Population And Growth Change (2) Flashcards
What was the world’s population in 1 AD?
200 Million
What was the world’s population in 2012?
Seven billion
Why has the population increased so rapidly?
Because farmers are able to produce enough food to feed extra people. The change from hunter-gathering to farming means more food is available.
New farming methods in Europe during the ____ changed the way people farmed the land. These methods produced extra ___ for the growing towns and cities.
What is sanitation?
Management of water supplies and sewage.
What are medicinal drugs?
Chemicals that work inside the body to treat or prevent illnesses.
We have seen how disease ______ wiped out large numbers of people in the past.
______ has helped us understand what causes certain diseases and how diseases _______ our bodies. This has made it easier to treat and control diseases.
What are the two scientific developments that helped control diseases?
Vaccinations and certain medicinal drugs.
What do vaccinations do?
Prevent people from getting certain diseases.
What does giving children vaccinations do?
It means they will not become seriously ill with diseases that may have killed them in the past.
Which diseases can be successfully vaccinated against?(7)
- Tetanus
- Yellow Fever
- Flu
- Typhoid
- Measles
- Cholera
- Polio
Doctors use certain _____ to treat people who have specific _______such as e.g. Malaria, TB, pneumonia and HIV.
What doctors use antibiotics for?
How to prevent the spread of infections in people’s bodies.
What are antiseptics used for?
Help control infections and make operations more successful.
All communities have knowledge about certain _____ and plants that people use to heal and treat illnesses. This is part of their _____ knowledge.
True or false
Many serious diseases are spread by people drinking dirty water.
What has science done to make dirty water safe to drink?
They have developed ways of purifying water.
What has supplying people with clean water done?
It has reduced the death rates among children.
What percentage of people in South Africa get clean and safe drinking water from the tap?
What reduces water pollution and spread of disease?
Improvements in sanitation and the development of better toilets.
How can toilet waste be removed in cities?
By flushing toilet that use water.
True or false
It is very expensive to develop the same kind of sanitation in rural areas?
What is preventative healthcare?
Things you can do to reduce or prevent sicknesses.
What is curative health care?
Things that can be done to treat or cure illnesses.
What is physiotherapy?
The use of physical methods such as massage to help heal damaged muscles and joints.
Which one is better preventative healthcare and curative health care?
Curative healthcare
Have the two healthcare types increased or decreased life expectancy ?