what are the main issues with contaminated land?
Industrial history – could have caused pollution of the land (underground tanks / spillages / waste disposal)l and there are still some buildings remaining.
Could look at the Environment agencies industry profiles to see what the likely contaminants are (Steel – metals, acids / alkalis, coal tars, fuels / oils, solvents, asbestos).
Would also need to take into consideration potential for contamination to have migrated from nearby industrial unit
main issues with contaminated land?
potential contamination I would expect the developer to carry out
contaminated land site investigation.
They would need to take into consideration BS10175 on the investigation of potentially contaminated land .
Also, CLR11 model procedures for the management of contaminated land provides guidance.
PAN 33, Development of Contaminated Land should also be consulted. PAN 33 also required Environmental Health to be consulted
main issues with contaminated land?
steps would be needed
Desk Study – historic maps, previous inspections etc. and site walkover – create Conceptual Site Model
Qualitative RA – Intrusive site investigation (trial pits / boreholes) to collect samples and determine contamination status. Results compared with generic assessment criteria (soil guideline values). And if results below, no further action needed
If results above need to move to Quantitative RA where site specific criteria are developed using a model such as CLEA. If these are exceeded then remediation is needed
Remediation – developer should consider the most appropriate remediation strategy for the specific pollutants to make land suitable for use. Would also provide a verification report once remediation was completed
You would be looking for the developer to report back at each stage so that you could verify they had found all the relevant pollutants and that you were satisfied with what they were doing
What are you trying to break?
The pollutant linkage – source / pathway / receptor
The new development contains a takeaway which could be considered a noise Generating Development
Next, what are the issues with noise?
Probably of more concern would be the large amount of residential housing which would be considered a Noise Sensitive Development
Would need to consider PAN1/2011 Planning and Noise (Principles of good acoustic design and appropriate locations of developments) and the accompanying Technical Advice Note
- Identify noise sensitive receptors
- Quantitative Assessment
- Qualitative Assessment
- Level of Significance
- Decision Process
what does TAN contain
the methodology for a Noise Impact Assessment. Would expect them to go through the process
- Identify noise sensitive receptors
- Quantitative Assessment
- Qualitative Assessment
- Level of Significance
- Decision Process
consideration when there is rail and motorway
This would need to take into account methodology in ‘Calculation of Railway Traffic Noise’ and ‘Calculation of Road Traffic Noise’.
Given the closeness of the railway I would also be looking for a vibration survey and therefore mitigation to reduce as per BS6472
With noise what mitigation can be used
Would be looking for developer to provide mitigation for example quieter machines during development and locating bedrooms / living rooms away from noisy areas.
Would likely add conditions to any planning permission so that noise from completed development does not give rise to noise exceeding NR35 from 7-22:00 and NR25 at other times. Can also restrict hours of use.
what would you consult for noise where there is residential and commercial
May also need to consult BS4142 on the method for Rating of noise in a mixed residential and industrial environment. It would identify if complaints were more likely.
What controls are available during development?
Can serve a section 60 notice under the control of pollution Act 1974. This would specify the times that work can be carried out on site. In Glasgow the hours are 08:00-19:00 Mon – Fri, 08:00-13:00 Sat and no noisy work on a Sunday.
Would expect developer to use methodology / equipment that conforms with BS5228 for noise and vibration control This would include quietist machinery, maintenance, silencers and increased distance to receptors
How would you carry out a measurement for NR25/35?
Calibrate machine before and after
Measure indoors, with windows closed in a habitable room
Meter 1m away from window
1.2m above ground
Ensure calm weather / external conditions
Measure for 5 minutes
Plot frequencies on graph
what are the issues with air quality
there are two main issues, bringing human receptors into an area with poor air quality and also the potential for the development to worsen air pollution.
what should the developer do in relation to air quality
developer would need to assess the impacts from both. There are various methodologies to do this and the exact one used would need to be agreed with the LA. The assessment should consider the effect that the existing poor air quality may have on the health of new receptors. Furthermore it should consider the potential for the development to worsen the air quality, both during construction and for the completed development….for example increased road traffic (especially HGV’s during development). The effect on nearby residents would need to be considered. Any assessment should consider the current levels and the National Air Quality Strategy and relevant standards / objectives
Dust is likely to be a problem during removal of existing structures and development of the new buildings, especially with housing nearby. on dust emissions from construction / demolition sites. They would need to control / minimise dust for example by cleaning vehicles, covering loads, damping down, creating barriers or making sure receptors are far away.
Odours could also be a problem from the new takeaway. May need to put conditions in planning permission with regards to the disposal of cooking odours / fumes…..e.g. duct / ventilation system. May also be issues with odours from new industry affecting nearby housing. SEPA / DEFRA odour guidance available.
What are the main issues with regards waste, both during development and in the final development?
During the development and wastes produced should be controlled and dealt with using a suitable licensed contractor. They would have a duty of care under Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Environmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1991)
For the final development there would need to be adequate storage areas for bins and also suitable access for large rubbish collection vehicles. From the plan it did not appear that there was suitable storage areas or enough room for vehicle access.
This is especially relevant given the number of bins required to collect all the different wastes….Waste (Scotland)Regulations 2012 – food collections / dry recyclables
There would also need to be adequate levels of litter bins, especially near the takeaway
Who might you consult? relation to pollution and waste
SEPA – waste management licence / dumping of wastes / industrial wastes
What conditions would you apply to any planning permission?
NR25/35, Noise survey, air quality assessment, CL site investigation, Light from development controlled, restrict delivery hours, vibration survey, method to disperse odours
You receive a complaint of children littering at lunch times How would you investigate?
Initially speak to complainer and find out the exact location, what type of litter and what times of day the littering occurs. Next carry out a visit to confirm whether the complaint is justified.
If justified would liaise with the school. Could provide information / educate the children. Also could carry out visits with school teachers who will be able to identify the pupils. Initially those dropping litter could be dealt with by explaining what they are doing is wrong and asking them to pick up the litter. Further options include writing to parents or at an extreme level issuing fixed penalty notices (£50). In Glasgow there is also the option of carrying out a few hours litter picking on a Saturday morning.
Are there any cleanliness standards and who would be involved?
LA’s area is divided up into different land use zones and there are four grades of cleanliness (A-D). There are prescribed times for areas to be returned to the appropriate level of cleanliness.
What document covers this? cleanliness standards in LA
Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse Scotland 2006
A person contacts you to complain of a humming noise from a shop that has opened up under her flat
How would you investigate and what actions are available?
Contact complainant and get more details (when, what, where etc.)
Check planning conditions to see if NR25/35 have been attached
Visit property when worst and measure noise level using meter and assess against noise rating curves (NR25 and NR35).
If levels exceeded and in planning conditions pass to planning department to deal with / take action
If considering Statutory Nuisance under EPA 1990 also need to make a subjective assessment as well as actual readings (location, time, duration, frequency, tonal nature etc.). If believe a nuisance exists, must serve an abatement notice under Sec 80 EPA requiring abatement / carrying out of works
If noise levels not exceeded can speak to shop as they may be unaware and it may be a simple fix
A person contacts you to complain of a humming noise from a shop that has opened up under her flat
What advice could you give to the shop and what actions could they take?
Switch off fans at night if possible, enclose fans, ensure good / clean fans used, securely fitted
What could you do about graffiti?
can remove graffiti and would also photo tags and pass onto police then remove
Can also serve a graffiti removal notice under the Antisocial Behaviour etc. (Scotland) Act 2004….if detrimental to amenity / offensive and on public land or land visible to public
Can the LA carry out works?
Yes, can enter land and do work in default
Under the Environment Act 1995 what are a LA’s duty in relation to air quality
LA’s required to review Air Quality in their area. Review and Assessment on a 3 year cycle with progress report in years where not doing update and screening / detailed assessment.
If problems detected need to carry out a Detailed Assessment Where objectives will not be met must designate an Air Quality Management area.
Need to also carry out further assessment to see if AQMA still relevant.
Then have to produce a plan demonstrating how LA will work to meet objectives.
What are the two most important pollutants?
Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulates
What are the sources and health effects of Nitrogen Dioxide and particulates?
Nitrogen Dioxide – Road Traffic / Power Stations, inflammation of airways
Particulates – combustion exhausts, brakes / tyres of vehicles, coarse particles (dust, soil, sea salt) and construction works – respiratory disease
What could your LA do to reduce levels of Nitrogen Dioxide?
Vehicle idling – FPN,
Emissions Testing – FPN,
cleaner taxis, improve buses, workforce travel plan,
lead by example – electric vehicles, car clubs, Low Emission Zones, bus corridors / lanes
Anything else you could do / Anyone else you would work with?
Could also integrate into transport strategy / work with roads department to create traffic regulations / creation of east end regeneration route / M74
What is SEPA’s role in relation to air quality?
SEPA are a statutory consultee and also have powers to direct LA’s to take action where they are not doing the necessary work. Also produce reports.
What other roles does SEPA have with regard to pollution and the environment?
SEPA is responsible for issuing permits (Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 – 2000/2012 Regulations),
Waste Management licences (1994 / 2011 Regulations)
activities controlled under the Water Environment (Controlled Activities) Regulations.
Also produce various reports.
During construction phase what are some noise issues
If near residential can be an issue
Examples of noise
generators, compressors, pilling, excavators, other vehicle’s and tools, alarms and reversing
how is noise from a construction site regulated
Through planning conditions
control of pollution act 1974 Sections 60 and 61
best practicable means, operation hours, type, noise levels
BS 5228
what is BS 5228
noise prediction methodologies
standards for acceptable levels of noise depending upon existing ambient noise in the area in the absence of the predicted construction noise
what are considerations on a planning app
Site clearance
control of dust
artificial light
Compliant about a reversing noise from a forklift truck how would you procced and measurement standard
asked about time separation
Breaking law from a smoke fire (Bonfire)?
Yes if it is a smoke control area
No if not
Unless waste is commercial Control of Pollution 1974
Stat nuisance investigation
Audible Intruder alarm
Go to home and confirm if sound is on
should go off in there own time
look at it as stat nuisance
What is Polluter Pays principle
commonly accepted practice that those who produce pollution should bear the costs of managing it to prevent damage to human health or the environment
extended producer responsibility
responsibility for a product’s lifecycle beyond the manufacturer. It can involve producers being responsible for collection and recycling of their products at the end of their useful life
Clean air act 1993 what are the main offences
dark smoke and chimney Hight
Air quality Management - what are the stat air pollutants
Particulate matter 2.5 10 and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Examples of contaminated land
What does underlying level and permitted level mean in terms of anti social behaviour Scotland act 2004
Underlying Level: This refers to the baseline level of noise that is considered acceptable in a particular area or situation. It’s a standard against which noise levels are measured.
Permitted Level: This is the maximum level of noise that is allowed in a specific area or situation. If noise levels exceed the permitted level, it can be considered a nuisance and may lead to legal action.
Noise abatement notices: Local authorities can issue these notices if they believe noise levels are exceeding the permitted level.
Noise nuisance orders: If the noise continues after a notice is issued, a noise nuisance order can be obtained, which can impose restrictions on the noise-making activity.
Environmental impact assessment of a proposed development - what planning guide for noise
PAN 1 2011 and TAN (Noise sensitive development)
Impact of noise from road on proposed residential development
impact of noise from railway at raised level on proposed development
impact of distribution depot on residential development
How and what are Noise rating curves
Air quality assessment would be required when?
when proposed development is above 100 new resident as 2 cars per house
Artificial light - may raise levels of what
complaints - stat nuis