How can our water sources be polluted name 4
Solids - waste produced by people like bottles and plastic bags
Liquids - Farmers pesticides wash into rivers and dams and oil spills in ocean, water animals and birds die
Gasses - Factories and cars release sulphur and nitrogen into atmosphere, nature release it by volcanos and lightning. Damage buildings
Global Warming - heat from the sun is trapped in our atmosphere by various gasses
Discuss how our rivers are polluted by liquids from farmers.
- Farmlands are often found near rivers and dams.
- Farmers spray pesticide on their crops, so when it rains the pesticides get washed away to the rivers or sink into the underground waterways.
- This water is dangerous for people and animals It is very hard to purify this water
Discuss how oil tankers pollute our oceans?
- Oil spills end up on our beaches by sea currents.
- Animals suffocate on the oil and die
- The oil coats their fur and feathers and they can’t float or regulate body temp.
- Oil impairs their sensory organs and baby animals die because parents cannot pick up their scent to care for them.
- Water creatures like dolphins can lose their eye sight
- Oil prevents evaporation of seawater and influence rain and water cycle
Discuss Acid Rain?
- Factories, cars release gasses (nitrogen and sulphur) into the air
- The gasses bond with water and oxygen form (nitrogen oxide and sulphur dioxide)
- It forms a acid solution and falls to the ground as acid rain Damage buildings and statues and human health
What is Global Warming?
Rising temperatures in the earths atmosphere caused by gasses, called greenhouse gasses, that trap the heat of the sun in our atmosphere.
Discuss how Global warming pollute / influence our water sources.
Global warming is warming up our earths atmosphere which in turn causes / consequences:
- Rising temp melt ice caps
- Water temp rise and water creatures, biomes and plankton (which makes oxygen) can not survive
- There is a rising level of water vapour in atmosphere
What causes Global Warming?
- Destruction of ozone layer
- Deforestation
- Greenhouse gasses released by factories and farms
- Sunspots
- Burning fossil fuels - more carbon dioxide in atmosphere
- Releasing of methane into air by drilling and mining for minerals and farming livestock