Post WWI Tensions Flashcards
Who claimed that all of the policemen on strike during the Boston Police Strike were Communists?
Billy Sundee
What was the Boston Police Strike?
The policemen wanted an 8 hour work day and union recognition, and were denied. Gov. Calvin Coolidge takes charge, fires all who were on strike, and gives raise to those who didn’t strike
Name a few Post WWI Tensions that Americans faced domestically
There were 4 million in the army, that came home to no jobs. Demobilizing society. The farmers were hurting as they overproduced for the war and now had no one to sell to. The cost of living in the US rose 76%, high inflation
Who was the radical that supported the union workers during the Steel Workers of Indiana Strike? He was seen as Unamerican as he undermined the union
William Z. Foster
Who was John L. Lewis?
He united mine workers. He called the Steel Workers of Indiana Strike off because he could not strike against his country
What was the Red Scare?
The press prints that communists are in the US and plan to take down the government
Who conducted raids to find communists?
A. Mitchell Palmer
What were the Palmer Raids?
Over 5,000 arrests after breaking into homes without warrants. Only found3 guns
What was the American Civil Liberties Union?
Jane Addams is a founder. It defends Americans whose liberties have been violated
Describe the Sacco and Vanzetti Case
These two men were arrested for murder (mainly because they were anarchists), but were found guilty and sentenced to death unjustly
Who was the judge in the Sacco Vanzetti Case?
Judge Webster Thair
How has the KKK changed?
Now hate Jews, immigrants, and Wets. Membership exploded in the 20’s
What was one of the many black reactions to the KKK, it took place in NYC, organized by the NAACP
The Silent March
Who was the African American that agreed with the KKK?
Marcus Garvey
What is PanAfricanism?
The idea that all African Americans should return to Africa
What’s the UNIA?
The United Negro Improvement Association
What was the Black Star Line?
It sponsored the idea of bringing African Americans back to Africa. It makes money and shows that blacks could have a prosperous business too
All of the Black Reactions together lead to what?
The Nation of Islam
What is the nickname for Black Power?
What’s the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921?
Set up a quota, only 3% of that nationality that was in country in 1800 allowed in
What act set up a quota and allowed 3% of each ethnicity in?
Emergency immigration act of 1921
An even stricter quota, this act allowed 2% of each ethnicity’s population before the great migration?
Immigration act of 1924
Racist, antisemetic businessman?
Henry ford
Who wrote “the shroud of color?”
Countee Cullen
Who established “the messenger?”
A. Phillip Randolph
Republican candidate in 1920 election?
Warren g Harding
What type of campaign did Harding run?
Front porch campaign
Woman who warren g Harding got pregnant?
Nan Britton
Democratic candidate in the 1920 election?
James cox
Who was James cox’s VP?
Who was known as the dean of The Harlem Renaissance?
Alan Locke
Who was the first black Rhodes scholar?
Alan Locke
This was a rebirth of black culture through music, literature, etc?
The Harlem Renaissance
What were the reasons for the Harlem Renaissance?
Response to racism, fought in war seeking democracy, leaving oppressive environment of the south and feel free
Poet that wrote “the lynching” and contributed to Langston Hughes development?
Claude McKay
Who wrote “native son?”
Richard wright
Famous black trumpet player?
Louis Armstrong
1st writer to win Nobel peace prize?
Sinclair Lewis
Sinclair Lewis’ most popular works?
Main Street, Babbitt
Harding’s sec of state?
Charles Evans Hughes
Harding’s sec of treasury?
Andrew Mellon
Harding’s sec of commerce?
Herbert Hoover
Director of borough of budget?
Charles Dawes
What was Andrew mellons economic plan?
sought economic growth and lowered taxes on the businesses and the wealthy in hopes that it would lead to a trickle down effect
What did Charles Dawes do?
Cut the budget by 1/3, cut gov spending, and payed off the deficit
Act which cut taxes on industry?
Revenue act of 1921
What act put Andrew Mellon’s ideas into effect and cut taxes?
Revenue Act of 1921
Who said, “It’s not my enemies that keep me walking the floors at night, it’s my god damn friends”
Warren G Harding
What was the 9 Powers Treaty?
The Five Initial countries including Belgium, Netherlands, China, and Portugal. It kept the door open in china for the US
What was the name given to Warren G Harding’s group of friends?
The Ohio Gang
The Attorney Gen of US & leader of Ohio Gang?
Harry Daugherty
Who was the Assistant to the Attorney Gen?
Jessie Smith
Where would the Ohio Gang meet?
The Little Green House
Who was the head of the Veterans Bureau?
Charles Forbes
Describe the Veterans Bureau Scandal
The budget was stolen from the bureau, nearly $200 million
What did the Alien Property Custodian do? And who held the position?
Supposed to sell the items that we confiscated in Germany back in US to make money, but Col. Thomas Miller kept the money to himself
Describe the Justice Department Scandal
Harry Daugherty and Jessie Smith sold pardons to criminals, eventually were caught and brought to court
Who was pardoned by Harding?
Eugene V Debbs
What was the Teapot-Dome Scandal?
Position of Sec. Of Navy is passed around in order to control the oil wells at Teapot-Dome and Elk Hills. It looked like Harding was involved in this scandal
Who was the first cabinet member to be jailed?
Albert Fall, Sec. Of Interior who was behind the Teapot-Dome Scandal
Who wrote for the newspapers, and said, “best thing Coolidge did for country was that he slept more than any other pres”
H. L. Menken
McNary Haugen Bill
Tried alleviate the plight of the farmers by having the gov buy the farmers’ surplus of foods. Coolidge vetoes!
What was the Veterans Bonus Bill?
Veterans want a bonus if they were overseas fighting, $1.25/ day. Want it in 20 years, Coolidge vetoes but Congress overrules the veto
Who attempts the Trans Continental Flight of NY to France? And what was the name of his plane?
Charles Lindberg, Spirit of St. Louis
The first radio broadcast is where and what station?
Pittsburgh, PA. KDKA
Who won the election of 1924?
Calvin Coolidge, “Keep cool with Coolidge”
Who was the Progressive candidate in election of 1924?
Robert Lafollete
Who were three Democratic nominees for election of 1924?
Al Smith- the progressive, “wet”, Irish New Yorker
William Macado- “Dry” conservative
John Davis- compromise candidate
Idea that you must keep buying to stay with the times and be better than your neighbor
Conspicuous consumption
What innovative way of working sped up the creation of cars?
Assembly line
Scopes Monkey Trial?
John Scopes taught biology when it was outlawed in Tennessee, he was taken to court. NCLU was behind Scopes teaching it. Big test of modern vs traditional
Who was John Scopes’ defense lawyer?
Clarence Darrow
Who was the attorney against Scopes?
William Jennings Bryan
Who coined the phrase “The Lost Generation”?
Gertrude Stein
Who were some of the most famous of the Lost Generation?
Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitsgerald, T. S. Elliot
Who was the first person to win the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature? Wrote “Babbatt” and “Mainstreet”
Sinclair Louis
Who wrote “Sister Carrie”?
Theodore Drieser
What was Coolidge’s foreign policy?
The Kellogg-Briand Pact, we tried to enter a pact with all nations around world attempting to avoid war. 15 joined initially, but it didn’t hold strong for WWII
Tariff which gave the president authority to raise or lower tariffs at his own disgression?
Fordney mccumber tariff
Conference set up by Charles Evans Hughes?
Washington naval conference
Purpose of 4 powers treaty?
No more Asian expansion, no more increase in armaments
Purpose of 5 powers treaty?
10 year stopping of building battleships
Candidates in the election of 1928?
Hoover (r) al smith (d)
Significance of al smiths candidacy?
1st Roman Catholic candidate
One of hoovers phrases that helped him win election?
“A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage”
One economist who said bad crash in economy was coming?
Roger Babson
How much did the stock market drop as a cause to the Great Depression?
90% over 3 years
Use of stocks to get rich quick, similar to gambling?
Over speculation
System in which stock brokers front money they attained to banks to investors in order for them to buy stocks? It worked when there was an increase in stocks but when decreased, the money could not be paid back
Buying on margin
Groups put in danger from buying on margin?
Banks brokers investors
Day of the stock market crash?
October 24, 1929 (black Thursday)
Reason for the peoples loss of faith in Hoover?
Kept making positive pronouncements with no real improvements
Main causes of Great Depression?
Easy credit given (mortgages), overproduction in industry (surplus of goods, layoffs ensue), technological unemployment, farmers overproduction, tariffs
Philosophy for dealing with the depression from Hoover?
Rugged individualism
Did Hoover give direct relief or indirect relief, and how did he do it?
Indirect, local churches, Red Cross, county and local govs did work
Public works project made by Hoover?
Hoover dam
Group set up by Hoover to buy surplus from farmers?
Farm board
Group created to bail out big business, which would keep people employed?
Reconstruction finance corporation (RFC)
Main groups bailed out by the RFC?
Banks, railroads, life insurance corps “too big to fail”
Act which sought to prevent foreclosures, provide money to banks to keep going, and give people money to live?
Home loan bank act
Series of makeshift homes created in random places?
Extension of Clayton anti trust act signed by Hoover?
Norris-laguardia anti injunction act
Highest tariff in history, terrible for country?
Smoot hawley tariff
40000 person march to DC for veterans to recieve the bonus they had been promised?
The bonus march
Leader of bonus march?
Walter waters
End of hoovers chances for reelection?
Sending the military in to break up bonus march, baby died in process
Head of CIA?
Popular comedian who spoke about politics often?
Will Rogers
Famous will Rogers quote?
“Were the only nation in the world that goes to a poor house in an automobile”
Unemployment percentage?
Who was the #1 criminal during Prohibition?
Al Capone