Heat Treatment Flashcards
What Is normally case hardened?
Survival knives, bearings & screwdriver tips
What is Kasenit
A case hardening compound.
What is a fault that can happen while cold working metal?
Why is steel tempered?
To make it tougher or harder
What is normalising?
Relieving stress in steel caused by work hardening
What type of structures do metals exist in?
Caspar Tyser
Atoms in a metal exist in a regular lattice structure.
What effect does Case Hardening have on steel?
Caspar Tyser
Case Hardening increases the wear resistance of the steel.
In Hardening and Tempering hardness depends on what?
Caspar Tyser
The carbon content of the steel (min 0.4%).
Annealing makes the metal more….?
Caspar Tyser
Heat Treatment occurs after which process?
Caspar Tyser
Cold Working.
What type of structures to metals exist in?
Torsai K
Atoms in a metal exist in a regular lattice structure.
What is heat treatment?
Torsai K
Heat can be used to alter the properties of a metal. The type of metal, temperature, and rate of cooling will affect final properties.
What does annealing do to the metal?
Torsai K
Annealing is the application of heat to relieve internal stresses, making the metal more malleable.
What is the difference between annealing and normalising?
Torsai K
Annealing occurs in non-ferrous metals, while normalising occurs in ferrous metals.
What does case hardening do to steel?
Torsai K
Case hardening increases the wear resistance of the steel, using a surface layer of carbon.
What can heat be used for?
-Lucas M
Heat can be used to alter the properties of a metal.
What can affect the final,properties?
-Lucas M
The type of metal
Temperature reached
Rate of cooling
What is annealing?
-Lucas M
The application of heat to relieve internal stresses.
What metals are heated to dull red and allowed to cool (or quenched)?
-Lucas M
Copper and Brass
Which metal is heated to 350-400 degrees Celsius and allowed to cool?
-Lucas M
Atoms in metals exist in what structure?
- Humphrey Marsh
A regular lattice structure
When a metal is cold worked, the faults which are formed within the structure causing it to harden and eventually fracture are known as what?
- Humphrey Marsh
What is heat treatment used for?
- Humphrey Marsh
To restore the original properties of the metal.
What does case hardening do to steel?
- Humphrey Marsh
It increases the wear resistance of the steel.
Name two components that are case hardened.
- Humphrey Marsh
Bearings and screwdriver tips
What are the faults know as when metal is cold worked?
Yan K
What can heat treatment be used for?
Yan K
Restoring the original properties of the metal
What is Annealing?
Yan K
Application of heat to relieve internal stresses making the metal more malleable and easier to work
What is normalizing?
Yan K
Relieving stress in steel caused by work hardening
What is tempering?
Yan K
Raising the temperature of the steel to 230-300 degrees Celsius and quenching in water
What is lattice structure?
Ed H
Nice neat rows
What happens when metal is stressed?
Ed H
It hardens
What power does heat have?
Ed H
It can alter metal
Normalising is what?
Ed H
How strong is blue?
Ed H
The toughest of them all
What happens if cold working is used instead of heat?
-Ssnehnil G
The metal will fracture
In Annealing what heat are ferrous metals heated to?
-Ssnehnil G
725 degrees Celsius
What can heat do to a metal?
-Ssnehnil G
Alter the properties of a metal
What colour are copper an brass heated to?
-Ssnehnil G
A dull red
What is a brand of a surface hardening compound?
-Ssnehnil G
How do atoms exist?
Ivan k
In a regular lattice structure
what happens when a metal is worked
Dislocations are formed
How can you alter the properties of a metal?
-Ivan k
Using heat
How hard does steel get when tempered?
-Oscar Lawson
It depends on the amount of carbon it contains. It has at least 0.4% carbon but the higher carbon content, the harder it becomes
What analogy is used to talk about fractures and stresses in metals?
-Oscar Lawson
A paper clip- it can be bent a lot but it eventually breaks
How do you anneal aluminium?
-Oscar Lawson
Heat it to at least 350 degrees, using soap to gauge the temperature. Afterwards, cool it slowly
How do you anneal copper or brass?
-Oscar Lawson
Heat it to a dull red colour before cooling it or quenching it
What is quenching?
-Oscar Lawson
Dipping a hot metal in water to cool it down fairly rapidly.
How hard does steel get when tempered?
-Oscar Llama
It depends on the amount of carbon it contains. It has at least 0.4% carbon but the higher carbon content, the harder it becomes
What analogy is used to talk about fractures and stresses in metals?
-Osvar Lawson
A paper clip- it can be bent a lot but it eventually breaks
Which components are usually case hardened
-Krystian Shanahan
Bearings and screwdriver tips
what property of steel does the carbon impact
-Krystian shanahan
The degree of hardness
What is the minimum percentage of carbon steel can contain
-Krystian Shanahan
How are atoms arranged within a metal
- Krystian Shanahan
A lattice structure
What temperature range is used in tempering
-Krystian Shanahan
230-300 degrees
What metals when heated go dull red?
-Alfie Turner
copper and brass
do atoms in a metal exist in a regular lattice structure
-Alfie Turner
Otherwise known as normalising or
-Alfie Turner
Case hardening increase the water resistance of the steel?
-Alfie Turner
Case hardening increase the heat resistance of the steel?
-Alfie Turner
Are Bearings case hardened?
-Oscar Mabon
Are Screwdriver tips case hardened?
-Oscar Mabon
Are Bolts case hardened?
-Oscar Mabon
Are Screws case hardened?
-Oscar Mabon
Are Metal cans case hardened?
-Oscar Mabon