PROOF Popular Bible story origins and beliefs Flashcards


CARD #1: The Trinity

Bible: God is a Trinity. The Catholic Nicean Creed recited each service says God is a Trinity.


The Trinity was invented with the Nicean Creed from a meeting in Nicea. This was in the time of Constantine and he was on a mission to have one Roman Empire with one God and one uniform belief, which later evolved into the Catholic church.


Most people didn’t buy the Trinity belief at all, but Constantine ruled that they believe it immediately for life or be put to death by the sword. Tens of thousands of people were put to death enforcing this policy. Later, the Catholic church tried to uphold belief in the Trinity by censorship.

The church forbad not only research but also reading of the Bible by laymen. The services were in Latin so no average person could understand what was being said. They had to put 100% trust in the priest for all knowledge of life and the world. Any Bible translations, especially during the Middle Ages was treason and punished by burning at the stake.

Queen Mary, AKA “Bloody Mary” burned hundreds, some accounts say over 800 people for simply attending a mass that was not in Latin.

Most people of the time could not read or write. As literacy grew, the Catholic Church forbade its clergy from reading newspapers and periodicals in 1854. It condemned socialism, rational thought, civil liberties, freedom of speech and of the press.

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CARD #2: ATTIS and Saviors

Belief: We need a savior to give us eternal life and to protect us from burning in hell. Was Attis a savior before Jesus? Origin://Hell is from Homer’s story about a man being punished and sentenced to pushing a large boulder up a mountain. When the man got up to a certain grade on the mountain, the boulder would come crashing down and he had to do it all over again. Since it was an impossible task, he would be stuck doing this task for all eternity.//The word hell is not even mentioned in the Old Testament. The Devil and hell was evolved from the myth of Hades. Hades was the ruler of the underworld where all the dead spirits went when they died. Salvation came from the Egyptians. The Egyptians thought of their Pharaoh as a divine being. AKA a God. When the Pharaoh died, they assumed he would be reincarnated and come back to life in a certain time span. They placed his body in a pyramid, along with all his slaves and servants. They placed food and the “Book of the dead” in the tomb so when Pharoah came back to life he can read up on all the history and know what is going on before he comes back out of his tomb.//They knew his body would rot before he comes back to life so they took out his bodyworks, but left his heart in the body. Then to preserve the body, they filled it with salt, then wrapped him into a mummy.//The latin word for salt is “Sal” . So the act of making him a mummy filled with salt was called “Salvation”. And this is where the whole idea of salvation came into being. As time progressed, everybody wanted to come back to life, thus Gods and religions were invented so everybody could live in paradise forever by achieving salvation by means of a “Savior”.//”Hercules” was the world’s first savior.


ATTIS: Virgin birth//Had to die to give us salvation (Black Friday, now Good Friday)//His body eaten by worshipers in the form of bread.//Resurrected as the most high God.//Passion of Attis celebrated at the Spring Equinox (Easter) //Born on December 25th (Winter Solstice)//Dead in the ground three days//Rose from the dead three days later, Easter Sunday//The important dates, Easter and Christmas were instituted in the year 656 CE.//Related data://This is the reason we celebrate Sunday as the Lord’s day.//The word Easter was hijacked from the Goddess Easteria.//The idea of virgin birth was from Hercules. Being the first savior he simply could not have been concieved by humans, therefore A God had to supernaturally be his father. The idea gained traction and today all Gods are virgin birth and most born on Christmas.//Hercules was invented as a divine sacrifice. Being perfect in every way, the Gods above accepted him as a savior to the worshippers of Baal.//Attis was born and cult started in 1250 BCE, That is 1250 years before Bible states Jesus was born.//Many of the Old Testament Bible storys came out of the “Book of the dead” the Egyptian Pharoahs were buried with.//Christmas and “Born Again” came from Scandinavia circa 940 BCE. It was not called Christmas until Constantine renamed it circa 323CE. It was called the “Festival of Yule”. In the dead of Winter, with no daylight they would drag the largest log into the town and set it on fire to have light and warmth. The Log became known as the Yule log, and it burned for 12 days on average, thus the 12 days of Christmas we have today.

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CARD # 3: JESUS synthesized

Was Jesus copied from Adonis and Attis then synthesized into the Christian God?


Adonis and Attis both had the characteristics of Jesus.

The Church did not choose the dates for the Crucifixion of Jesus and his resurrection until the 7th century.

Even Palm Sunday was copied from the Processon of Palms which glorified the sacred Kings in Ancient Babylon.

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CARD #4: Is the Bible truely unique and the Holy word of God?

Newsweek magazine ran a multi page expose on how the Bible was simply a retelling of old folklore tales. Google it.

The History channel ran a documentary series call “The Bible revealed” which showed the entire Bible was made up with myths and fiction.

Many researchers and scholars throughout the ages have concluded that the Bible is a garbled jumble of borrowed texts and perverted Epistles and Gospels which did not represent the Truth.


Richard Simon in his 17th Century “Critical History of the Old Testament” came to the same conclusion.//Northrop Frye’s Book, “The Great Code” says the Bible is a collection of reworked mythology and in fact is not even a book but a collection of allegories and ancient fables reworked.//The Lux Mundi of 1889 admitted that the Bible is a confused mass of myths, legend and garbled history often contradicting provable facts. Related data:

  1. There were many, many gospels destroyed by the Catholic church in the Dark Ages to cover up the fact that the Bible was generated by ancient Gods and myths. Some Gospel counts run as high as 200 that were destroyed.
  2. No eye witnesses to Jesus. Nothing in History about him in 1st Century History.
  3. The Cross was not invented until the 4th century. Crucifixions were on a straight stake in the ground.
  4. New Testament not written until after the year 400CE.
  5. Gospels written in third person, no witnesses and written in foreign language Greek.
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CARD #5: Attributes assigned to Jesus from ancient Gods



Titles and honors were plagiarized with great abandon.

  1. Osiris was described as the Good Shepherd.
  2. Mithra was described as the light of the World.
  3. Dionysus was described as the king of kings, and God of Gods.
  4. Vishnu and Mithra were both the Son of Man and the Messianic energy.
  5. These labels were plagiarized and misused to describe Jesus only.
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CARD #6: Miracles done before

Were all the popular miracles of Jesus done before by other historic Gods?


Miracle Origins:

  1. Dionysis Wine from water.
  2. Priestesses at Nineveh cured the blind by applying their spittle to the eyes.
  3. Goddess Demeter multiplied loaves and fishes, healed the sick, raised the dead and performed exorcisms.
  4. In the Magic papyri, anointed ones walk on water.
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CARD #7: Jesus, light of the world

Jesus claimed himself as the light of the World. Was he?


The Greek God Hermes was the light of the World over a thousand years before the time the Bible says Jesus was born. In fact, the birth date of Jesus was not decided until the 7th century by the Catholic church. Then it was assigned to be a virgin birth on the Winter Solstice, like all the other Gods before him. This became known as Christmas sometime after the 4th Century CE.


Before Jesus, many other Gods were given the attribute of being the light of the world. Some of the most popular were Hermes, Dionysus, Mithra and Apollo.

Google which Gods were born on December 25th then google which Gods had a virgin birth for a more complete listing.

While you are at it, Google “Is religion mind control” then read about it in all the secular listings. The Religious postings will argue that it is not mind control, but the Psychology, Science and historical ones will tell you it is all about mind control. That is why you must go to church every week, to keep your mind brain washed.

Before the time of Jesus, Zeus was always the heavenly Father.

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CARD #8: Did Jesus rise from the grave?

The Gnostics (The group that wrote over one hundred gospels) vehemently claimed that there was no Resurrection of the flesh and the Church of course had to go directly against them and silence them. Gnostics called the literal view of the Resurrection the “Faith of fools”. Additional data://Basically, in the early days of the Christian beliefs, there were two groups. The Agnostics and the Literal gnostics.The Agnostics wrote many, many Gospels based on Greek and Persian mythology and their Gods. They believed in the Pagan Gods and they did not hide the fact that their mythical writings were all taken, and reworked to give the world the Gospels. They did not think of Jesus as a God, but more of an Apocalyptic Rabbi. Jesus was an Apocalyptic Rabbi along with his cousin John the Baptist. The Apocalyptic movement was extremely popular in the first century and even widespread for 150 years total, before and after the birth of Jesus.

There were no churches in the first few centuries, only factions of people who believed one thing or the other. Bible scholars, especially the highly esteemed expert, Bart D. Erhman has written many books about the New Testament. Dr. Erhman says the first three surviving gospels have the theme of the end of the world coming. The Apocalypse. Matthew, Mark and Luke all are about the great Apocalypse in the earliest Gospels. In these early Gospels, Jesus made no claim of being divine. Nobody goes to heaven or hell. God’s kingdom is coming to Earth to rule forever.


The Literal Gnostics, believed Jesus did indeed rise and was the savior of the world. Long story short, the Catholic church with the Roman army killed off all of the Agnostics and any other heritics. They they destroyed the Gnostic gospels during the Dark Ages to cover up all evidence that Jesus was simply a preacher of the Apocalypse. In 1946 the dead sea scrolls were found in a cave, and today we have some of the evidence from the Gnostics that the Gospels were all based upon mythical Gods. The book, “The Jesus Mysteries” explains everything in detail for further reading on the subject.Note: The Bible says when Jesus was resurrected, 500 dead people rose from the graves and walked about in the city. //Why is there no historic record of this great event? The world was full of historians, yet nothing at all about God coming to earth in the first century. Isn’t that very unbelievable?//What did these dead people look like? Skeletons? Wouldn’t you think such a miracle would bring the entire world to worship Jesus as the only God?//What did Jesus do in those 40 days after his resurrection? No record at all? Wouldn’t you think what he had to say was very important and would be preserved for future generations?//Why didn’t God give us a written instruction book instead of this jumbled mess of nonsense (Bible) written and edited to extremes by delusional men.//The Bible says seven times that Jesus would return before all the high priest and his disciples passed away. SEVEN TIMES IT SAYS THIS! It has been over 2,000 years now and nothing ever happened, nor will it ever happen, because it is a make up story like everything else in the Bible.

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What about Moses? Was he real? Did he perform all those Bible miracles?


The Moses myth is really a compilation of 3 antecedent ones as well as other stories:

A. From India there was the Hindu myth when Kali gave birth to the Sun God and placed him in a basket of rushes on the Ganges.

B. The same myth was reproduced for Sargon, the King of Akkad, in the 3rd millennium BC. King Sargon, a son of a virgin bride of God, was set afloat on the river and rescued by the Divine midwife. He then spent a period of exile in the wilderness where he was tempted by evil spirits and later was elevated to the throne.

The fatherless hero born of waters was a universal image of the Saviour king and has been repeated in the myths of Persius, Horus, Jason, Oedipus, Joshua and Jesus.


C. An Egyptian model existed: The miracles attributed to Moses have been derived from Egyptian myths for there is an Egyptian model for the myth of Moses in Heracles of Canopus.

Additional Moses miracles before the birth of Moses.

  1. The parting of the waters, as attributed to both Kali crossing the Ganges and Isis.
  2. Mother Rhea striking water from a rock.
  3. Mother Rhea also given law tablets on a Holy mountain.


  1. Story of the Canannite God Baal-Berith, the “God of the Covenant”.
  2. The Commandments of the Buddhist Decalogue.
  3. The life of Zoroaster who had also received the Law from Ahura Mazda from the mountain.
  4. King Hammurabi who received the Laws from the Babylonian God from a mountain top.
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Was the Passover real?



The passover myth was an Egyptian custom which had originated in China.

[MN: This creation of Jewish history, the Old Testament, was written circa 600 BCE while under the captivity of the Babylonian Empire.}

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Why was Jesus modeled so much after the God Mithra?

Did you know we got the idea of a Pope from Mithra?


The early Christians saw Mithra as a better story than their Jesus story. Naturally they used the Mithra religion in great detail for their Gospels.

  1. Mithra born December 25th.
  2. Virgin birth
  3. His birth witnessed by shepherds and by Magi who brought gifts to his sacred birth cave.
  4. Performed miracles and raised the dead.
  5. Healed the sick
  6. Made the blind see
  7. Made the lame walk
  8. Casted out devils
  9. Carried the keys of the kingdom of Heaven.
  10. Ascended to Heaven on Easter (Spring Equinox)
  11. Had the last supper with his 12 Disciples, the sign of the Zodiac.
  12. Last supper was eating bread.

The Mithraic doctrines also had the story of the flood, Hindu version of Manu. and each other version contained the story of the end of the world which would be by fire, and the story of the battle of the forces of Good and Evil (Dualism)

Mithra was the Supreme Patron of the Roman armies. From it, we celebrate Sunday. Mithraism had seven Sacraments and a Pope.

Bet you didn’t know the Catholic Church hijacked the idea of a Pope from the Pagan Mythical God Mithra.

Note: Magi (3 Wise Men) story was made up in 1813, 18 Centuries after the Bible says it happened.

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CARD # 12: Sunday the day of rest.

To America, Sunday is the Lord’s day. It is the sabbath. The day of rest.

Now the fact checking.

First of all, it is not the sabbath day. The sabbath day is a Jewish day. In the early days of the Christian church, they adopted this tradition from the Jewish religion. Nearly everything documented with the Christian religion has been hijacked, copy and paste jobbed, adopted, or whatever you want to call it from a previous ancient tradition or belief.

The sabbath day is roughly sundown Friday until sundown on Saturday. There is also some fine tuning as to how many stars are visible in the sky to determine the beginning and ending of the sabbath.


Naming a day of the week as Sunday was the idea from the Roman Emperor, Constantine.

Constantine had many Gods, but his favorite was the Sun God, Sol Ivictus. So to honor his Sun God, Constantine renamed a day of the week in honor of his Sun God. The name he gave it was Sun Day.

Constantine invented this name “Sunday” on Monday, March 7th, 321CE.

Constantine declared it Sunday and that it was to be a day of rest.

So you see, it has nothing to do with the Bible or Christianity. It belongs to the Sun God, Sol Invictus.

Ref: Today in History app. for March 7th.

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During the ice age, people got cutoff for thousands of years and did not know about other people on Earth. Example, Greenland thought the country of Greenland was the entire world!

Since they were cutoff from each other, they invented their own Gods, saviors and creation myths.


As more and more isolated lands joined into the world population, the religions, Gods and saviors were sychronized into their beliefs.

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