Cultural Inheritance: Christianity; How we got to here Flashcards
CARD #1: How did the Roman Catholic Church start?
Who started The Roman Catholic Church and why?
This study deck explains our cultural inheritance and how we got to here with our 21st century memes and confirmation Bias’ of Religion. The Roman Catholic Church was started by the Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century. It was important for him to have one Roman Empire with one God. When Constantine took control of the Empire he was sick of seeing all these Gods and their statues everywhere. There were hundreds of Gods. Gods for keeping a ship safe. Gods for a bountiful harvest. Gods for victory in battle, etc. The list was endless.He made up his mind he was going to limit his empire to one Rome and one God. He had several Gods to choose from for an important upcoming battle over a bridge. So he decided to pick one of the many and if this God gave him victory in his battle over the bridge, he would make this God, the God of the Roman Empire.
He just had to pick one at random, and his choice on that fateful day just happened to be the Christian God.
Now this was interesting, because the cross was not invented until the 5th century. Constantine was in the 4th century, and the Bible says Jesus was crucified on a cross way back in the very first century, almost 500 years before the cross was invented! Everyone crucified before the 5th century was tied or nailed to a straight stake in the ground. No crosses! Nowhere in the Bible does it actually say Jesus was crucified on a cross. It is a bad interpretation from the Greek which says a vertical stake. To make it even more confusing, the Bible literally does say three times that Jesus was crucified upon a TREE. Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39 and 1 Peter 2:24. There was the gospel of Mary Magdalene, the gospel of Simon Peter, the gospel of Philip, the gospel of Barnabas, the gospel of Judas and hundreds of others. That is right, hundreds of gospels. Constantine also marveled that people feared an invisible God more than they feared his Roman Army. He noticed that Christian converts became self policing on their own behavior. Also he noticed that once the convert became a Christian, he became a prisoner of his own mind in fear of God watching,
Card #2: Constantine takes the reigns of Christianity.
So was Constantine a wonderful person to clear up all the chaos and confusion?
Not at all. Constantine was a brutal sociopath who murdered his eldest son, decaptiated his brother in law and killed his wife by boiling her alive, and that was after he proclaimed he was a Christian!
He also changed the course of Christian history, greatly influencing which books made it into the New Testament.
At this time, there were major disputes as to who Jesus was. Was he God or a man?
Or was he a man who became God?
If he was God, was there one God or three Gods?
All these questions were driving Constantine crazy so he decided to have a meeting in a lakeside town of Nicaea.
Card #3: Nicaea.
Invitations were sent around the world to bishops and leaders of various sects, but not all of them. Some were not invited. One of the first items they settled determined which day was the Sabbath, Saturday according to Jesus, or Sunday according to Constantine. Constantine himself declared it to be Sunday four years before the meeting at Nicaea. So much for Democracy! Constantine declared Sunday as the sabbath to honor his (other) God, the Sun God Sol Ivictus on Monday, March 7th, 321 CE.Just because Constantine became a Christian, he was not sincere and did not give up his personal favorite gods. He made his empire give them up but he remained polytheistic. While the scriptures mentioned nothing about the day of Jesus’s birth, the birth of the Sun God was celebrated on December 25 in Rome. For centuries the Romans celebrated the “Winter Solstice” on or about the 22nd to the 25th of December. . They are very bad at fact checking.
Constantine sided with those who believed Jesus was both God and man, so a statement of belief, called the Nicene Creed, was composed to proclaim that.
Those in the kingdom who refused to sign the statement were banished. Others were slaughtered. After they had returned home and were far from Rome, some who signed the document later sent letters to Constantine saying they had only done so out of fear for their lives!
So note here. The year is 330 years AFTER the Bible says Jesus is born and still people do not know who or what he really is. This is not at all what today’s Bible states. The Bible is theology. What I am saying is in recorded history! The world was full of historians at that time.
Card #4: The Trinity
About 50 years later, in 381 CE, the Romans held another meeting, this time in Constantinople. There, a new agreement was reached. (Note that these agreements are just human opinion and speculation. No evidence of anything!)
The agreement stated that Jesus wasn’t two, he was now three. Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The Nicene Creed was rewritten and those who refused to sign the statement were banished, and another wholesale slaughter began, this time of those who rejected the Trinity, a concept that is nowhere in the original Greek manuscripts and is often contradicted by it.
To this day, the church recites the Nicene Creed, which serves as affirmation of their belief in the Trinity. It is doubtful many of them know the words they utter are not from the Bible and were the cause of so much bloodshed.
In the fifth century, the political and theological councils voted on which of the many Gospels in circulation were to make up the New Testament. Now, at this time we are 500 years after when the Bible says Jesus was born and we still don’t have the Gospels.
They never reached an unanimous agreement. Finally the stalemate was abruptly decided in Rome’s favor. With the power of the Roman army behind them, the practitioners of this proclaimed orthodoxy wiped out all the other sects and tried to destroy every copy of their Gospels and other writings. (These would be the Gnostics and the Literal Gnostics)
Note: We are at the beginning of the Dark Ages now, with Christianity under control of the Roman Empire. 700 years of blantant ignorance will rule the world on the new Christian religion.
Card #5: Reference Sapiens
Ch 11; p. 191 Note: Free thinkers were simply bred out, just like the Neanderthals. Just like the billions of dogs we have today, forgotten are the wolves they started out as in ancient times. Now for example we have a Poodle that people accept to look and behave as expected for the Poodle they are today. The wolf is gone! Today we want the Poodle. Nobody even thinks about the original wolf. Its the same with religion. Christian and Muslim religions are the empires of today.
Thousands of cultural religions were merged out and replaced by larger ones, such as Jewish, Christian and Muslim. p. 195. Today most of us speak, think and dream in imperial languages that were forced upon our ancestors by the sword. Nearly all of the two American continents communicate in one of four Imperial languages: Spanish, Portuguese French or English. p. 197. Its hard to rule an empire with all little districts having their own set of laws, their own writing, their own language and their own money. Standardization was a boon to Emperors.
p. 208. “Cultural inheritance: is a “confirmation bias” that makes us think and act as we do today. Especially in Religion and our style of Cultural thinking.
The majority of today’s memes come to us from cultural inheritance. Thinking, politics, religions, money, laws etc. The list is endless! [MN: With religion, our ignorant, superstitious ancestors invented God, Saviors and religions that today we accept as cold hard facts, and very few people challenge the religious thinking we totally accept today as being real. In fact today people will ostracize and despise you for even mentioning their religion is a bunch of superstitious nonsense. Religous zealots will bomb and shoot you in your churches and schools!] [Note to myself: When questioned on my beliefs I can say I am a student of cultural inheritance, (CI) and understand why today my family is a Poodle and not the free thinking Wolf my Great Greats Grandparents were. Centuries of generations have made me a Poodle. Today my relatives think, act and behave as Poodles.]
Card #6: ref. Sapiens Ch. 12, p, 209. Today, religon is the third great unifer of humankind. alongside money and Empires. Note on P. 210. Early religons were only broadcast to local spirits and deities. Only around the first millennium BCE did the thought go to all mankind. Then it grew and merged into the religious empires we have today. New saviors popped up all over the globe. Saviors were a dime a dozen at the time the Bible says Jesus was born. Apocalyptic prophets were plentiful because everyone was thinking the end was near. Jesus in the synoptic gospels was simply another apocalyptic preacher if he even existed at all. Only in the plan “B” gospel of John was he purposed as a messiah. And John was written (in 95CE) because Jesus never came back before his generation died. (Even though the Bible says 7 times that he would come back before his disciples and high priest die) John was the fix to explain away why Jesus never came back. All of a sudden Christianity is born and enforced by the tip of the sword by the mighty Roman Empire throughout a major part of the world. Only those who accepted this fake news were allowed to live. Many thousands of dissenters were exterminated, and today all that is left are the descendants (THE POODLES) of those who accepted this fake news.
p. 210. Animism N. The religious belief we possess a spiritual essence. Animism is the world’s oldest religion. It dates back to the Paleolithic age of man.
MN: Animism evolved into today’s religons.] Much of ancient mythology is in fact a legal contract in which humans promise everlasting devotion to the Gods in exchange for abundant harvests and flocks.p. 212. [MN: The animal sacrifices of the Bible were copied from the religions of animism. Since animal sacrifices were made to MOLACH, we can see how animism evolved into needing a savior]** Christianity is a synchronized merger of popular ancient religions. Christianity dots all the I’s and crosses all the T’s and was developed from a very small belief in Roman times into the billions of people in Christianity today with the sacrifice, the savior, the loving Father and the rewards and eternal punishments. Even to the point of customized Saints for specific needs like trip protection and fertility. Christianity is a custom made belief to solve all of mankind’s problems.
Romanticism: Romanticism is a major tool of psychology making the religion a love story. The Loving Father. He loved us so very much that he sent his only son to die for our sins! Jesus loves you. Jesus loves me. Make it a love story. Throw in some loud pipe organ music for God sized power of love. This is the tactic of Romanticism.
Card #7: Missionary type religions
Once a religion became “Missionary” it developed super growth, mostly by conquering clans and tribes. Take the Roman Empire for example. Constantine wanted his empire uniform, and his empire was enormous! The Romans had many crusades and conquered many nations and all were forcefully made into Catholic nations. Hundreds of thousands chose death rather than conversion, explaining why the Crusade war machine had no resistance to super growth all over Europe. When the New World was explored, all new people were either converted or killed by the sword.
Great wars like WWII made Christianity even more dominate because opposing religions were killed off, like the Jewish people.
Constantine started his chosen religion and made it universal (Catholic) throughout his vast empire. Dissenteers were killed off. Newborns were born into the Catholic beliefs, believing it was all real. Like the Neanderthals, old school thinking was quickly bred out and Catholicism became the new reality. Since Catholicism was a “missionary type” religion, it became widespread just like the other “missionary type” religions of the world.]
p. 217. Christianity breakthrough.
The big breakthrough came with Christianity. This faith began as an esoteric Jewish sect that sought to convince Jews that Jesus of Nazareth was their long-awaited messiah. However, one of the sect’s first leaders, Paul of Tarsus, reasoned that if the supreme power of the universe has interests and biases, and if He had bothered to incarnate Himself in the flesh and to die on the cross for the salvation of humankind, then this is something everyone should hear about, not just Jews. It was thus necessary to spread the good word, the gospel, about Jesus throughout the world. Paul’s arguments fell on fertile ground. Christians began organizing widespread missionary activities aimed at all humans. In one of history’s strangest twists, this esoteric Jewish sect took over the mighty Roman Empire. [MN: Recall that Paul lived many generations before the time of Jesus and knew nothing of his being here on Earth. The gospels were not written for many generations after Paul’s lifetime. Paul did all of his writings from his “Vision” experience.]
Card #8: Saints and Dualism
The monotheist religions expelled the gods through the front door with a lot of fanfare, only to take them back in through the side window. Christianity, for example, developed its own pantheon of saints, whose cults differed little from those of the polytheistic gods. p. 219. Just as the god Jupiter defended Rome and protected the Aztec Empire, so every Christian kingdom had its own patron saint who helped it overcome difficulties and win wars. England was protected by St. George, Scotland by St. Andrew. Hungary by St. stephen, and France had St. Martin. Cities and towns, professions, and even diseases each had their own saint. The city of Milan had St. Ambrose, while St. Mark watched over Venice. St. Florian protected chimney cleaners, whereas St. Matthew lent a hand to tax collectors in distress. If you suffered from headaches you had to pray to St. agathius, but if from toothaches, the St. Apollonia was a much better audience.
The Christian saints did not merely resemble the old polytheistic gods. Often they were these very same gods in disguise. For example the chief goddess of Celtic Ireland was Brigid. When Ireland was Christianized, Brigid too was baptised. She became St. Brigit, who to this day is the most revered saint in Catholic Ireland.
Dualistic religions espouse the existence of two opposiing powers: good and evil.
Dualism explains that the entire universe is a battleground between these two forces, and that everything that happens in the world is part of the struggle.
Dualism is a very attractive world view because it has a short and simple answer to the famous problem of Evil.
For dualists it’s easy to explain evil. Bad things happen even to good people because the world is not governed single-handedly by a good God. There is an independent evil power loose in the world. The evil power does bad things.
Card #9: Dualism needs our help p. 222. It should not come as a surprise that millions of pious Christians, Muslims and Jews manage to believe at one and the same time in an omnipotent God and an independent Devil.
Countless Christians, Muslims and Jews have gone so far as to imagine that the good God even needs our help in its struggle against the Devil which inspired among other things the call for Jihads and Crusades.
DUALISM EQUALS TERRORISM! 911 Church bombing, shootings and fires.
ISIS, The Taliban Think of all the civil wars, religious wars and Nuclear threats worldwide that simply would not even exist if we didn’t have pious believers thinking that supernatural beings existed. Running down crowds with trucks, bombing Airliners, bombing trains.
Yes, they all are true believers that God needs their help to win the battle of dualism!
Belief in heaven and hell was also dualist in origin. There is no trace of this belief in the Old Testament, which also never claims that the souls of people continue to live after the death of the body.
People didn’t believe in life after death for many thousands of years. But for the last 2,000 years, they think that a supernatural God in heaven had a major change of plan and is offering us to live forever and ever.
Strange isn’t it. On one hand people believe God is all knowing, but for millions of years before Jesus he never had a thought of letting us live forever. Today all of a sudden, it is so important to him for us to spend our brief lifetime down here worshipping him, giving money to him, and giving up our lifetime to tell the rest of the world about him and his salvation plan.
Card #10: Syncretism
Syncretism is the great world religion.When I started studying early Christian church history to verify reports of the Bible and the religion of Christianity being an evolved Pagan religion, I was shocked. I quickly discovered that many of the wise saying of Jesus and the Bible were said earlier in history by other people. Some were also Pagan Gods and some were regular people, like Plato.Then later I discovered that nearly all the saying in the Bible were said and written down in earlier recorded ancient history. N ot only that but all the miracles and major events in the Bible were copied and pasted into the Bible from ancient Mythical God stories! This really shocked me. The further I dug into background checks of the Bible and the early church, the more shocked I became because practically every major event, miracle and saying in the Bible was hijacked and presented to us in the Bible like it was original. Their religions were copy and paste versions just like the Bible was! The names were changed, but the events and saying were the same. Things like going up to the top of the mountain to receive the laws.//Parting the seas//Changing water into wine at a wedding.//Spitting in the mud and applying to a blind man’s eye then he could see.//Raising people from the dead.//Feeding thousands of people with a piece of bread and a fish and having bushels left over.//Walking on water. //Coming back from the dead on your own.//Casting out demons.//Riding a donkey into town and having palms laid down in front of you on the pathway.
I was totally bewildered until I read about Syncretism. Let me state an example. Say you are going to go into the car manufacturing business.“So what is your car going to look like?” “Are you going to have wheels? Tires? Brakes? An engine? A transmission? Seats? “
“Well sure. I’m not going to invent the wheel again. I’m going to use what has been successful in years past. My car will look like everybody elses car, because it is a proven successful model that people will buy.”
THAT IS SYNCRETISM! When you start a new religion, you copy and paste into your religion what has worked before on people. You change the wording and names, but use the same methods and materials because that is what people expect in a God/Savior.Now if everyone would stop and think a few minutes, we could wipe out most terrorism and wars just by realizing none of this religious con is real and it never was real. It is just a means to control people and make a lot of money from it.
The person who started “Scientology” said “The fastest way to become a millionaire is to start a new religion.”
The Christian religion by itself is a 60 + Billion dollar a year business.
Card #11: Communism fears
[MN: This card is mostly my note.} Communism is a missionary type religion/government. A great idea to make everyone in the country equal. But, in reality it stinks because everybody cheats! It ends up being a totalitarian government where people have no vote that really counts for anything and are captives of the government. They are not free to travel without orders to travel, etc.
They hardly have any food in the stores, and most everything is rationed. For the average person, it is a very poor existence.
The higher “caste” members of the party live a rich, lavish life, and they make certain the poor people stay poor and captive.
After the second world war, most of the Eastern European nations were taken over by the Communist. The Communist just marched in and took charge, just like they did in Prague. They reigned Prague for 40 years until 300,000 people revolted in the town square for two weeks. Then after a couple of weeks, the Communists forces left and Prague was free!
About the same time in the United States, the government began the “Pledge of Allegiance” in 1954 to fight off the Propaganda of Communisim.
Then in 1957, they adopted the motto, “In God we Trust”. These were both started to fight off Communism from taking over the population of the United States. “In God we trust was placed in all our Federal Buildings and also put on all our money!
Start card 12 here.
Nazis missionary type
then wrap up
Missionaried religions 1. All the mainlined religions have been missionaried. 2. Once missionaried, they infiltrate massive families and households. Very soon most of your friends and relatives will all be the same religion. 3. After countless generations, all newborn people will grow up and live their lives in this CULTURAL INHERITANCE. 4. They will think their God and savior is the real thing. Problem is Gods are geographical. If you are born in say India, you will be in the Hindu religion. If born in Egypt, a Jinn or Genie will be your God. If born in North Korea, a volcano will be your God. 5. This belief that your God is the real God is called the “Feuerbach principle”.
All Gods and saviors are imaginary. It’s like nobody tells you that Santa Claus is imaginary. All the world’s religions have been syncretized. All the miracles and profound sayings from ancient Gods have been merged into the religion you believe.