Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Flashcards
what must possessive adjectives and pronouns agree with?
their noun
e.g. my brother- mi hermano
my sisters - mis hermanas
our times - nuestros tiempos
What causes possessive adjectives and pronouns to be singular / plural?
depending on the amount of objects they are describing
e.g. our dog = singular as there is 1 dog (nuestro)
our dogs = plural as there are multiple dogs (nuestros)
notice we do not change in this e.g. only objects do.
which possessive adjectives and pronouns don’t change when in masc/fem form?
mi, mis, tu, tus, su, sus
- however, nuestro (our) and vuestro (your plural) have different forms depending if they are describing masc/feminine people
what is the difference between possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns?
possessive adjectives - describe a noun -e.g. my sister
possessive pronouns are words which can function as a noun when used alone -e.g. i, you, he, she, it etc
how does ‘mi’ change with its noun?
mi = my masc singular = mi fem singular = mi masc plural = mis fem plural = mis
how does ‘tu’ change with its noun?
tu = your masc singular = tu fem singular = tu masc plural = tus fem plural = tus
how does ‘su’ change with its noun?
su = his/ hers/ their masc singular = su fem singular = su masc plural = sus fem plural = sus
how does ‘nuestro’ change with its noun?
nuestro = our masc singular = nuestro fem singular = nuestra masc plural = nuestros fem plural = nuestras
how does ‘vuestro’ change with its noun?
vuestro = your (plural) masc singular = vuestro fem singular = vuestra masc plural = vuestros fem plural = vuestras
where do possessive pronouns appear?
they follow a noun, or are free standing (alone)
what is needed with possessive pronouns?
the definite article, except when the pronoun is introduced by ser
what are the possessive pronouns?
mi / tu / su / nuestro / vuestro etc
e.g. of possessive pronouns in action…
e. g.1. juan says that his is not a genetic family - juan dice que la suya no es una familia generica.
e. g.2. juan says that jorge is not his son - juan dice que jorge no es hijo suyo.
how does ‘mío’ change to match its noun?
mío = my masc singular = mío fem singular = mía masc plural = míos fem plural = mías
how does ‘tuyo’ change to match its noun?
tuyo = yours masc singular = tuyo fem singular = tuya masc plural = tuyos fem plural = tuyas
how does ‘suyo’ change to match its noun?
suyo = his / hers / theirs masc singular = suyo fem singular = suya masc plural = suyos fem plural = suyas
how does ‘vuestro’ change to match its noun?
vuestro = yours (plural) masc singular = vuestro fem singular = vuestra masc plural = vuestros fem plural = vuestras
how does ‘nuestro’ change to match its noun?
nuestro = ours masc singular = nuestro fem singular = nuestra masc plural = nuestros fem plural = nuestras
how does the meaning of tu change depending if it has an accent or not?
tu (no accent) = your
tú (with accent) = you
what is the difference between nosotros and nuestro?
nosotros = we nuestro = our
what is the difference between vuestro and vosotros?
vuestro = your (plural) vosotros = you (plural)
why should we sometimes avoid using ‘su’?
su can mean many different things - his / her / its / you (informal) therefore in times of confusion we should instead use object + de + person.
e.g el telefono de pablo not just ‘su telefono’ as this could be anyones phone.