Bible Fact Or Fiction Bible syncretism . What is the Bible Flashcards


What is the Bible?

The Bible is not even a book according to Northrop Frye, the 20th century’s top literary critic. People call it a book because it has a front and back cover.

It is a collection of so called writings called books of the Bible.

The collection is a massive syncretism of the most popular sacred quotes, stories and miracles taken from the most popular pagan gods in ancient mythology and crowbarred into a fabricated story of the Jewish God Yahweh in the Old Hebrew Testament and Jesus in the New Roman Testament.

Jesus was reinvented by the Romans to be the Jewish messiah or savior. He actually was a Jewish Rabbi.

Jesus came prepackaged with all the most popular stories, events, miracles and best quotations from previous pagan saviors, namely Dionysus, Mithra, Chrisna, Zeus, Thor, the Ennesses, Mercury, Apollo, etc.

Many of his miracles were added in the Middle Ages when kings were always trying to out do each other on having the best Bible version and most high God. Some sources claim that 80% of the New Testament was written in the Middle Ages, roughly 1,500 years after Jesus was supposedly here.

Many of his accredited quotations were said by people who lived many centuries earlier or later. In fact the most popular gods were all credited with saying the same quotations and performing the same miracles. People like Romulus, Aristotle, Socrates, Julius Caesar, Confucius etc. , performed the same miracles Jesus did.

This is all syncretism which is explained below.

Historians and psychologist have come up with a name for this and it’s called syncretism.

Syncretism is nothing more than inventing new Gods with the same popular miracles and quotations of the previous Gods and selling it in a new package to new people like us right now.

We have heard it all before history repeats itself and this happens with religion also.

Throughout most of history many nations and cities and countries were conquered and dominated by other people such as the Roman empire. When this happened, one of the first things that the empire would do is to synchronize the conquered peoples’ religion with their own Gods and saviors.

This happened in Rome when the Romans conquered the Jews and overran Jerusalem and destroyed it in 70 CE. The Romans merged their gods, which were Jupiter, Venus and Mars into a brand new God savior named Jesus.

Jesus was actually a Jewish rabbi and his ministry, if he even existed at all was nothing but Jewish apocalyptic sermons preaching about the coming apocalypse, that God was coming to earth and was going to dwell here.

Several generations after Jesus was born, or 95 years later for the book of John, the Gospels were written by Roman scribes to make it seem like there was a new savior that came along and we are all under a new salvation plan namely Jesus being a savior and he died for your sins.

The New Testament was written and released in the latter 4th century. This is when the gospel names were assigned. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John . There were hundreds of gospels but the Roman government picked these four and burned every copy they could find of the other gospels.

The surviving gospels are not eyewitness accounts. They all are written in the third person and they were written in Koine Greek.

The disciples of Jesus were illiterate (Bible says so) and they, including Jesus, spoke the Aramaic and Hebrew languages. Nobody spoke Greek there but the Romans.

Countless previous saviors also died for our sins, but nobody pays any attention to that history. Very few people do background checks and fact checking in an age of “just attend church and give us money and we will take care of EVERYTHING!”

Child sacrifices, especially the firstborn children, were always being sacrificed to Gods from the very beginning of time. Firstborn sacrifice was considered the most valuable. So God’s firstborn and only son, Jesus, was nothing special. It was simply following a system that worked and was a crowd pleaser.

After firstborn sacrifices lost its allure, the king’s firstborn were popular. Then even that was deemed too little to appease the gods, like Apollo and Zeus. So they came up with the idea of sacrificing a firstborn son of a God!

Hercules was invented to be the “world’s savior”. This went on for many centuries, then new saviors were invented.

In the case of the Romans, they could not get the Jews to accept their popular Gods, so they invented Jesus as the Jewish “Christ”.

Problem was, the Jews didn’t buy it. So later the Jewish Christ was the new name given to the Jesus religion. It was later named, Christianity.

There were two famous Gods like Baal and Moloch, which had all kinds of sacrifices. Down in Mexico we had the Aztecs, which believed that they had to have multiple sacrifices every day to make sure the sun would rise the next day, and that the earth would continue to exist.

The Aztecs in some years, got up to at least 20,000 sacrifices in that year. Most of them were prisoners from other conquered nations.

The Aztecs believed that each day the priest would have to kill so many people and sacrifice them to their God.

The priests had to cut out the actual heart of the person while it was still beating, and blood was still gushing out of it and hold it up over their heads and let the blood spray all over them and they did this all day long for years and years.

So you see all these old ancient religions in gods and believers in saviors and all the miracles they did, all of the quotes that you hear their people are still famous for like Jesus. They all came from people who lived before like Socrates and Aristotle, Zeus, Saturn, Hermès and Pythagoras.

In fact virtually all the precious quotes and miracles in the Bible were plagiarized from earlier famous people.

Historians and psychologist have come up with a name for this for many centuries and it’s called syncretism. Syncretism is nothing but inventing new Gods with the same popular miracles and quotations of the previous Gods and selling it in a new package to new people like us right now.


The same thing happened with Saint Francis.

Francis was a good ambassador for the Christian religion, and he preached in places like Vietnam and throughout the East. He was a good person, but Francis never saw a supernatural miracle.

Now, in modern day, popular writings claim he did a boatload of fabulous miracles!

It is the same way in the Bible. The Bible has been back filled for thousands of years, with each new editing it is growing by leaps and bounds with fabulous stories of healings and miracles.

This back filling is called, interpolation. The New Testament today is three times larger than it was back in the 4th century when it was written and released. That’s right. The New Testament was written roughly 350-400 years after the stated birth of Jesus.

Good books recommended to discover actually what really happened with the beginning of Christianity are “Misquoting Jesus” and “Jesus interrupted” both by Bart D. Ehrman.

There are many other good books that teach real history about theology.

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The Bible is a collection of syncretisms molded into a typology of ancient Jewish beliefs. The Roman government further molded it into what became the Christian religion to get the Jewish captives to stop revolting and accept Jesus as their new savior. It didn’t work.

In the later 4th century, the Christian religion became Roman law. It remained law well over a thousand years.

Anyone who resisted the new Roman religion was guilty of heresy and put to death. Eventually, the resistance died off and the new generations accepted Christianity as the truth and real.

Virtually all popular quotes and miracles of Jesus and the Bible were said and done before in ancient religions and by famous people, such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Apollo.



Noah’s ark — the flood of Gildamish (sp)

Walls of Jericho tumble down —- earthquake destroyed walls of Jericho thousands of years before date the Bible says it happened. Verified by scientists and historians.

Moses given Ten Commandments written on stone upon a mountain top — the god (input name) did same thing centuries before bible time reference.

David smites Goliath with stone and kills him — the god Thor smites giant with hammer and kills the giant centuries before bible time reference. (The Bible actually says his brother kills Goliath.)

Plagues of Egypt, Hebrew slaves — Egyptian historians say there never were Hebrew slaves in Egypt. The pyramids were built with their own people. The plagues was a different event (get info)

First born child sacrificed. Very popular with ancient gods, moloch,Baal, etc. so god sacrificed his first and only son.
Aztec 20,000 sacrificed a year sometimes. Explain drums and trumpets blasting to cover up children screaming. Hercules the first savior of the world.

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Make new cards like
What language were the gospels and New Testament written in? How could the disciples have written it.

What language did Jesus and his disciples speak? Not and gospels written in Koine Greek.

What was the literacy rate at the time of Jesus? 99.9% illiterate. See book for correct numbers.


Did you know that over 200 churches in Europe claim they possess the “HOLY GRAIL”?__Smithsonian channel

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Eternal life?

People think they are going to live forever. The person you think is you living inside your body does not exist. That person is simply a confabulation of your brain. If you would seriously study your brain, you would know for a fact that your brain makes up things and presents them to you like they are real.

A really good book that explains this is “Fooling you is what your brain does for a living”. Another good brain book is “Brain Works” (get author and full title).

The sense that you exist as a person is located in your Amygdala. The Amygdala is located in the bottom center of your brain. It is the size of an almond and you have one in both hemispheres of your brain.

This is what you really look like. Not your body, but the little almond in your brain. The Amygdala is you. Nothing but billions of neurons and synapses.

Every emotion, every hope, every thought, every goal, every worry, every happiness comes out of your Amygdala. When you die, you are brain dead and cease to exist anymore. Sad but true.

If you had children, brothers or sisters, even cousins, your genes would continue to live in a microscopic world like they are living right now. Your DNA, if not destroyed, would last billions of years. Your DNA IS NOT ALIVE. It is a blueprint of you.

Your DNA has a history of existence for billions of years. Your genes have lived and changed a tremendous amount of times. They evolved all the way from early life in the water, eons ago.

Your genes have already been living for billions of years!

If you think you have a conscious memory outside of your life inside your body, answer these questions:

Do you remember when you were part of a star?
Do you remember when you were algae?
Or when you were a worm?
When you were worm shit?
When you were a cauliflower?
How about a fish?
Or a reptile?

Your genome contains (give number) genes, and your DNA contains insert numbers here.

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Easteria for 3 days of death then resurrection story of Easter.

On this card, fill in NT stories.
Water into wine Dionysus
Healing blind man with spittle on eyes.
Raising Lazarus from dead.
No cross for crucified until 4th century.
Last supper, many ancient gods had fillers to drink their blood and eat their flesh.



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