politische Parteien Flashcards
1) linked to the extension of suffrage and the need that attract large numbers of new voters.
2) Strong emphasis on the role of party activists; organizational form of the working class.
3) extensive organizational network, strong ideological orientation relied on their members for funding & campaign activities.
4) in the struggle for votes, parties on the right followed their example -> “contagion from the left”
5) parties were representing well-defined social groups; party politics = “the competition, conflict and cooperation of these groups.”
Party-Change (3):
1) dealignement of parties & voters
2) secularisation, expanding middle classes, greater participation of women, migration, higher degrees of personal ressources possessed by citizens, postmaterial values conflicting with traditional party ideologies, and better informed citizens independent from the guidance of secondary associations and opinions leaders.
3) mass-communication open new channels for direct access between citizens and leaders that need not pass through traditional partisan channels.
Charakteristika von Parteien in Afrika im Vergleich zu anderen Regionen (4)
1) viele afrikanische Länder haben ein dominantes Parteiensystem.
2) nicht nur Autokratien, sondern auch Länder im südlichen Afrika (Botswana, Namibia…)
3) Oppositionsparteien oft instabil, klein, mit geringer Präsenz im Land.
4) starker Grad von Fraktionalisierung, allerdings nicht an ideologischen Spaltungslinien, sondern Elitenkonkurrenz.
Party system institutionalization (4)
1) the regularity of party competition.
2) stable roots in society
3) legitimacy of parties and elections.
4) party organization.
Meistens (3)
1) Parteiendominanz
2) Schwäche von Opposition
3) Klientelismus und Personalismus in Parteien
African Organisation Unity
The two dominant groups were the Casablanca Group and the Monrovia Group. The Casablanca Group was in favour of a politically united federation of African states immediately whereas the Monrovia Group wanted a looser alliance based on gradual economic cooperation.