Gender Flashcards
Feminine endings (13)
- a
- dad, -tud, -tad
- cion, -Sion, -gion, -tud,
- dad, -itis
- ez
- triz
- umbre
Why is the word foto feminine ?
Words such as foto are femenino although they end in an -o as they are shortened versions of feminine words e.g la fotografía- la foto or la motocicleta- la moto
Are words masculine or feminine which end in -ista?
Can be masculine or femenino depending on context
E.g el turisto/ la turista
El disco
CD disk
La disco
Disco (dancing thing) - feminine as it is a shortened version of discoteca
What gender are words which look masculine but refer to a feminine thing?
Most words which look masculine but refer to a female have become feminine
What are the feminine words with endings -d ?
Irregular as ending in -d is usually masculine
La merced - Mercy La pared - Wall La red - network La sed - thirst La salud - health
Which feminine words end in -z?
La cruz - cross La faz - face La Luz - light La nariz - nose La Paz - peace La raíz - but La vez - root La voz - voice
Which feminine words end in -e?
Part 1
La base-base, la calle-street, la carne-meat, la clase-class, la clave-clue, la corriente-current, la fe-faith, la fiebre-fever, la frase-phrase La suerte - luck La tarde - afternoon La torre - tower
Which feminine words end in -e ?
Part 2
La fuente- source La gente-people La leche- milk La lente - Lens La llave- key La mente - mind La muerte - death La nieve - snow La noche - night La nube - cloud La sangre - blood La sede - headquarters La serpiente - serpent
Which endings are masculine ? (8)
Words ending in -ema
- ama
- or
- ín
- aje
- el
- al
- o
Some words have Greek origin therefore they are irregular .. so nouns with the endings ? Are masculine
Some words with the ending -ma, -ta, -pa are masculine e.g el tema
Capital city
La Capital
Capital (e.g letter or capital anything )
El capital
Cholera (disease)
El cólera
La cólera
El coma
Comma ,
La coma
Court - tennis court e.g
La corte
El corte
Cure (to an illness e.g)
La cura
El cura
El final
Sports final
La final
El frente
La frente
El orden
Holy order
La orden
El papa
La papa
Message / report
El parte
Part / portion
La parte
El pendiente
Slope / hillside
La pendiente
El pez
Tar/ pitch
La pez
Which words have the same meaning when both masculine and feminine ?
- nouns ending in -ista e.g florista, artista, jurista
- nouns ending in -crata e.g technocrata or aristócrata
- amante - lover
- cliente- client
- guía- guide
- idiota- idiot
- modelo- model
- Testigo-witness
What gender are words which have come into spanish vía another language ?
However these words tend not to follow any of the normal spanish rules
What do all nouns of nationality have in Spanish?
No capital letter e.g españa not España
Why do some feminine nouns have the article el?
When a feminine noun begins with a stressed -a or -ha syllable , it’s singular form has an el instead of la (or un instead of una) however when in plural form the word returns to normal.
E.g el agua, el alma, el asma, el habla, el hada, el hambre etc
In Spanish what do adjectives have to match ?
The noun they describe for gender and singular / plural
How many forms does the definite article have in Spanish ?
What are the 4 spanish definite articles ?
El - masc singular
La - fem singular
Los - masc plural
Las fem plural
Spanish often uses the definite article …
In places we wouldn’t use it in English
E.g. I like chocolate = me gusta el chocolate
When el comes after a / de …
It gets changed to al or del
What is the definite article ?
El/ la/ los/ las
What is the indefinite article?
A / An
Un/ una/ unos/ unas
When a job is being described is the indefinite article needed ?
No - e.g. I am an artist = soy artista
Not - soy un artista