Popliteal, Leg, Ankle Flashcards
what is the popliteal fossa in shape
medial boundary of popliteal fossa
semimebranosus, semitendinosus, gastrocnemius
lateral boundary of popliteal fossa
biceps femoris, lateral head of gastrocnemius, plantaris
anterior wall/floor of pf
posterior of femur, knee capsule, popliteus muscle
roof of pf
skin, sup nd deep fascia of thigh
contents of pf
popliteal a/v
posterior cut nerve
popliteal lymph nodes
small saph v
tibial nd common peroneal n
genicular branch of obturator n
lateral sensory supply of leg
lateral cutaneous n
superficial peroneal n
medial sensory supply of leg
saphenous nerve
it is called the dorsiflexor compartment
anterior compartment
muscles of anterior comp
fibularis tertius
extensor digitorum longus
extensor hallucis longus
tibialis anterior
peroneus tertius
nerve supply of ant comp
deep peroneal nerve
blood supply of ant comp
anterior tibial artery
muscles of lat comp
peroneus longus
peroneus brevis
nerve of lat comp
superficial peroneal n
blood supp of lat comp
peroneal artery
largest compartment of the leg
posterior comp
superficial muscles of post comp
deep muscles of post comp
flexor digitorum longus
flexor hallucis longus
tibialis posterior
nerves in post comp
tibial nerve
ateries post comp
posterior tibial artery
peroneal artery
this frequently occurs in tennis players nd middle aged men
rupture of tendon calcaneus
often used for autografts in repairing flexor tendons
plantaris tendon
why cant the palmaris longus be used as autografts solely
bc some people wala
what type of joint is the ankle
what forms the ankle
articulation of the distal tibia and fibula and the superior talus
nerve supp of ankle
deep peroneal nd tibial n
the lig bet the lt malleolus nd post border of talus
inferior transverse tibiofibular ligament
commonly injured in ankle sprain
calcaneofibular lig
commonly torn ankle lig
anterior talofibular lig
lateral lig of ankle
atfl, talofibular, cfl
deltoid ligaments of ankle
anterior/post tibiotalar
nerve supp of deltoid lig
deep peroneal nd tibial nerves
resists dflex
triceps surae
resists pflex
medial lig
movements that makeup pronation
eversion, abd, dflex
movements that makeup supination
inversion, add, pflex
what passes anterior of extensor retinacula
saphenous nerve
saph vein
sficial peroneal n
passes beneath/through er
tibialis anterior tendon
ehl tendon
anterior tibial artery w venae comitantes
deep peroneal n
edl tendons
peroneus tertius
passes behind tarsal tunnel
posterior tibial artery w venae comitantes
tibialis posterior tendon
tibial n
passes behind lat melleolus
peroneus longus nd brevis tendons
passes behind ankle
fat and large tendo calcaneus
joint bet talus nd calcaneum
subtalar joint
movement of subtalar joint
gliding and rotary
what forms the midtarsal joint
talocalneonavicular nd calcaneocuboid joints
what is the choparts joint
amputation point para may stability padin for normal gait nd weight bearing
in which joint does inversion/eversion happen
subtalar nd transverse tarsal; choparts joint
runs from the anterior margin of the sustentaculum tali to the inferior surface and tuberosity of the navicular bone
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
lig of calcaneocuboid
bifurcated ligament is a strong ligament on the upper surface of the joint, is Y shaped
long plantar ligament is a strong ligament attached to the undersurface of the calcaneum behind and cuboid and the bases of the third, fourth, and fifth metatarsal bones
short plantar ligament is a wide, strong ligament
what is the lisfrancs joint
Between the tarsal and metatarsal bones
Between heads of metatarsals and base of proximal phalanges
Metatarsophalangeal joint – condyloid joint