Adhoc Did You Know #2 Flashcards
Did you know that every religious culture has it’s own story of creation?
Did you know that just in recorded history alone there have been dozens of saviors?
Did you know that god’s salvation plan changed with each gospel?
This is so bizzare because the SALVATION plan changes with each gospel that came out. Why can’t god make up his mind on what we are supposed to do to be saved and live in heaven?
Here they are in Biblical order:
To Matthew, salvation is keeping Jewish law.
To Mark, salvation is death of Jesus paid the price.
To Luke, salvation is forgiveness that comes from repentance.
To John, salvation is faith that Jesus is the “I am” God of Moses, and that you must be born again (accept Jesus as God and become a new creature.)
Did you know that every civilization had its own creation story and their own saviors? Anthropologists tell us that saviors were a dime a dozen in the Bible days.
History and New Testament scholars say that Jesus was not a savior, but he was a Jewish rabbi preaching about the soon coming apocalypse. These same scholars say that if Jesus were to come back today and discover that people thought that he was a savior, he would be totally shocked! Ref. Jesus misquoted.
Did you know that the four gospels we have in today’s Bible were not assigned names until almost five generations after the time the Bible says Jesus was born?
Did you know all the gospels were written many decades after the fact?
Did you know the gospels were all written in a foreign language that the disciples would not understand?
Did you know all the gospels were written in the third person? This proves there were no eye witnesses. Eye witness writings are always in the first person.
Did you know the New Testament was written 400 years after the fact of Jesus being born?
The New Testament did not even have names assigned to the books, like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The names we have on the gospels today were added to the first edition of the New Testament, about 400 CE.
The Bible that came out in 140 CE, was named the Marcion Bible. It was very small compared with the Bible of today.
In fact the New Testament we have today is three times the size of the original. This is because the Bible has been interpolated for over a dozen centuries.
The New Testament didn’t come out until around 400 CE. The books that are in our Bible today were put there by the Roman government and other Powers that be, like Popes, Bishops etc.
Did you know that the main missionary of worldwide Christianity, Constantine, was a brutal sociopath who murdered his eldest son, decapitated his brother-in-law and killed his wife by boiling her alive, and that was after he proclaimed that he had converted from worshipping the sun god to being a Christian. Yet he also changed the course of Christian history, ultimately influencing which books made it into the New Testament.
Cult plus time equals religion: source Netflix.
Did you know the Catholic official date for creation of the universe is October 23, 4004 BCE at exactly 0900?
Do you believe this today?
There are many proofs this is a made up fable.
Today we can see billions of light years into the galaxy. Some of the lights (stars) we see are over 12 billions years away!
So if the universe was created in 4004 BCE, how can we possibly be seeing these stars and planets billions of light years away?
Another proof is Diamonds. Diamonds are made about 75 miles deep in the Earth’s crust. Volcanos bring them to the surface in an eruption. They take over a billion years to form! How can we possibly have diamonds if the universe was made 6,000 years ago?
This was determined by church leader, Bishop Usher. Born 1/4/1581 and died 3/21/1656.
Caves take hundreds of millions of years. We have caves that were made over 500 million years ago.
Gas and oil are made from decomposed plants and animals millions of years ago.
These are just a few examples to prove the universe is over 13 billion years old. Knowing these facts that we can see on demand, how can an educated person possibly believe the universe is 6,000 years old?
Did you know that Christmas was against the law for 200 years in Great Britain?
Did you know Christmas was against the law in the United States for 67 years?
Did you know that one of the main reasons the Puritans and Pilgrims came to America was to stomp out Christmas once and for all?
No matter what religion you are, 74% of the world is praying to other gods and saviors!
7,500,000,000 people on earth, 74% is 5.5 billion.
This is my note from the book “Why I became an Atheist”.
Did you know that for thousands of years the Jewish religion was polytheistic?
Read this footnote #80, about how Jewish religion was polytheistic until the exile to Babylon.
Also, in Brainscape, under (See BR—Invention of Christianity in “Theology”). Hellenism, the Jews accepted all the Greek gods into their religion. They even converted the O.T. into Greek.
Somewhere between Babylon’s captivity and the Roman overrun and capture of Jerusalem in CE 70, the Jewish religion morphed into monotheism. So the Jewish became monotheistic, yet they kept their polytheistic god stories in the Old Testament and wrote the New Testament with the same reference of typology they embraced of polytheistic stories. Thus they used synchronism in their NT stories of Jesus miracles, sacraments and quotes that were favored back in their polytheistic days! Especially with Dionysus, Mithras and Chrisna. I even suspect they morphed Chrisna into Christ then morphed Christ into Christian.
This is the Christian history in a nutshell. All the pieces of the puzzle now fit together.
Ref: BR on misquoting Jesus.
Christianity became the official religion of the empire about 50 years after Constantine. He died in 337 CE, so Christianity became the law about 387 CE. This is late in the fourth century.
So for the first four centuries after the birth of Jesus, there were no cathedrals or churches, but only small clans of Christians who met mostly underground. The religion didn’t go missionary until nearly the fifth century.
So there was no great movement of Jesus being risen from the dead, and no proclamation of god almighty being with us on the earth. The meetings of Nicea were in this same time frame and it took this four hundred years for the world to proclaim exactly who Jesus was and to introduce the New Testament.
Through the missionaries and crusades the religion grew mostly by brute force, killing those who refused to believe the Nicean creed.
Do you really believe the store bought wafer actually turns into the flesh of Jesus?
This was a popular sacrament of pagan gods, particularly Dionysius. In fact, most of the popular miracles and events the Bible claims happen to Jesus were copied and pasted into the gospels we have in the Bible today.
Transubstantiation was invented in the 13 the century. From that date forward, the church believes God actually becomes the wafer you eat!
Ref: 60 minutes 5/13/18
“Pope Francis speaks openly about evolution.” Quote: “The Biblical story of creation is a mythical form of expression.”
The popular Christmas story about the three wise men follow a star to view the newborn savior. The star is brightly shining directly overhead to mark the very spot where baby Jesus is.
This is ridiculous. Our very own Sun is a medium star. When it is directly overhead, thousands of miles are brightly lit up! How can the star pinpoint exactly where the manger is when it is lighting half of the Earth?
This would be daylight for half the Earth, 12,000 miles in all directions! How can an educated person possibly believe this fable?
Besides that fact, when you look up at the stars in the sky, they really are not there. What you are seeing is the light just now reaching Earth from when that star was say, 80 years ago. If you had a magic rocket ship that could zoom immediately to that stars position in the night sky and when you arrive there, you won’t find the star because it moved somewhere else in the galaxy and is now, let’s say 80 light years away!
Did you know Easter is taken from “The epic of Inanna” circa, 2100 BCE, who was in the underworld missing for three days?
Then resurrected and returned to Earth as the light of the Sun?
Did you know that Easter, a pagan festival, was not adopted to designate Christ’s resurrection until the Eighth century?
People never really gave up their PAGAN GODS, they just disguised them and changed their names and status to saints? Kinda like a cheap witness protection program to make the critics happy.
Did you know that the church was the only source of knowledge until the 18th century?
All books on science were forbidden and locked up behind the altar in the Cathedrals.
Did you know that the it was strictly against the law for anyone except a priest to read a bible?
Bibles were written in Latin so the common person could not read it. Even as late as the 16th century, If a non priest was caught reading a bible, or even have a copy of the Bible in a readable language to the common man, they would be put to death.
Wycliffe translated his version into English, which was readable by common man. After Wycliffe died, he was declared a heretic. The church dug up his remains from the grave and burned the bones.
Ref: Bible secrets revealed, history channel
In some Muslim countries and Israel, Sunday is the first work day of the week. According to the Hebrew calendar and traditional calendars (including Christian calendars) Sunday is the first day of the week.[1] But according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 8601, Sunday is the seventh day of the week.[2]
In Roman Catholic liturgy, Sunday begins on Saturday evening. The evening Mass on Saturday is liturgically a full Sunday Mass and fulfills the obligation of Sunday Mass attendance, and Vespers (evening prayer) on Saturday night is liturgically “first Vespers” of the Sunday.
Genies or “JINNS” . 1.6 BILLION people believe in Genies!
(Use photos to write flash cards.)
Did you know that God is supposed to be omniscient all knowing.
So October 21, 2020, Pope Francis accepts that it is okay for same sex marriage. So after thousands of years of stoning, burning and killing same sex couples, it suddenly is just fine with God.
Wow. What do you think those two cities Sodom and Gomorrah that God sent fire from heaven and destroyed and killed men women and babies think of this decision now?
He certainly didn’t kill them and send them to heaven!
If God is all knowing like people believe, then why did he kill, or have killed, all these people for thousands of years and suddenly it’s all Okay?
Miners in Chili pray to the mine Gods for protection while they are deep underground in the mine.
Every time you read the Bible, you need to understand that you are reading a VERSION of the Bible!
In the middle ages virtually every King of the Christian empires had someone write their own versions of the Bible they copied from one another and they added as needed to their own satisfaction of what they wanted the Bible to say. Each king wanted his version to be better than the other versions written by other nations and empires. Therefore the exaggerations of miracles and statements and quotations were constantly exaggerated more and more.
Most of the new testament was written in the middle ages not back in the Bible days.
In the Bible days illiteracy was 99%. Virtually not not anybody, even the kings knew how to read or write and the people who could barely read could not write in most cases.
The Bible itself even states that Peter and John were unlearned men. Jesus did not read and write neither did any of his followers. In fact Jesus and his disciples did not go to school, because they didn’t have schools back then. Jesus and the disciples spoke some Hebrew but mostly Aramaic. None of them spoke Greek which is the language of the New Testament. The Bible was written in an entirely different language called Koine Greek which was very hard to learn. It was written in another country far, far away hundreds of years after the fact.
Any person who wrote parts of what we call the Bible today were NOT eyewitnesses to any of it. None of the Bible today would be considered admissible in court because there is no testimony to it even though it’s called the old and New Testament. It is nothing but hearsay and hearsay is not admissible in court.
Bible says “an eye for an eye”. Exodus 21:24 ESV
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, Copied and pasted from a more ancient source, the code of Hammurabi.
The Code of Hammurabi is a Babylonian legal text composed c. 1755–1750 BC.
The Code of Hammurabi. … One law said, “If a man put out the eye of another man, his eye shall be put out.” Later historians summarized Hammurabi’s Code with the phrase, “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This means that whoever commits an injury should be punished in the same manner as that injury.
You think Jesus was the only savior? Saviors were a dime a dozen in those old Bible days. Read this story on back of this card and tell me Who am I?
Read on and tell me who am I?
BEFORE HE WAS BORN, his mother had a visitor from heaven who told her that her son would not be a mere mortal but in fact would be divine. His birth was accompanied by unusual divine signs in the heavens. As an adult he left his home to engage on an itinerant preaching ministry. He went from village to town, telling all who would listen that they should not be concerned about their earthly lives and their material goods; they should live for what was spiritual and eternal. He gathered a number of followers around him who became convinced that he was no ordinary human, but that he was the Son of God. And he did miracles to confirm them in their beliefs: he could heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead. At the end of his life he aroused opposition among the ruling authorities of Rome and was put on trial. But they could not kill his soul. He ascended to heaven and continues to live there till this day. To prove that he lived on after leaving this earthly orb, he appeared again to at least one of his doubting followers, who became convinced that in fact he remains with us even now. Later, some of his followers wrote books about him, and we can still read about him today. But very few of you will have ever seen these books. And I imagine most of you do not even know who this great miracle-working Son of God was. I have been referring to a man named Apollonius, who came from the town of Tyana. He was a pagan—that is, a polytheistic worshiper of the many Roman gods—and a renowned philosopher of his day. His followers thought he was immortal. We have a book written about him by his later devotee Philostratus. Philostratus’s book was written in eight volumes in the early third century, possibly around 220 or 230 CE. He had done considerable research for his book, and his stories, he tells us, were largely based on the accounts recorded by an eyewitness and companion of Apollonius himself. Apollonius lived some years after a similar miracle-working Son of God in a different remote part of the empire, Jesus of Nazareth. Later followers of these two divine men saw them as being in competition with one another. This competition was part of a bigger struggle at the time between paganism—the forms of religion supported by the vast majority of everyone who lived in antiquity, who embraced a variety of polytheistic religions—and Christianity, a newcomer on the religious scene, which insisted that there was only one God and that Jesus was his Son. Christian followers of Jesus who knew about Apollonius maintained that he was a charlatan and a fraud; in response, the pagan followers of Apollonius asserted that Jesus was the charlatan and fraud. Both groups could point to the authoritative written accounts of their leader’s life to score their debating points.
When Charlemagne conquered the Saxons, they only had an instant to accept Christianity as their new religion or else they would be beheaded! This was a common practice in the first century CE.
A gruesome example is the Massacre of Verden that took place in 782. Charlemagne was said to have put to death 4,500 Saxons in a single day.
Modern scholars agree that an extra zero was added to the total to make the event more impressive.
The Massacre
Coligny was among the first to die. Swiss Guards pulled him from his sickbed and slashed at him with axes before throwing his dead body out the window into the courtyard below. His head was cut off and taken to the Louvre to prove the deed was done.
But the killing didn’t stop there. Soldiers “all went with their men from house to house, wherever they thought they might find Huguenots, breaking down the doors, then cruelling massacring those they encountered, without regard to sex or age,” wrote the Protestant minister Simon Goulart, who took the testimony of survivors not long after the attack.
Catholic Parisians, possibly urged on by militant priests, soon joined in the slaughter. Mobs began targeting Huguenot neighbors, trying to force them to renounce their heresy and murdering them when they refused. Many tried to escape, only to find the city’s gates closed against them.
This mass slaughter went on for three days and stopped only when most of the Huguenots in the city were exterminated. “Carts piled high with the dead bodies of noble ladies, women, girls, men, and boys were brought down and emptied into the river, which was covered with dead bodies and ran red with blood,” Goulart reported. Others were tossed in a well normally used to dispose of animal carcasses.
Violence Spreads
As news of the killings in Paris spread across France, so did the violence. From late August to October, Catholics rose up and launched massacres against Huguenots in Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lyon, Bourges, Rouen, Orléans, Mieux, Angers, La Charité, Saumur, Gaillac, and Troyes.
How many were killed in the massacre has been debated for almost 450 years. Most historians believe around 3,000 were killed in Paris, and perhaps 10,000 nationwide. Others believe it might have been between 20,000 and 30,000. A large number of Huguenot survivors likely converted back to Catholicism for their own protection. Many others emigrated Protestant strongholds outside France.
However unplanned it may have been, Catholics across Europe viewed the St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre as a great victory for the Church. At the Vatican, the killings were celebrated by Pope Gregory XIII with special masses of thanksgiving and a commemorative medal honoring Ugonottorum strages 1572 (“Slaughter of the Huguenots, 1572”). In Spain, King Philip II was said to have laughed for one of the only times in memory upon hearing the news.
The Fourth War of Religion broke out in November 1572 and ended the following summer in the Edict of Boulogne. Under the new treaty, Huguenots were given amnesty for past acts and were granted freedom of belief. But the edict ended almost all the rights given in the Peace of Saint Germain, and restricted most Protestants from actually practicing their religion. Fighting between Catholics and the dwindling Protestant population would continue for another quarter-century until the signing of the Edict of Nantes in 1598.
Hold Upon hearing of the bloodshed in Paris, Pope Gregory XIII celebrated by declaring a jubilee day of public thanksgiving. Guns were fired in salute and the Pope ordered the striking of a commemorative medallion.
Subsequently, Gregory XIII also commissioned a mural by Giorgio Vasari to hang in the Vatican depicting the wondrous St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre.
There is a secret room not open to the public commemorating the massacres. About 2020 or so the Vatican fixed it so no internet searches would bring up the room.
When Protestants rejected the religion of the Roman Catholic Church, there was even more religious violence beginning in the 16th century. In France (1562-1598) there were a series of eight wars between Roman Catholics and Protestants. These are known as the French Wars of Religion. The infamous St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre took place during one of them. It started on the eve of the feast of Bartholomew, August 23, 1572. when a group of Huguenot leaders were slaughtered by Catholics. Lasting several weeks, the massacre extended across the countryside, where up to 10,000 Protestants were slaughtered.
[MN: When the Pope heard the news of the slaughter of 10,000 Protestants, he was so excited that he built a special room in the Vatican painted with battle scenes, floor to ceiling about the great victory for the Catholics. Today this room is closed to the public because the Catholic organization does not want people to know what they did in the past bloodbath of Protestants.) ref: God is not great
Did you know the Bible says homosexuals must be put to death?
Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13
The Book of Leviticus in the Old Testament has two references condemning homosexuality: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (Leviticus 18:22) and “If a man lies with a man as one lies with woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads” (Leviticus 20:13).
The old testament got much of its material from the Egyptian’s “Book of Life”.
The book of life was buried in the tomb of important people, like the Pharaohs.
The book was for the Pharaoh to read to bring him up to speed when he rises from the dead!
The Bible even steals this idea and calls their book, the “Lamb’s Book of Life”.
The World got it’s idea of living forever, namely Salvation, from the Egyptians.
Sal is Latin for salt. The Egyptians would gut the dead body organs, etc. and fill the cavity with Sal. The Sal would prevent the body from decaying because in the future, the Pharaoh would rise and live again. He was too important to let him perish.
This act, using Sal to preserve the body is where the word Salvation was invented. In fact all religions of the world today that believe in eternal life grew this tradition to the entire world. And the world believed it!
Go to next card to see why.
People don’t like the fact that they are animals, and they will die like animals. So humans prefer to cling to hopes of living forever. They will follow any religious thread of faith and hope of living an afterlife.
People talk about the afterlife like it is really going to happen!
Sigmund Freud wrote two books about people being delusional about living an afterlife. Freud stated he could show people a mountain of evidence that afterlife is just a delusion. Nobody would listen to him because they just wanted to live forever and be with all their deceased children and siblings again.
Freud wrote before his death that he was really disappointed with the human race because they can be so smart, yet they give in to brainwashing and DEMAND their delusions of living forever.
I Googled, “Is religion brainwashing”
The first result was, “Religion is organized brainwashing!”
Religion is a complete work of fiction. – inspired by Picard
“Religion is a psychological fantasy to help people get through life”-BN
Let’s get it straight!
Monotheism–Belief there is only one God.
Hedonist--Like to have fun
Pantheist-Accepts that all people can believe in any God they like.
Ethology–The study of animal behavior. Ethology of religion is the study of religious behavior. Why people do what they do because of confirmation bias.
Religious people are told from the cradle onward **“How and what to think”. **Nonreligious people learn to think for themselves. Neil Degrass Tyson
Afterlife-Think of all that happened in the Billions of years before we existed. We simply were not here!
So why would you think you are going to exist after you die?
Look at a match. It does nothing until it makes fire when struck. The fire exist only for a few seconds, then it goes back out of existence!
Our life is just like the fire!