Population Lecture Genetics Flashcards
If some conditions are met (random mating, no mutations, no genetic drift) the
frequency of alleles are expected to follow
f one knows the frequency of the ____ phenotype then the frequency
of both alleles can be estimated
3 Types of selections when looking at population
Sabalizing, Directional, Disruptive
Selection against the extremes
selection against one extreme or the other
Selection against the mean
Traits not under selection can undergo a change in frequency due to
random chance This is called?
Genetic Drift
Genetic drift can be influence by 2 things _____ and _____
Founder effect and bottle neck effect
Genetic Drift has the most influence with _____ populations
Genetic drift in small populations increase______
the genome of the individuals that found the population may be “radically”
different from the larger population
Founder effect
This reduces genetic diversity of future generations because many alleles
are lost in the ____ and can lead to rapid speciations in isolated populations
Bottle neck
the idea that the genome of individuals can be traced back
to a common ancestor, the first of the population or species to carry that form of
the gene (mitochondrial Eve)
Coalesecent Theory
Three general distribution types amongst populations
Uniform, Random, Clumped
___distributions are characteristic of territorial species
or large canopy trees
___the area that an individual moves through during its regular
activities, may or may not be defended from other individuals
Home Range
______area that is defended by an individual from other individuals of the
same sex or species
Why are some species more territorial?
Limits on resources, clumped
______is expected when the limiting resource is not clumped
or defendable and there is little to no aggression among individual
An example could be rodents in a pasture, limiting resource may be food, but
it is widely and evenly distributed
Example of random distribution
_______expected when resource also is highly clumped
Resource not easily defendable may be aggression among individuals, but
not enough to cause territoriality
Clumped distribution
Two types of dispersal of animas which are
Natal and Breeding dispersal
movement of young away from its birth population
Natal dispersal
movement of breeding adults to new populations for purpose
of mating
If multiple populations are linked by dispersal they are considered to
be a
Factors that affect connectivity between populations are .???
Distance, Size of patch, Suitability of the matrix
___the closer two populations are the more flow there will
be between populations
_____Larger patches will have higher connectivity, especially
true if patches are far apart
Size of patch
_____he habitat in between patches (or populations
If the matrix is a ________ habitat then movement will be high (may be
individuals that live in the matrix)
If the matrix is ______ mixing will be low
Marginal, Harsh
_____patches that produce an excess of offspring
does not necessarily mean growing population
rather that in situ reproduction exceeds mortality
Source Habitats
_____patches that do not produce enough off spring
to maintain the population
would go extinct if immigrants did not move into the population
Sink Habitats
We would expect to observe a clumped distribution when
A)resources are distributed evenly across the landscape
B) a species is highly territorial
C) resources are scattered in isolated areas
D)there are no limiting resources
Sink habitats are valuable because
A)they increase total population size
B)they increase genetic diversity
C) they provide a “rescue” habitat
D) all of the above
Patches within a metapopulation will be most highly connected when they are
A)close together
B)relatively small
C)connected by very poor habitat
D)all of the above
Small populations are particularly sensitive to
A)genetic drift
B) inbreeding
C) genetic bottlenecks
D)all of the above
Selection against the mean the results in a bimodal allele distribution
A) directional selection
B)disruptive selection
C) stabilizing selection
D)destabilizing selection
Change in allele frequency that is not due to selection
A)Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
B)genetic bottleneck
C) artifical selection
D) genetic drift