Grandpa Ronny Flashcards
This group worked hand in hand with the new right to get the people to vote for conservative candidates? It appealed to the social issues of people
Moral Majority
Conservative coalition that emerged in response to the counter culture? It tried to return to the 50’s.
The New Right
What are some things endorsed by the moral majority?
School prayer, lower taxes, smaller government, stronger military
Who made up the moral majority? What was their goal?
Religious groups, infuse politics and religion
What did the moral majority see as the main problem for the nation?
Lack of spirituality
What were some things opposed by the moral majority?
Gun control, abortion, homosexual rights, affirmative action, school busing, nuclear disarmament
Who was the democratic hopeful that sought to run against Reagan?
Teddy Kennedy
What was the chappaquiddick incident and what were it’s effects?
Ted Kennedy was drunk driving, drove into a lake, and killed a girl. He then proceeded to try to cover it up. It derailed his hopes of the presidency
Reagan’s opponent in the election of 1980?
Jimmy carter
Reagan’s first presidency in which he informed to FBI on possible communists?
President of screen actors guild
What state was Reagan governor of?
Who was Ronald Reagan’s wife and what was her main issue during Ron’s presidency?
Nancy Reagan, war on drugs
Nancy Reagan’s war on drugs slogan?
“Just say no”
What were Reagan’s main goals during his presidency?
Shrink federal gov, go back to traditional morals and values, stimulate business by removing regulations, strengthen military
Who attempted to assassinate Ronald Reagan and who was he trying to impress?
John hinkley, Jodie foster
Man who was shot in the head and lived and would campaign for gun control in a wheel chair the rest of his life?
James Brady, sec of press
What was the plan for defense against nuclear missiles called?
SDI, Star Wars
What were the effects of SDI?
Russia tries to match spending, US spends massive amount of money
Reagan’s opponent in the election of 1984?
Walter Mondale
Who was the first black presidential candidate?
Jesse Jackson
Who was Walter mondales VP choice and what is the significance?
Geraldine Ferrero, 1st woman VP candidate
What is referred to as “Russia’s Vietnam?”
War in Afghanistan
What was Russia’s opposition in Afghanistan?
The Mhujadeen
What were some ways Reagan enhanced the military?
New missiles, advanced training, new subs, B-2 bombers, additional missile sights
Policy introduced by Gorbachev that allowed for openness in discussing social problems and introduced the idea of free speech?
Policy introduced by Gorbachev that gave Russia a free, for-profit market and state control in an attempt to stimulate the economy?
What treaty lead to the destruction of intermediate range nuclear missiles, or at least halted their production?
INF - intermediate range nuclear forces treaty
Famous quote uttered by Reagan at the tearing down of the Berlin Wall?
Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Who was the oppressive communist president of Nicaragua during the Iran contra scandal?
Daniel Ortega
Who was the group that opposed Ortega and communism in Nicaragua, although they were vicious and bloodthirsty the US supported them because they were anticommunism?
What was bad about Reagan’s supplying of the contras?
No congressional approval
Act intended to handcuff Reagan, said president cannot fund a government insurrection?
The Boland Act
Terrorist group that took American hostages in Lebanon?
CIA operative taken hostage in Lebanon?
William bunkley
What did Reagan do to get the hostages released?
Traded hostages for money and guns
Way that the US continued to fund the contras after the Boland act?
Sold overpriced missiles, took excess and diverted it to the contras
Scape goat for Iran contra scandal?
Oliver north
Claim Reagan made to get out of Iran contra scandal?
Plausible deniability
Nickname given to Ron?
Grandpa Ron, Teflon president
Policy introduced by Reagan that tried to contain communism? Back to the 50s
Reagan doctrine
Country that was taken over by communists and the US had to get their citizens out?
Operation for the liberation of Americans in Granada?
Operation urgent fury
Country controlled by a drug trafficking dictators in which the US sent 20,000 troops to arrest him?
Drug trafficking dictator of panama?
Manuel Noriega
Operation name for hunt for Noriega?
Operation just cause
Catholic Church that Noriega fled to and the pope would not allow US entry into?
Apostolic nuncio
How did the US get Noriega out of the church?
Blasting heavy metal for days straight