Possible Answers? Flashcards
Who was named President of the Confederate States of America in 1861?
Jefferson Davis
What was the site of the first battle of the Civil War?
Fort Sumter
What was the most deadly aspect of the Civil War
What were the “contraband camps”?
Camps of escaped formerly enslaved people that were organized to help the Union war effort
President Andrew Johnson advocated which of these positions?
Readmission of seceded states provided they ratify the 13th amendment
What is the term for the agreement that made Rutherford B. Hayes President, withdrew Federal troops from the South and effectively ended Reconstruction?
The Compromise of 1877
What is the term for a tenant farmer who exchanges a share of the crops they produce for the right to farm a ladnowner’s land?
What was the primary purpose of the 14th Amendment?
To define US citizenship to include all people born within the territory of the United States?
Who led the “March of the Sea”?
William Sherman
Southern Ladies’ Memorial Associations established during Reconstruction were a key force in creating what revisionist story about the Civil War?
The Lost Cause
Which of the following was NOT part of Crittenden’s Compromise?
Abolishing the slave trade in Washington DC
Which of these states was not a member of the confederacy?
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation declared enslaved people freed in what territory?
Areas declared to be “in rebellion against the United States”
Why did Elizabeth Cady Stantion oppose the 14th amendment?
It introduced the word “male” into the Constitution for the first time
Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephen’s inclufential Cornerstone Speech delcared that the cornerstone of the Confederacy rests upon what?
“the great truth that the negro is not equal to teh white man, that slavery is his natural and normal condition”
Which of these was NOT a feature of the “Black Codes” passed in Southern States during Reconstruction?
Strip African American men of their right to vote
Who was the Republican Party’s nominee for PResident in the election of 1868?
Ulysses S. Grant
What was the name of the Federal agency established at the end of the Civil War to assist African Americans with a range of services?
Freedmen’s Bureau
What was the term for a measure passed to draft men into the Union Army that sparked protests during the Civil War?
The Enrollment Act
Who was the leader of the Union army forces in the Peninsular Campaign?