Polymers Flashcards
What two groups are plastics divided into?
-Lucas M
Thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics
What are thermoplastics made of?
-Lucas M
Long chain molecules
What holds the long chain molecules together?
-Lucas M
Van de waals forces of attraction.
Polythene and acrylic are examples of thermoplastics or thermosetting plastics?
-Lucas M
What happens to thermoplastics when they are heated?
-Lucas M
They soften
Name 2 of the 4 examples of Thermosetting Plastics?
- Humphrey Marsh
Epoxy resin
The process of injection moulding is controlled by what?
- Humphrey Marsh
A central processing unit in a CIM environment
Moulds in injection moulding can be what?
- Humphrey Marsh
Complex and expensive
The long chains of molecules in thermosetting plastics are held together by bonds known as what?
- Humphrey Marsh
Covalent bonds
What type of plastics are flexible?
- Humphrey Marsh
In school what can injection moulding be used to make?
-Ssnehnil G
A screwdriver
Examples of Thermoplastics
-Ssnehnil G
Acrylic Polythene Polypropylene PET ABS PVC
Properties of Thermoplastics
-Ssnehnil G
Will soften when heated
Tend to be flexible (more or less)
Impact resistant
Can be coloured
What are Thermosetting plastics made of?
-Ssnehnil G
Cross linked chains
Do Thermoplastics have a One shot cycle or Continuous cycle?
-Ssnehnil G
Continuous cycle
What can moulds be?
Ed H
Complex and expensive