Population + Migration Flashcards
Changing and adapting to things that might help in life
Gross Domestic Product - the total value of all goods and services produced inna country per year.
Human Development Index. Life expectancy, education, income per capita. Scale from 0 to 1.
GNP per capita
Gross National Product per capita is the value of a country’s final product of goods and services in a year divided by the population
Infant mortality rate
Number of infants dying before reaching one year of age per 1000 live births per year.
Reasons for unequal development
- Desert (droughts)
- Landlocked countries (no access to oceans and trade routes)
- Mountains (relief of land makes it hard to build infrastructure)
- Conflict (migration, high death rates)
Name the different sectors
Primary — extracting raw material - mining - LIC
Secondary — Process raw materials - seperating crude oil - MIC
Tertiary — Serving/selling products - restaurants - MIC
Quaternary — research and development - medical research - HIC
Increasing connectedness and interdependence of cultures and economies
When countries rely on each other for trade, goods and information
Factors for increasing and decreasing populations
Droughts, changes in diets, education, medicine, visa, contraception, conflict, women in society
Reasons for high and low birth rates
HIGH: Lack of contraception, religious beliefs, high infant mortality, pro natalist policy
LOW: Reduced infant mortality, affordability and availability of contraception, delayed marriages, anti natalist policy
Reasons for high and low death rates
HIGH: Natural disasters, conflict, shortage of clean water
LOW: Improved diets, improved medical care, immunisation programs
Population density
Number of people per km^2
Population distribution
Pattern of where people live
Causes of sparse population
Conflict, relief landscape, no jobs
Causes of dense population
Family, health care, temperate climate (not too hot and not too cold)
Natural increase
Population is growing naturally due to birth rates being higher than death rates
Natural decrease
Population is decreasing naturally due to birth rates being lower than death rates
Pro-natalist policy
Convince population to have more children by offering incentives (money, health care, child care)
Anti-natalist policy
Convince population to have less children by offering incentives (money, health care, child care)