertion, and action of the FHL?
O: Arises from the posterior fibula and interosseous membrane
I: Distal phalanx of 1st digit
A: Flexes 1st digit; assists in plantarflexion
Neurovasculature of the posterior leg
-Innervation: Tibial nerve
-Posterior tibial A&V, Fibular A&V
What is the tibial N. a division of?
Sciatic N.
Where does the tibial N. pass through?
through popliteal fossa w/ popliteal vessels
Where does the tibial N. enter the posterior leg?
Between 2 heads of gastrocnemius
At the ankle, what does the tibial N. divide into?
Medial & lateral plantar nerves
What are the two nerves that provide sensory innervation to the posterior leg?
- Sural Nerve
- Saphenous Nerve
What sensory innervation nerve supplies the posterolateral aspect of leg & lateral ankle/foot?
Sural N
What sensory innervation nerve supplies the medial aspect of leg, ankle, & foot?
Saphenous N
The saphenous n. provides _______________ innervation of the posterior leg. It is a terminal branch of the _______________ n.
-Femoral N.
List the blood supply of the posterior leg.
- Anterior Tibial A.
- Posterior Tibial A.
- Fibular A.
The __________ artery passes through an opening in the interosseous membrane.
Anterior Tibial A.
Describe DVT
DVT: Deep Vein Thrombosis
-Formation of a blood clot within a deep vein
Signs/Symptoms of DVT
-Pain, swelling, redness, engorged superficial veins
What can embolization in DVT lead to?
Pulmonary embolism
Term for the transition area between the posterior leg and the sole of the foot?
Tarsal tunnel
What are the contents of the tarsal tunnel?
-Tendons of Tibialis posterior, FDL, & FHL
-Posterior tibial artery & vein
-Tibial Nerve
Remembr: Tom, Dick, ANd Harry
What is the fascia of the plantar foot?
Plantar Fascia = Plantar aponeurosis + medial & Lateral plantar fascia
What is plantar fasciitis?
Overuse of fascia
Other important info:
Caused by unsupportive footwear
point tenderness on the calcaneus
Pain on passive extension of hallux
What innervates most muscles in the foot?
Lateral Plantar N.
what four muscles receive innervation from the medial plantar N?
- Flexor Digitorum Brevis
- ABDuctor hallucis
- 1st lumbrical
- Flexor Hallucis brevis
what muscles are found in the 1st layer of the foot?
- ABductor digiti minimi
- Flexor digitorum brevis
- ABDuctor hallucis
What muscles are found in the 2nd layer of the foot?
Quadratus Plantae
Lumbricals (4)
What tendons are found in the 2nd layer of the foot?
Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
What muscles are found in the 3rd layer of the foot?
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
Adductor hallucis (obl. head and transverse head)
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
What muscles are found in the 4th layer of the foot?
Plantar interossei (3)
Dorsal interossei (4)
What tendons are found in the 4th layer of the foot?
Tibialis posterior
Fibularis longus
Medial plantar N. sensory innervation of plantar foot
Medial foot and 3 1/2 digits
Lateral plantar N. sensory innervation of plantar foot
Lateral foot and 1 1/2 digits
Medial calcaneal br. of tibial nerve sensory innervation of plantar foot
Saphenous N. sensory innervation of plantar foot
Medial foot/ankle
Sural N. sensory innervation of plantar foot
Lateral foot/ankle
T/F: Tibial Nerve Injuries are fairly common. They occur when superficial lacerations occur on the leg.
FALSE; occur when deep lacerations occur
A patient has suffered a deep laceration to the leg. The tibial nerve was damaged. What would happen to the lower limb?
-paralysis of all muscles in the posterior leg and sole of the foot
-inability to plantar flex foot
-inability to flex toes
-sensory loss on plantar foot
-sensory loss on posterolateral leg & lateral foot (sural n)
Osteology of the leg: Label the following (A-K, Note - no H on diagram :))
A: Head of Fibula
B: Medial Condyle
C: Tibial tuberosity
D: Intercondylar eminence
E: Soleal Line
F: Ant. Border of Tibia
H: Interosseous Membrane
I: Lateral Malleolus
J: Medial Malleolus
K: Fibular Notch of tibia
Osteology of the foot: Label the following (A-F)
A: Metatrsals (1-5)
B: Navicular
C: Trochlea of Talus
D: Cuneiforms (D.1 - medial, D.2 - intermediate, D.3 - Lateral)
E: Cuboid
F: Calcaneus
Osteology of the foot #2: Label the following
A: Navicular
B: Talus
C: Head
D: Trochlea
E: Calcaneal Tuberosity
F: Sustentaculumtali
G: Medial Cuneiform
H: Cuboid
I: Body of talus
J: Calcaneus
K: Tuberosity of 5th Metatarsal
Label the DEEP posterior leg muscles
A: Tibialis Post.
Label the SUPERFICIAL posterior leg muscles
A - Gastrocnemius, A.1: Lateral Head, A.2: Medial Head
B- Plantaris
C- Soleus
D- Calcaneal Tendon
Label the foot muscles. Which layer is this?
1st Layer
A- Flexor Digitorum Brevis
B- Abductor Digiti Minimi
C- Abductor Hallucis
Label the foot muscles. Which layer is this?
2nd layer
A: FHL Tendon
B: Lumbricals
C: FDL Tendon
D: Quadratus Plantae
Label the foot muscles. Which layer is this?
3rd Layer
B: Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
C: Adductor Hallycus (C.1 – transverse Head, C.2 – Oblique Head)