Pollution: Effects Of Environmental Features Flashcards
What features can affect the degradation of pollutants?
Name 5
Light levels
Pollutant interactions
Describe how different temperatures can affect the degradation of pollutants
The chemical reactions that pollutants are involved in may occur more rapidly if the temperatures are higher
give an example of a pollutant of which the degradation is affected by temperature
Sewage, breaks down more rapidly at higher temperatures but more rapid degradation can cause problems like deoxygenation
How can light levels affect the degradation of pollutants?
They can provide the activation energy for the chemical reactions that involve pollutants
2 examples of the affects light has on the degradation of pollutants
- photochemical smogs
- Photodegradation of some pesticides
Explain how oxygen can affect the degradation of pollutants
It is involved in many of the chemical and biological reactions that pollutants are
The oxidation state of metals affects the solubility
Examples of the reactions oxygen is involved in that pollutants are also involved in
- aerobic bacterial decomposition of sewage
- oxides of sulphide ores, producing sulphur dioxide
How can PH affect the degradation of pollutants?
It can affect the solubility of substances
How can pollutant interactions affect degradation of pollutants?
The presence of other pollutants may affect the behaviour of another one
Give two examples of how pollutant interactions can cause pollutant degradation
- the interaction of NOx and hydrocarbons in photochemical smogs
- the combined effects of phosphates and nitrates in eutrophication
Name 3 environmental factors that affect the dispersal of pollutants
- wind and water currents
- temperature inversions
- the presence of absorbent materials
Explain how wind and water currents can affect the dispersal of pollutants
Because of the velocity and direction of air and water currents
It will affect how far a pollutant is dispersed and how much it is diluted
Explain how effluent gases rise under conditions where there are no temperature inversions
- atmospheric temperatures in the troposphere usually decline with increasing altitude
- temp of warm pollutant gases make them less dense and more buoyant than surrounding cool air
- this allows them to rise, disperse and become diluted
- they cool down as they rise because of the surrounding air but they remain buoyant, and continue to rise and disperse
What 4 factors allow temperature inversions to form?
- valleys
- low wind velocity
- cloudless skies
- mist or fog during the day
Why do valleys allow temperature inversions to form?
They are areas that allow colder and denser air to collect
Why do low wind velocities allow temperature inversions to form?
They mean that the air layers of different temperatures don’t mix
Why do cloudless skies allow temperature inversions to form?
It means infrared energy can be radiated from the ground without being stopped which causes the ground to cool
Why are cities that have locale like LA vulnerable to pollution problems?
-Cities like LA are in valleys
- there are alo high pollutant emissions in cities like LA
- these emissions can cause serious prolems because they become concentrated during temperature inversions
- e.g. smoke smogs and photochemical smogs
Why does the presence of absorbent materials affect the dispersal of pollutants?
- pollutants may absorb onto materials e.g clay particles or organic materials in aquatic sediments
- they may immoblilse pollutants and stop them causing problems
- many naturally occurring toxic metal ions are immobilised by being absorbed onto soil clay particles
Explain how absorbent materials affected the dispersal of Caesium-137 that was released after Chernobyl in 1986
- it was released into the atmosphere by the nuclear accident but was then washed out by the rain
- most that was washed into the soil was absorbed onto clay particles
- this means it is immobile and any radiation released is absorbed in the ground