Popliteal, Leg, Ankle Flashcards
what is the popliteal fossa in shape
medial boundary of popliteal fossa
semimebranosus, semitendinosus, gastrocnemius
lateral boundary of popliteal fossa
biceps femoris, lateral head of gastrocnemius, plantaris
anterior wall/floor of pf
posterior of femur, knee capsule, popliteus muscle
roof of pf
skin, sup nd deep fascia of thigh
contents of pf
popliteal a/v
posterior cut nerve
popliteal lymph nodes
small saph v
tibial nd common peroneal n
genicular branch of obturator n
lateral sensory supply of leg
lateral cutaneous n
superficial peroneal n
medial sensory supply of leg
saphenous nerve
it is called the dorsiflexor compartment
anterior compartment
muscles of anterior comp
fibularis tertius
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis longus
tibialis anterior
peroneus tertius
nerve supply of ant comp
deep peroneal nerve
blood supply of ant comp
anterior tibial artery
muscles of lat comp
peroneus longus
peroneus brevis
nerve of lat comp
superficial peroneal n
blood supp of lat comp
peroneal artery
largest compartment of the leg
posterior comp
superficial muscles of post comp
deep muscles of post comp
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibialis posterior
nerves in post comp
tibial nerve
ateries post comp
posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery